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Bethany Leija
By: Alejandra Hernandez

Educational Philosophy
Why do I want to teach?
I want to teach because I was inspired by a great
teacher in Kindergarten. The way I was taught
has stayed with me for all these years. I still
remember what it was like to be in Ms. Bowen's
Kindergarten class. I was nervous and scared,
but since I had gone to Pre-k I was use to going to
school. By the end of the school year I did not
want to leave. If ( I had this feeling) I could feel
this way at such a young age and remember that
feeling, why can't all children have that same
feeling about school. I want to share a wonderful
experience that will last a lifetime.

Whom am I going to

always thought I wanted (to teach)

Kindergarten or First Grade. This was the time in
my life that I was influenced. Then fate stepped
in and had a way of changing the course of my
actions. I was transferred to a school named L.P.
Waters. It is a Pre-K / Head Start program ( and
this was were I was influenced). I have (always)
imagined my classroom in several different ways,
but after this year I can only imagine my room as
a class full of Pre-K students. I also enjoyed
working in an area of (with) students with (of)
varying social and economic statuses. Some
children need the extra exposure to the world
around them in order to learn, and some just
need an extra push.

How am I going to teach?


am going to teach in a variety of

styles because all people learn
different. So as a teacher I need to
provide for all my students. I need to
provide lessons that help the visual
and auditory learners. I need to have
projects for the children that learn by
being "hands-on". I also need to teach
in a way that every individual child
feels that they are my favorite.

Where am I going to

allowed, I would love to stay

where I am currently working. I
am a life-long resident of the
community and I feel right doing
what I am doing. If for some
reason I have to move, I will not
complain. I just feel very lucky,
and blessed to have figure out
where I want to be. I feel this is
where I need to be.

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