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A \ VICKID. ET] RECO ER 42003 ATEADAVET YOR NBOHANTC'S LIBBG pee 2/76, og MONTGOMERY CG. Oitic STATE OF OHIO } ss: RECORDED OHtigy COUNTY 07 MONTGOMERY ) R. FRANK PITSENBARGER, beirg first duly sworn says that he is the owner/sole proprietor of R. FRANK PITSENBARGER, dba SNCS, whose address is 37-B Highpoint Drive, Miamisburg, Ohio 45242, which furnished certain material and performed certain labor or work in furtherance of improverents located or removed to the land hereinafter described, pursuant to a certain Contract with MARGARET L, BERNARD, whose address is 423 E. Fifth Street. Dayton, OH 45402. The first’ and last day which labor, work and materials were performed or delivered, were May 1, 1993 and October 22, 1993, respectively, and there is justly and truly due R. FRANK PITSENBARGER dba SMCS from the owner, part owner, lessee, “7 iginal contractor, sub-contractor, or other person, as the cas. may be, over and above all legal set-offs, the sum of $11,548.37 for which amount the said R. FRANK PITSENBARGER dba SMCS claims a lien upon said land of which MARGARET L, BERNARD is or was the owner which premises are described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by referenc> herein. R. FRANK PITSENBARGER dba SHC. Sworn to and subscribed before me by said R. FRANK PITSENBARGER on this day of December, 1993. BECKY J. EWALD, Notary Publ; "ARE! In and for the Ge" of Oh'o THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED Bs ‘My Commission Exes May 28, R, Todd smith Attorney at Law FLANAGAN, LIEBERMAN, HOFFMAN & SHAIM 318 W. Fourth street Dayton, OH 45402 (513) 223-5200 MORT 93-5533 coz. caennesey Situated in the City of Dayton, County of Montgomery and State of Ohio and being all that part and parcel of Lot Numbered ONE ‘THOUSAND THREZ AUNDRED SEVENTY THREE (1373) of the consecutive Numbers of lots on the revised plat of the said city of Dayton, Ohio, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said lot; running thence west with the south line of said lot fronting on Fifth Street, 70 feet to a point in said liner thence northwardly and parallel with the east line of said lot, 110 feet to the rear and the north line of said lot, being on an alley, thence with said line east 20 feat to the northeast corner of seid lot; thence southwardly with the east line of said lot, 110 feet to tha place of beginning containing 220 square feet and being the same premises conveyed to Charles L. Raschke, Sr. by Louise Xniatart a6 Administrator of John Enietart, deceased by deed dated March 4, 1874, and recorded in Deed Book *Y*, Page 4, Fage 331 of the Montgomery County Deed Records, Being the same prenises conveyed to Grantor herein by deed recorded Microfiche No. 78- 30003 of the Deed Records of Montgomery County, Ohio. ‘Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservafipna,, easaments of record and to all legal highways. él if * om MORT 93-5533 C03

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