August 2014

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Meeting Minutes
Chairperson Krista Sporrer called the meeting to order at 7:00 at the Manning City Park on
August 27th, 2014. 12 members were present.
Treasurer Report-After scholarships the account will be $1090. (9 scholarships at $250 each)
Kinderfest-Chicken Throw went okay-made a little money.
Scholarships-9 FFA seniors from 2014 applied and all received $250. Discussed application-Krista
will add how long have you been in FFA and if less than four years why. There was discussion
what to do if a student is only in FFA senior year, maybe pro rate for them. Applicants are not
guaranteed a scholarship.
Donations-Horizon Equipment made a $1000 donation and West Central Iowa Rural Water
Association made a $300 donation.
Hay Rack Auction-The hay rack will be at home football games with the highest bidder being
announced at halftime of the homecoming game. During the week the hay rack will sit at
locations in Manning, Irwin, and Manilla. It will be down at Greenridge September 20 th and 21st.
Bidding will be in $25 increments. Krista will get flyers up and get advertisements out this next
Back to School grill out-It was held August 28, 2014. Alumni grilled burgers and hot dogs for the
FFA members.
Fundraisers-There was some discussion on doing a spaghetti supper again this year. Last year it
was held with the Audubon game and made about $1000. Audubon game is in December this
year, which we felt is busy enough so decided after the 1 st would be better. After looking at
home games in January think either the Treynor game or Griswold game would be the best. No
decision was made at this time.
January Games-5th MV-AO, 9th Missouri Valley, 13th Treynor, 20th Riverside, 27th Griswold
February Games-3rd Underwood, 5th Tri-Center (Sweetheart dance night)
National Convention-Mr. Booth may need a driver for National Convention October 28 th
November 1st
2015 Party on the Bricks-It will be held Fathers Day Weekend June 2015. Committee asked to
help with the beer garden and food stand when Brad plays. Krista discussed making a display we
could put in one of the business on Main Street for the week. At this time, we have not
committed to anything. Krista was trying to get more details and see if the organizations that we
are helping would make a donation to the Alumni FFA.
Clothing-If anyone is interested in ordering shirts please contact Krista soon so we can get an
order together. The prices may have changed. Some hats are still available for $15. 75 th
Anniversary shirts are still available. We will be selling at football games.
Concession stand-The FFA Alumni is working the concession stand for the first football game
August 29th, if helping be there at 5:45.
Election of Officers-Members present motioned to keep officers the same except appoint Katie
Rohe as secretary. Officers are as follows:
Chairperson: Krista Sporrer Vice chairperson: Paulette Lingle Secretary: Katie Rohe Treasurer:
Becky Eishceid
Degree Night-Mr. Booth is looking at holding the FFA degree night on November 13 th. It is for
members and their families. A meal of soup and bars will be provided. He might need help with
soup in the afternoon.
District Contest-Manning has been selected to host the District FFA convention on March 7 th.
Check-in is at 8:00 with the convention being called to order at 9:00. It will last until


midafternoon. Leadership CDEs are held at this convention. The Alumni will provide a food
stand. There was discussion on what to serve. Pancakes and biscuits/gravy were discussed for
breakfast and pizza, sloppy joes, and hot dogs for dinner. Snow date is the following Saturday. Mr.
Booth may also need some people to fill in and help with contests.
Anyone with ideas for fundraisers or other projects we can do please let one of the officers know.
The meeting was adjourned. No date has been set for the next meeting.

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