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ESDEP Lecture 10


Composite Construction General; excluding sections: 3.3, 3.5 and 5


The Behaviour of Beams; excluding section 4


Single Span Beams

10.5.1 Design for Serviceability I; excluding section 3

10.6.1 Shear Connection I
10.6.2 Shear Connection II

Composite Slabs

10.8.1 Columns I
10.8.2 Columns II; excluding section 8

10.1 Composite Construction General

Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures:
EN 1994-1-1: Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildings







Composite construction, particularly that using profiled steel sheeting, allows
rapid construction.
The weight of steelwork required in composite construction is significantly less
than if the materials were used independently.
There is no need for expensive formwork because the steel beam is able to sustain
the self weight of steel and concrete. Timber formwork can be replaced by precast
concrete elements or profiled steel sheeting.
The aforementioned advantages present a very strong argument for the use of
composite beams in buildings. They are more significant, however, for medium to
long spans than for short spans.
The main disadvantage of composite construction is the need to provide
connectors at the steel-concrete interface.
Another minor drawback is that it is somewhat more complicated than other
methods to design and construct.


10.2 The Behaviour of Beams



Dead load on composite beam

Dead load on steel beam



Composite beams, subject to sagging moments, fail by yielding of the steel
section, crushing of the concrete slab or shear of the connectors.
Unpropped composite beams need the steel section to be strong and stiff enough
to carry the weight of wet concrete.
Partially connected composite beams may be used to ensure economy of shear

10.3 Single Span Beams





Beam spacing

Eurocode 4
beff = L/4



Resistance of concrete flange :

Rc = beff hc 0.85 fck /c

Resistance of steel flange :

Rf = b tf fy /a

Resistance of shear connection :

Rq = N Q

Resistance of steel beam :

Rs = A fy / a

Resistance of clear web depth :

Rv = d tw fy / a

Resistance of overall web depth :

Rw = Rs - 2 Rf



Rconcrete > Rsteel beam

x = (Afy /a) / (beff kfck /c) = (Rs/Rc ).hc

Mpl.Rd = Rc.z = Rc (h/2 + hp + hc - Rs.hc/2Rc)

Rsteel beam > Rconcrete > Rweb

Mpl.Rd = Rs.h/2 + Rc (hc/2 + hp) - (Rs - Rc) / 4Rf



Rs > Rc < Rweb

Mpl.Rd = Rc.(h + 2 hp + hc)/2 + Mpl.a.Rd - (Rc2/Rv)(d/4)

d = clear height of web between fillets

Rv = dtwfy

Mpl,V-red.Rd = {1 - (1 - do/d).A/(2A - Av)}.Mpl.Rd

Av = shear area of steel section = 1.04htw



Plastic analysis of the cross-section is used to determine the positive bending
moment resistance of composite beams.
Eurocode 4 gives simple formulae for the effective width of concrete slab acting
compositely with the steel; this "concrete flange" must be detailed to avoid
longitudinal shear and splitting.
Design of composite beams involves ensuring that the forces and moments due to
factored loads are less than the corresponding design resistance.
Various expressions for the design of the positive moment of resistance can be
derived; these depend on the position of the neutral axis.
Eurocode 4 gives simplified rules governing the design of the shear resistance of
simply supported composite beams, with full shear connection.
Where high shear and moment are coincident part of the steel web is reserved to
carry shear, resulting in a decrease in moment resistance.



10.5.1 Design for Serviceability - I

n = Es/Ec




NAsteel beam

I = Ia + (Ac/n) . (hc2/12) + (Ac/n) . ac2 + As . (ac + as)2

fsteel = Mz/I

fconcrete = Mz/nI





Owing to a variety of factors, the deflections of composite elements deviate from

the values which would be predicted by a simple elastic model.
These factors include:
the continuous variation in member stiffness arising from cracking and from
variations in the areas of reinforcing steel.
the effects of tension stiffening in the cracked regions of reinforced concrete.
the variation with time of Young's Modulus for concrete.
shrinkage and creep of the concrete.
yielding of the steel member, as may happen at supports in continuous beams.
slip at the steel-concrete interface.
shear lag.
The time-dependence of certain of these factors means that the actual sequence of
loading will have a bearing on the final deflections, and may invalidate simple
calculation procedures based on the superposition of effects. Additionally, material
properties (Young's Modulus, creep factor, etc.) which are used in analysis will
depend on factors such as the actual concrete mix used, and on temperature and
humidity levels during the early life of the structure.



