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Election Process to Fill Vacancies


Any candidates that are on the Agenda will need to be nominated by a County Commissioner. A
second is not needed.
Nominations from the floor.
o Prior to taking a vote the Chairman will ask whether there are any further nominations. There
are 3 ways to receive nominations from the floor:
May be given in writing to the Chairperson either before or during the meeting.
a. For names given in writing:
i. Chairman reads the name and asks whether there is a Commissioner
to nominate the person. No second is needed.
ii. If no Commissioner nominates then the name is not included in the
2. Nominations may be made on the floor from a Williamson County Registered Voter:
a. Nominations on the floor must be nominated by a Commissioner to be
included in the election no second is needed.
3. Commissioners may nominate a candidate on the floor without the name being submitted
by a registered voter name is automatically included in the election.
If a person who is nominated on the floor is not present, the person making the
nomination must provide a signed statement from the nominee.

Ability of Candidates to address the board after nominations close.

Chairperson, at his discretion, may ask whether it is the will of the board to permit the
nominees an opportunity to speak.

Taking the Vote.


Read the first name and ask for a show of hands to appoint.
Read the next name and ask for a show of hands to appoint.
Continue until each name is read.
If one candidate receives a majority of the votes then the candidate receives the nomination.
If there is a tie then the vote is taken again.
If there are more than 2 candidates and no candidate receives a majority of the votes then,
after the 3rd vote, any candidate not receiving at least 4 votes is dropped and a vote is taken
again until a candidate is elected.


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