Steps To Save CSV To Excel-New

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Steps to save CSV file into excel file that is arranged into columns.

1. First step save the csv file into a folder on computer. ( if already in computer then ignore this )
2. Second step open excel program.
( Empty worksheet)

3. Go to the data tab

4. Next choose , from text option

5. Import the required csv file( that is in your computer ) into the excel sheet

6. This screen should appear and then just hit next.

7. Choose semicolon delimiter and then hit next.

8. This should appear then hit finish

9. Choose ok

10. Data should appear as below

(Please note that the position of cursor in the excel worksheet is the start position for the imported excel file.)
{The positions can be re-arranged after saving if required}

11. This file can now be saved as required as an excel file.

Alternative method
A ) Go to first column

B) Choose the data tab Then


C) text to Columns


D) Delimiters need to be chosen tab and semicolon

And then choose finish

Choose ok


Then all data will be re-arranged as below.


Just need to add column width to some columns and you will get as below.


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