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Decentralized Wind Energy Systems

Information on the Ropatec WindRotor


THE ROPATEC AG COMPANY .................................................................................................. 3


WIND POWER! WHERE AND HOW? ................................................................................... 4


THE PRODUCT ......................................................................................................... 8


WindRotor............................................................................................................. 8


Classes of Performance................................................................................................ 9


Strong or Weak Wind.................................................................................................10




Certificates of Quality ................................................................................................11


Technical Specifications ..............................................................................................12


APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................................13


Battery Charging .....................................................................................................13


Network Power Supply ...............................................................................................13


Combination Network + Battery .....................................................................................13


Hybrid Combinations .................................................................................................14


Areas of Use ..........................................................................................................14


POWER COMPONENTS................................................................................................15


Batteries ..............................................................................................................15


Inverters ..............................................................................................................16




Reference Installations ............................................. Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

Seite 2 Version 15.03.2004



One-shop solutions for decentralized energy supply, worldwide!
This principle forms the foundation of our company vision.
The Ropatec AG company was founded in order to transform the knowledge from the patent of the wind rotor
into a company concept, to produce the product at an industrial level, and to market it on a worldwide scale.
The company has its headquarters in Bolzano, Italy in the province of South Tyrol. The main focus of the
activities of Ropatec AG lies in research and product development, quality management, marketing, and sales.
Production is outsourced. This arrangement was selected intentionally in order to manufacture in the most costeffective manner possible and to be able to build up production that is independent of location.

Seite 3 Version 15.03.2004



Before the concrete design of a wind power installation, several fundamental questions should be

Average Wind Velocity

The most important factor for the design of a wind power installation is the average wind velocity. General
information on the average wind velocity can be obtained, for example, from the nearest airport and from local
weather stations. Attention must be paid, however, to the fact that conditions at the planned location may vary
from this general information.
It would therefore be ideal to measure the wind velocity at the precise planned location of installation
for several months, and specifically at the planned elevation and height. It is very often the case that the wind
velocity measured in this manner is higher than the general information which the weather service assumed.
In rural areas, the information provided by longtime residents is for the most part also useful, since
people who are occupied with agriculture generally observe the weather very precisely. According to location,
the use of a WindRotor can in fact be very worthwhile.
The wind table listed on the following pages can be used for a primary orientation.

Extreme Wind Velocities

In contrast to traditional horizontal wind power installations, the Ropatec WindRotor is absolutely suitable for
storms and delivers energy even at extreme wind velocities well over 200 km/h.
At high wind velocities, traditional systems are twisted or slowed by the wind and therefore deliver less
power or none at all.
The Ropatec WindRotor, on the other hand, is aerodynamically self-regulating; that is, as a result of its
special construction, it maintains a constant rotational speed even at high wind velocities.
The Ropatec WindRotor is therefore very well suited to locations with extreme wind velocities.

Immediate Vicinity
The nature of the concrete location, the so-called "roughness", can have a strong influence upon the

wind velocity. Buildings, trees, and large installations of any kind located in the vicinity can produce turbulence
and wind breaks and thus change the wind velocity both negatively and positively.
Traditional horizontal systems are not suitable with such wind conditions, while the WindRotor, on the
other hand, delivers very good results even with turbulence.
In general, however, a high location, such as a hilltop or a tall mast, is an advantage.

Elevation of the Location

At sea level, the density of the air is greater than at higher locations, and thus the same wind velocity will
contain more energy at sea level. This information is therefore important for the possible energy yield at the

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Average Electricity Usage

The selection of the dimensions of the installation depends upon the type of use, the average electricity usage,
and the peak usage. If additional electrical equipment and appliances are to be connected in the near future, this
ought to have an influence upon the design.

Stand-Alone and/or Network Power Supply

It must be established whether the installation is to run in stand-alone operation or whether there is the
possibility for a network power supply. Since there are different possibilities for using the Ropatec WindRotor
(battery charging, network power supply, water heating, and so on, as well as combinations thereof), all
possibilities of use should be thought through and examined.

Legal Basis

The installation of a Ropatec WindRotor will require different legal authorizations, depending upon the relative
national and local authorities. The legal requirements for the planned location should be known before
beginning the concrete design. With a planned network power supply with the energy that is not needed within
the installation, the technical and legal conditions, as well as the compensation for the energy supplied, should
be discussed with the local network operator.
Special attention must be paid to the construction regulations with regard to the erecting of a mast.
Aside from all of the legal regulations, the erecting of an installation of this type in densely inhabited areas
should be agreed upon whenever possible with the immediate neighbors.