The serviceability limit state must be checked when designing simply supported
and continuous composite beams.
The main points to consider are:
The main design criteria are, deflection, control of crack width and limitation of
For elastic calculations in positive moment regions, an uncracked section, with or
without reinforcement, can be assumed.
In negative moment regions, cracked sections must be assumed.
The influence of shrinkage, creep and temperature must be included.

10.6.1 Shear Connection - I



Increased connector force near

plastic hinge at beam center





The design shear resistance of a stud is given by the smaller of:

stud shear resistance:
PRd = 0.8 fu (d2/4) / v
where the shear resistance of the connector is related to the tensile strength of the steel fu,
using a factor of 0.8
concrete resistance:
PRd = 0.29 d2 (fckEcm)1/2 / v
where d is the diameter of the shank of the stud,
fu is the specified ultimate tensile strength of the stud material ( 500N/mm2),
fck is the characteristic cylinder strength of concrete,
Ecm is the mean value of the secant modulus of concrete,
= 0.2 [(h/d) + 1] if 3 h/d 4 where h is the overall height of the stud and for
h/d > 4 = 1.0.
The partial safety factor v is normally taken as 1.25.

including strain hardening




Reduction in shear resistance of studs

Ribs transverse to beam

kt = 0.7(bo/hp)(h/hp-1) / Nr1/2
kt 1.0 for Nr = 1 and kt 0.8 for Nr = 2

Ribs parallel to beam

kt = 0.6(bo/hp)(h/hp-1) 1.0



The shear connectors between the slab and steel section in a composite beam are
required to resist shear, bending and tensile forces.
The stiffness, resistance and amount of confining concrete around each connector
affects the performance of the connection.
Welded shear studs are the most common form of connector.
Connector resistances may be determined using empirical formulae or "push-out"
The design resistance of a connector is normally assumed to be 0.8 times the
ultimate resistance.
Studs may normally be uniformly spaced along the beam.
Slabs formed with profiled steel sheeting may be used with composite beams as
long as the concrete in the troughs is ignored when calculating section properties.

10.6.2 Shear Connection - II



"critical cross-section" is the cross-section of maximum bending moment.

"critical length" is the length between two adjacent critical cross-sections: AB and BC
The longitudinal shear force Vlf is equal to the lesser plastic axial resistance of either the
steel member or the concrete slab in the critical cross-section concerned

Vlf = lesser value of (Aa fy/a or 0.85Ac fck/c)

The required number of connectors to obtain full shear connection for the critical length is
Nf = Vlf / PRd
If the number N of shear connectors within the critical length is less than Nf: N < Nf
then the critical length is in partial shear connection and its degree of connection is
defined by the ratio N/Nf.

Fu(r) = NPRd = V

Obtain location of plastic neutral axis from equilibrium, i.e. Fcompression = Ftension



The position of neutral axis ya and the ultimate moment Mu(r) are:
For ya t1 (neutral axis in top steel flange)
ya = [As(fy/a) Fu(r)] / [2b1(fy/a)]
Mu(r) = Fu(r)(hc + da- yc/2) + 2b1ya(fy/a)(da - ya/2)
For t1 ya da (neutral axis in steel web)
ya = {(Aa + 2t1tw - 2b1t1)(fy/a) - Fu(r)} / [2tw(fy/a)]
Mu(r) = Fu(r)(hc+ da- yc/2) + 2b1t1(fy/a)(da- t1/2) + tw(ya- t1)(fy/a)(2da- ya- t1)

Mu(r) = Muapl + (N/Nf)(Mu - Muapl)



For steel sections with equal flanges:

(N/Nf)B = 0.4 where L 5 m
(N/Nf)B = 0.25 + 0.03L 1

where L > 5 m

For steel sections having a bottom flange with an area not exceeding 3 times the area
of the upper flange:
(N/Nf)B = 0.4 + 0.03L 1
In the case of slabs cast on profiled steel sheeting it is reasonable to consider an
increase in the ductility of the connectors and, therefore:
0.4 (N/Nf)B = 0.04L 1
for steel sections with equal or unequal flanges.



Influence of partial connections on beam deflections

For propped beams:
= f + 0.5 (1 - N/Nf) (a - f)
For unpropped beams:
= f + 0.3 (1 - N/Nf) (a - f)

Partial shear connection is an important option for the economic use of composite
beams in buildings.
When non-ductile shear connectors are used, the simplest design method uses
elastic beam theory to calculate the longitudinal shear force per unit length.
When ductile shear connectors are used, the design method is based on plastic
resistance of cross-sections using the stress block method.
Attention is drawn to the requirement for a minimum degree of connection
depending on the beam span.



