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7 Things Students Want To Know

1. What are the rules in this room?

Students will also have an opportunity to participate in the rule making
process while being guided by the teacher. Rules & Procedures will be
practiced and referred to and not posted and forgotten. Rules and procedures
will be clearly posted in an area where they can be seen at all times. This way
students will feel ownership and responsibility towards the final Classroom
2. What will I be doing this year?
The teacher will also post a daily agenda on the board with student
expectations. A weekly newsletter will also reinforce objectives and
The teacher will send a letter home stating the scope & sequence for the
grade level so both students and parents will be aware of what is expected
throughout the school year.
3. How will I be graded?
Grading will include classwork, active participation, in-class assignments,
center activities, independent reading, writing assignments, notebooks,
journals, content areas, and homework. These expectations will also be a part
of the letter home that contains the scope & sequence.
4. Am I in the right classroom?
The teacher can create a bulletin board dedicated to the students.
Personalize it with their names and birthdays leaving a space where their
pictures could be added later.
The teacher should also greet students and parents at the door and verify
registration cards for each student.
5. Where am I supposed to sit?
Assigned seating arrangements personalized with their name so there is no

6. Who is the teacher as a person?

A natural relationship will form between teacher and student as time
progresses. The student will have a teacher that is sensitive, enthusiastic,
dedicated and creative. Someone who is able to recognize and inspire all
students to fulfill their potential.
7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?
With patience and understanding I will establish trust and communication
with students and parents. Through my behavior and my words I will make it
evident that I value each little life as if it were my own.

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