Energy Management

One point which is not to be neglected for the economical use of a Ropatec WindRotor, especially within standalone operation, is the carefully thought-through energy management of the user. Through the use of
electricity-saving devices and lighting fixtures, such as modern household appliances and energy-saving lights,
the average electricity usage can be substantially reduced. The necessary peak usage can be reduced through a
division in the usage period of machines and household appliances with a large energy requirement (such as
washing machines, compressors, electrical heating, etc.)
These simple measures have a great influence upon the selection of the dimensions of the installation
and the necessary storage systems, and therefore naturally also upon the cost.

Available Systems

If systems for an autonomous energy supply are already available, the possibility of a combination of these
existing systems should be examined. By means of the innovative MultiSourcePower-Controller (a CPU
controlled inverter with "Multi Point Power Tracking" technology and an integrated charge regulator), the
Ropatec WindRotor can be operated together with photovoltaic systems and/or with diesel generators.

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Aside from the direct costs of the wind turbine, the following costs must also be included when planning the
total costs of an installation: legal authorizations, transportation, the foundation, the mast, the electrical
installation, batteries and any other necessary devices, and additional technical equipment and services.


The answers to the following questions ought to clarify whether and in which power class the erection of a
decentralized wind power installation is sensible.
Average Wind Velocity:
Is the average wind velocity at the planned location sufficient to cover the energy needs with the energy
Extreme Wind Velocities:
What are the peak wind velocities that are to be expected?
Elevation and Immediate Vicinity
Where exactly is the planned location situated?
Electricity Usage:
How high are the current and the future planned daily usage and peak usage?
Electrical Network:
Is there currently a network connection, or will one be established in the near future?
Legal Basis:
What legal regulations are there for the erection of a decentralized wind power installation and the network
power supply of surplus unused energy?
Energy Management:
Can the energy usage be reduced by means of conscious energy management?
What is the budget that is available for the erection of a wind power installation?
Will the installation of a wind power installation be financially supported by public funds?

Seite 6 Version 15.03.2004


Wind Table





Effects Observed on the Sea

Sea is like a mirror



Light air

Ripples with appearance of scales; no foam crests



Light breeze

Small wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, not


Flags flutter



Gentle breeze

Large wavelets; crests begin to break; scattered


Leaves and twigs move, small

flags extended



Moderate breeze

Small waves, becoming longer; numerous whitecaps

Dust and loose paper picked

up, small branches move



Fresh breeze

Moderate waves, taking longer form; many

whitecaps; some spray

Small trees sway, whitecaps

on lakes



Strong breeze

Larger waves forming; whitecaps everywhere; more


Large branches sway



Near gale

Sea heaps up; white foam from breaking waves

begins to be blown in streaks

Whole trees sway




Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of

crests begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in
well-marked streaks

Branches are torn off



Strong gale

High waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam;

spray may begin to reduce visibility

Minor damage to buildings





Very high waves with overhanging crests; sea takes

white appearance as foam is blown in very dense
streaks; rolling is heavy and visibility is reduced .

Trees uprooted




Violent storm

Exceptionally high waves; sea covered with white

foam patches; visibility further reduced

Heavy damage


32.7 and



Air filled with foam; sea completely white with

driving spray; visibility greatly reduced

Heaviest damage

Seite 7 Version 15.03.2004

Effects Observed on Land

Smoke rises vertically
Wind is shown by the
direction of smoke



Ropatec AG currently offers the following product lines:

The Ropatec WindRotor with integrated charge regulator (MultiSourcePower-Controller)

The mechanical water pumping system, Ropatec WindWater.

This handbook deals exclusively with the WindRotor.

(For information on the WindWater, please contact

Ropatec AG.)


The Ropatec WindRotor is a vertically driven wind rotor which demonstrates special product characteristics as a
result of its unique construction. The system could be described as a hybrid solution, building upon the Savonius
and Darrieus principles.