10.7 Composite Slabs

provides a working platform for construction

acts as formwork for the concrete slab
constitutes bottom reinforcement for the slab

Steel grade 280 : fyb = 280 N/mm2

Steel grade 350 : fyb = 350 N/mm2



Bond by friction:
(a) and (b).

Embossments: (c).

End anchorages:
(d), (e) and (f)

For the situation where the profiled sheeting acts as formwork, the following
loads should be considered:
self-weight of the profiled sheeting
weight of the wet concrete
construction loads
temporary storage load
The construction loads represent the weight of the operatives, any loads due to
placing the concrete, and also take into account any impact or vibration likely to
occur during execution.
Eurocode 4: use 1.5kN/m2 distributed on an area 3m x 3m and 0.75kN/m2 on the
remaining formwork surface.
For the situation where the steel and the concrete act compositely, the loads acting
on the slab should comply with Eurocode 1:
self-weight of the slab (profiled sheeting and concrete)
weight of floor finishes
imposed loads



a) Analysis for the ultimate limit states

In most cases analysis of composite
slabs, continuous over several spans, is
performed according to the elastic
method, for a slab of unit width (1m),
comparable to a beam of constant inertia.
The assumed inertia is that of the
uncracked section.

It is possible to take concrete cracking into

account in several ways:
Arbitrarily reduce the moment at the
supports and increase the span moments
Neglect reinforcement over the supports
and consider the slab as a series of simply
supported beams
Consider that the slab is a beam with
variable inertia, depending on the
reinforcement. The assumed inertia is that of
the cracked section.

Critical sections which to be verified:

Section I :
ultimate moment of resistance failure for positive bending.
Section II :
ultimate moment of resistance failure for negative bending.
Section III-IV : ultimate resistance to vertical shear failure.
Section V :
ultimate resistance to longitudinal shear failure.




The ultimate moment of resistance of a section, Mpc, may be determined by assuming

a plastic distribution of stresses. The position of the plastic neutral axis is
x = [Aap.fyap/ap] / [b.0.85fck/c]
The neutral axis is in the concrete zone if
Aapfyap/ap 0.85bfck/c
Mp,Rd = Aap.fyap[ds - x/2]/ap


Neglecting the concrete in the troughs

Mp,Rd = Ncz + Mpa,r
z = ht - hc/2 - ep + (ep - e)Nc/[Aap.fyap/ap]
Nc = hc0.85fck/c
Mpa,r = 1.25Mpa [1 - Nc/(Aap.fyap/ap)] Mpa



Nc = bcx 0.85fck/c = As.fys/s= Nt

x = [As.fys/s][bc0.85fck/c]
z = ds - x/2
Mp,Rd = As.fysz / s

Shear and Punching shear

Vv,Rd = bods c


c = Rd k1 k2
k1 = 1.6 - ds 1.0 (ds in m)
k2 = 1.2 + 40 o
o = As/bo ds < 0.02
As is the area of reinforcement in tension.
In positive bending regions, As is to be
replaced by Aap.
Rd basic shear strength: 0.30N/mm2

The punching shear resistance of a composite slab at a concentrated load is

Vp,Rd = Cp hc c





V,Rd = bds[(mAsp/bs) + k] / vs
ds or dp = distance from outermost concrete fiber to N.A. of steel
s the shear span
vs partial safety factor for longitudinal shear only



b) Analysis for the serviceability limit states

An analysis of the composite slab, for calculating deflection, may be made with
the following assumptions:
The slab is comparable to a continuous beam of constant inertia, equal in value to
the average inertia of the cracked and uncracked section.
Long-term loading effects on the concrete are taken into account using a variation
in the modular ratio Ea/Ec. For simplification, Eurocode 4 recommends an
average value of Ea/Ec for both long and short term effects.

