Assumption Checklist 2015

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C&T 4001 Summer B 2015

Assumptions about students and learning

When students complete their homework and
submit them on time, it is easy to assume that ...
If a student does poorly on a test three times in a
row, it is easy to assume that
If a student who has the label of mental
retardation enters a mathematics classroom, it
is easy to assume that
If a student cannot keep pace with the
instruction in a classroom, one may assume
If a student displays confidence in speaking and
writing, it is commonly assumed that .
When a student has significant or multiple
disabilities we may assume that (s)he will
If a student cannot meet grade level
expectations, it is commonly assumed that
If a student has difficulty with language
expression, it assumed that
If a student does not participate in discussions
nor does his/her homework, (s)he may be
described as
If a student does not make eye-contact when
you are talking to him/her, we may assume that

When a parent does not returns forms or

repeatedly does not show up for a parentteacher conference, it is commonly assumed
When a parent has a disconnected phone
number, it is commonly assumed that .
When a student has a disorganized backpack,
we may assume that

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