Innovative as a result of the following properties:

Independent of the wind direction

Low maintenance
High longevity
Independent operation at wind velocities of 2-3 m/s.
Nominal output at wind velocities of 14 m/s and higher
Nearly silent, even at high wind velocities
Self-regulated rotational velocity
Does not require any mechanical/electronic adjustment (pitch regulation)
Does not require any cut-out mechanism
Does not create an electromagnetic field outside of the turbine
Modular construction ensures easy transport and simple installation
Problem-free operation as a hybrid system

Seite 8 Version 15.03.2004

Air current from the WindRotor



Classes of Performance

Nominal output of the shaft at 14 m/s
750 W

Nominal output of the shaft at 14 m/s
1500 W

Nominal output of the shaft at 14 m/s
3000 W

Nominal output of the shaft at 14 m/s
6000 W

The output figures refer to the nominal output of the shaft. Because of the loss of power through the generator,
wiring, and charge regulator, the effective output is lower depending upon the concrete application.
What should be of interest, however, is not the nominal output of the shaft but rather the daily or
yearly energy production. This amount is given in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and is calculated from the output curve
and the expected average wind velocity (see the section on the Weibull Calculation).

Seite 9 Version 15.03.2004



Strong or Weak Wind

Because of its product properties, the WindRotor is suitable for use in areas with both strong winds and weak
winds. Even with an average wind of 7 m/s, the equipment (such as the WRE.030) delivers an output potential
that is of interest: with this expected average wind, the installation (hub height of 12 m. / 39 ft.) at 250 m. (820
ft.) above sea level produces an electrical output of approximately 4,000 kWh according to the Weibull
Calculation. This output would be sufficient to supply an average European home (3,500 kWh/year according to
IG Windkraft of Austria).
If a wind power installation is installed in areas with frequent storms or very high wind velocities, then
the Ropatec WindRotor is clearly the ideal alternative. WindRotors can withstand the highest loads without
having to be taken out of operation. Because of the aerodynamic auto-adjustment of the rotational velocity, the
WindRotor permanently supplies the full nominal output, even with such conditions.


The WindRotor consists of the following components: turbine, generator, shaft, and charge regulator (all
components refer to the WRE series). The generator is located in the core of the turbine. The installation finishes
at the assembly plate or assembly cone. The plate can be mounted on a mast or on similar constructions.
Because of the permanently produced generation, the build-up of an electromagnetic field is prevented
and therefore no disruptions are created for cellular telephone transmission. The WindRotor can therefore also
be mounted directly on GSM or UMTS masts.
The system is delivered in separate assemblies. These consist of:
2 blades (1)
2 consoles (2)
1 internal tube and generator (3)
2 housings for the core (4)
1 MultiSourcePower-Controller
1 mast (optional)
1 set of batteries (optional)

In addition, every installation is delivered with a technical handbook, assembly instructions, and a guarantee

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Certificates of Quality

The WindRotors from Ropatec AG are reliable suppliers of energy. The quality of the products guarantees a
lengthy period of use. In our analyses, we reckon on an investment period of fifteen years. The selection of the
materials used and the construction method make it possible for us fulfill these requirements.
All WindRotors are produced in accordance with CE regulations. The systems are currently being
certified for quality testing according to the UL/CSA standard (North America). Furthermore, we are planning to
have the measurement of the performance curve and the noise level carried out by an independent and
recognized institute.
The MultiSourcePower-Controller has been inspected and certified according to all common
international standards.

Seite 11 Version 15.03.2004



Technical Specifications






Hub height

3 -- 12 m.

3 -- 12 m.

3 -- 12 m.

3 -- 12 m.

Nominal output





Rotor weight

140 kg.

180 Kg

300 kg.

500 kg.

Starting velocity

3 m/s*

3 m/s*

2 m/s*

2 m/s*

Nominal velocity

14 m/s *

14 m/s *

14 m/s *

14 m/s *

Cut-out velocity





Rotor diameter

1.5 m.

1.5 m.

3.3 m.

3.3 m.

Rotor area

2,25 m (1.5 m. x 1,5 m.)

2 x 2,25 m (1.5 m. x 1,5 m.)

7.26 m (3.3 m. x 2.2 m.)

14.52 m (3.3 m. x4.4 m.)