The deflection of a composite slab is calculated using elastic theory.

a) Cracked section
Ivc = [bx3/3n] + Aap(ds - x)2 + Iap
where x is the position of the elastic neutral axis:
x = [nAap/b]{[1 + (2bds/nAap)] - 1}
Iap is the unreduced second moment of area of the sheet
b) Uncracked section
The second moment of area Ibu of the uncracked section can be obtained from:
Ibu =
bc is the total average rib width over a slab width of 1 m.
xu is the position of the elastic neutral axis:
xu =



The design of a composite slab must consider the performance of the profiled
steel sheeting, when it acts as shuttering for the wet concrete during execution,
as well as the composite performance of the steel and hardened concrete under
the imposed floor loading.
In the execution stage, the profiled steel sheeting acts as a thin-walled member.
Its design must take into account the possibility of local buckling.
The design of the composite slab must consider the resistance to positive and
negative moments and also to vertical and longitudinal shear.
The resistance to longitudinal shear at the steel/concrete interface is largely
derived from embossments in the steel sheet or from connectors placed at the
ends of the spans. Empirical methods are used to ensure adequate shear

10.8.1 Columns I



The plastic resistance of the cross-section of a composite column is given by the

sum of its component resistances:
Npl.Rd = Aa fyd + Ac fcd + As fsd
is 1.0 for concrete filled cross-sections and 0.85 in all other cases



The relative slenderness, , for the determination of the load-bearing resistance

of a column under axial load is given by:

Npl.R is the cross-section resistance a = c = s = 1.0

Ncr is the elastic buckling load of the column
Ncr = (EI)e2/e2
(EI)e is the effective bending stiffness.
e is the buckling length of the column.
The effective bending stiffness is determined by adding up the individual
(EI)e = EaIa + 0.8 EcdIc + EsIs
0.8 EcdIc is the effective bending stiffness of the concrete part and Ecd = Ecm / c
Ecm is the secant modulus of the concrete and c can be reduced to 1.35

When assessing the importance of creep and shrinkage using Table below
= Aafyd / NplRd
This represents the contribution of the structural steel to the normal force resistance.
Braced and
non-sway systems

For slenderness

Unbraced and
sway systems

Concrete encased sections



Concrete filled sections

0.8 / (1-)

0.5 / (1-)

less than values given in Table, creep and shrinkage can be ignored

The influence of creep and shrinkage can be taken into account by modification of
the modulus of elasticity of the concrete
Ec = Ecd
NSd is the design normal force.
NG.Sd is the permanently acting part of it



For each of the principal bending axes of the column it must be shown that:
NSd Npl.Rd
Npl.Rd is the cross-section resistance for axial load
is the reduction factor from the appropriate buckling curve
curve a for concrete filled hollow steel sections
curve b for partially and completely concrete encased I-sections with bending
about the strong axis of the steel cross-section
curve c for partially and completely concrete encased I-sections with bending
about the weak axis of the steel cross-section



Composite columns can be either partly or totally encased open sections, or
alternatively, they may be concrete filled tubes.
Eurocode 4 [1] gives limiting ratios for exposed steel parts of composite
columns, to ensure that local buckling does not occur. For fully encased
sections local buckling is not a problem.
Eurocode 4 gives simplified rules (European Buckling Curves, etc.), for
calculating the resistance of a composite column to axial load.

10.8.2. Columns II

Bending moment diagram

r = Mmin / Mmax
-1.0 r 1.0
Design bending moment
MSd = Mmax / (1 NSd/Ncr)
= 0.66 + 0.44 r 0.44



Design procedure
for compression and
uniaxial bending

M-N Interaction curve

Strength only

represents maximum buckling load on column, i.e. no bending

k = moment due to imperfection decreases linearly to zero for n = 0.25(1 - r)
For design d = NSd / Npl.Rd , represents the remaining moment resistance

MSd 0.9 Mpl.Rd



At D: Mmax.Rd = Wpa fyd + 0.5 Wpc fcd + Wps fsd

For the example of the concrete

filled rectangular hollow section:
hn =

Nc.Rd = fcd.2hn.b - + 2fyd.2hn.2t

Mn.Rd = Wpanfyd + 0.5 Wpcnfcd + (Wpsnfsd)

Wpan, Wpcn and Wpsn plastic moments of
resistance of the areas in the region of 2hn

Now Nc,Rd/2

At B the moment resistance

Mpl.Rd = Mmax.Rd - Mn.Rd



Mz.Sd/(z Mplz.Rd) 0.9

My.Sd/(y Mply.Rd) 0.9

My.Sd/(yMply.Rd) + Mz.Sd/(zMplz.Rd) 1.0

The influence of second order effects must be taken into account for slender
columns under significant axial load.
Combined bending and axial load can be checked using interaction diagrams
which also form the basis of the approach adopted in Annex D of Eurocode 4 .
Shear forces are taken into account by reducing the effective area resisting
bending; the cross-section interaction curve can then be determined using the
reduced section.


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