Rotor rotational velocity

300-350 rpm at 14 m/s*

300-350 rpm at 14 m/s*

90/100 rpm at 14 m/s*

90/100 rpm at 14 m/s*

Aerodynamic auto-adjusting

Aerodynamic auto-adjusting

Aerodynamic auto-adjusting

Permanent production -multipole

Permanent production -multipole

Inverter with integrated charge
Charge regulator 48 DC
Inverter 230V AC-50/60 Hz

Permanent production -multipole

Inverter with integrated charge
Charge regulator 48 DC
Inverter 230V AC-50/60 Hz

Rotational velocity control

Generator design
Power output

Aerodynamic autoadjusting
Permanent production
-- multipole
Charge regulator

Charge regulator

Charge regulator 24V C

Charge regulator 24V DC

Gearing type






Not necessary

Not necessary

Not necessary

Not necessary

Secondary brakes

Short circuit brake for

safety at installation

Short circuit brake for safety

at installation

Short circuit brake for safety at


Short circuit brake for safety at



charge regulator

charge regulator

Multi-source power converter

Multi-source power converter

Output voltage

* Figures refer to installations at sea level with constant temperature and air pressure.

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Battery Charging

The WindRotors are designed for battery charging and network power supply.
According to the application purpose, the customer can determine whether he or she wants to make use of the
constant direct current of the batteries (24V with the WRE.007 and WRE.015, or 48VDC with the WRE.030 and
WRE.060) or to obtain the energy through an integrated inverter (up to 2500 VA and 4500 VA, respectively)
which will convert the direct current to alternating current at 230 V/50-60 Hz (or 2 x 115V/50Hz for North
For the stand-alone supply, the specifications of the batteries and the inverter must be adapted to the daily total
energy requirements and for the peak requirements. There are physical and economic limits to the selection of
the batteries. With the WindRotors (WRE.060 - 6000 W), batteries up to a capacity of 4,500 Ah can be charged.
Since the investment sums for the batteries represent a considerable portion of the total sum, batteries larger
than this would not prove to be a profitable investment.

Network Power Supply

For the network power supply, the MultiSourcePower-Controller (multi-source power controller) is connected to
the public electrical network and the electricity produced is fed into the network. The innovative
MultiSourcePower-Controller can consequently be used as both a stand-alone and grid connection.
With this solution, all applications can be controlled by means of a control unit. Costs can thus be substantially
reduced (the other products known to us are delivered for the most part with separate units for the charge
regulator and the inverter).

Combination Network + Battery

The innovative MultiSourcePower-Controller charge regulator controls the energy transformation and the usage,
charges batteries, and at the same time feeds the energy not required by the user into the public electricity
network by means of a clean sine curve as required by regulations in force.

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Hybrid Combinations

The innovative MultiSourcePower-Controller electronic control makes it possible to combine a Ropatec

WindRotor installation with other energy sources. This would typically be, for example, a photovoltaic system
and/or a backup system (diesel generator). The entire combined system is controlled without any problems by the
MultiSourcePower-Controller. Through this, a high degree of operation security and reliable availability of
electrical energy is achieved. It is no problem to later extend the WindRotor into a hybrid total solution, or to
integrate existing systems.

Areas of Use

In general, the WindRotor can sensibly be used in any area with sufficient wind, either as a stand-alone system to
supply individual households and works with electricity and heat, or for the operation of freestanding technical
installations. If a network connection is available, the energy can be fed in, thereby contributing to a reduction
in electricity costs. In order to maximize the security of the energy supply, the WindRotor can sensibly be
supplemented by a photovoltaic system or a diesel generator in a quick and uncomplicated fashion. Through the
combination of several WindRotors with other renewable energy sources and a backup system, local electrical
networks can be created for the energy supply of small settlements and remote locations.
Urban Areas
Because of the extremely low noise level (the wind is always louder than the turbine) and the simple network
power supply, the WindRotor can be used without problems in urban areas because of the MultiSourcePowerController. For that reason, our long term strategy includes higher output classes in order to fulfill the energy
requirements of the user.
Lower Mountain Areas
It is possible to make use of the WindRotor in lower mountain areas in which -- because of various reasons, the
most prominent of which are the visual appearance and the noise production -- the use of large installations is
not justified. Hilltops and mountain ridges are especially suitable locations.
Alpine Areas
Because of the enormous operational security and resistance even to extreme wind velocities, the WindRotor is
extremely suitable for use in high alpine areas, for example, for the decentralized power supply for alpine refuges
and lodges and for communications equipment.
Coastal Areas
Ideal for the power supply of remote coastal locations, lighthouses, buoys, for the operation of small-scale water
treatment plants, pumps, and so forth.

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If no electrical network is available, then the energy produced by the wind power installation must be stored in
batteries if a reliable power supply is desired. The batteries may be obtained through Ropatec AG but can also be
procured on the local market. We recommend normal stationery lead batteries with elements for every 2V.
After the calculation of the expected daily or yearly energy production (see WindCalc on the Ropatec AG
homepage at, the daily energy requirement must be determined (important: the daily average
energy requirement must be less than the expected daily energy production).
Example: average wind of 7 m/s, mounting height of 12 m. (39 ft.) at an elevation of 200 m. (656 ft.), the
WRE.030 (3 kW) installation produces about 10 kWh/day.

Step 1)
Because of the daily output required, the daily energy requirement amounts to an average of 7 kWh (washing
machine, lighting, etc.)

Step 2)
In order to maximize the life of the batteries, we recommend discharging them only to 60%. Consequently, the
batteries must have a daily capacity of 7 kWh/0.60 = 11.6 kWh. Because the performance of the batteries is
reduced over time, we calculate with an efficiency coefficient of 85%. The result is: 11.6kWh/0.85 = 13.65 kWh

Step 3)
The customer must establish the battery time frame for the energy usage. If it regularly occurs that there is little
or no wind for 2 days, then the battery time frame should be established at 2 days. It is important to note that a
compromise must be reached between the dimensions of the batteries and the battery time frame, since the cost
of too generous of a battery time frame does not justify the expenditure.
With our example, we calculate as follows: 1 x daily requirement plus 2 x battery time frame requirement yields
3 x 13.65 kWh = 41 kWh
Step 4)
In order to cover the energy requirement, we need batteries with a capacity of 41 kW = 41,000 W = 41,000 VA
(W=VA). Dividing this figure by the nominal voltage of the batteries (in our case, 48V) yields the following:
41,000 W/48 V = 850 Ah. A battery with a capacity of 850 Ah with 24 x 2V elements is sufficient to fulfill the

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The Ropatec inverters are electronic components that make it possible to transform the 48V or 110V direct
current of the batteries into 115V or 230V alternating current. For our Windrotor, we use a microprocessorcontrolled inverter with a high level of efficiency and a low stand-by consumption (0.5-1.0 Wh).
The output rating of the inverters, for example, the MSP-CONTROLLER with 2500 VA/peak 6,000 VA, is read as
follows: the 2500 VA (= 2500 W) is the constant power input that the inverter handles. For short bursts, the
inverter also manages up to 6,000 VA. In our example, with a daily energy requirement of 7 kWh, it must be
defined in advance in what chronological sequence the power is required.
If the consumption is distributed equally over the entire day, then an inverter with 2500 VA of constant output is
sufficient (7 kWh/day = 7,000 Wh = 7,000 VAh/2,500 VA = 2.8 h). That is, that the energy consumption can be
required within 2.8 hours. If the user requires this energy in a short period of time or if the current energy
requirement is higher (simultaneous use of washing mashing, dishwasher, and television), then the output
capacity of 2,500 VA could be exceeded. An inverter with a higher output would have to be installed.
MultiSourcePower-Controller -- Functional Diagram

Seite 16 Version 15.03.2004




In most wind power installations, the generators are connected to the system by means of gears. In the
generator itself, the energy produced is transferred from the moving part (rotor) to the stationary part (stator)
with carbon brushes, and only then is it conducted.
This method of construction is unfortunately associated with a great deal of wear and tear and regular
expenditures for maintenance.
Ropatec uses a gear-free, permanent producing, low-rev generator which is located in the central tube of the
WindRotor as an external rotor type construction and is directly driven.
Since there were no suitable standard products on the market, this generator was specially developed
for Ropatec.
The advantages of this permanent producing generator are:

External rotors do not require any slip rings

Weather resistance
Low maintenance

Technical Specifications (Generator of the WRE.007 and WRE.015)

Nominal output

0.75 kw / 1,5 Kw
300-350 rpm

Technical Specifications (Generator of the WRE.030)

Nominal output

3 kw
90-100 rpm

Technical Specifications (Generator of the WRE.060)

Nominal output

6 kw
90-100 rpm

The information in this document is not guaranteed. Subject to change without notice. The provision of this information to third parties
and/or its reproduction requires the expressed written consent of Ropatec AG.
ROPATEC AG -- 2003

Seite 17 Version 15.03.2004

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