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Technical Data of 60% Alumina

JAY AL-60% is High Alumina Bricks having 60% Alumina Brick based on
Refractory grade Bauxite calcined in Rotary Kiln, high density and
excellent strength, featuring low alkali contents, application includes
Cement and Lime Rottery, Saft Kilnss, Linings, Ladle, Reheat Furnaces,
Incinerators, Ceramics Kilns, Boiler Furnaces, Reverberatory air or Holding

Chemical Analysis
Alumina Al2O3

58.0 - 62.0 %

Silica SiO2

31.0 - 35.0 %

Ferric - Oxide Fe2O3

2.50 - 3.10 %

Titania TiO2

2.75 - 3.00 %

Calcia CaO

0.50 - 1.70 %

Physical Properties
Pyrometric Cone Equivalent, Ortron

Min. 35(1785C)

Reheat change - at 1400C - 2Hrs,

Max. (+/-)0.5%

Refractories under Load - ta Value

1420C - 1450C

Apparent Porosity,

19.0 - 22.0%

Bulk Density, gm/cm3

2.45 - 2.60

Cold Crushing, Strength, kg/cm

400 - 600

Thermal Conuctivity, W/Mok at 700C


Thermal Conuctivity, W/Mok at 900C



THE ABOVE TEST DATA are based on average results of Control tests on dry
pressed standard size bricks and are subject to normal variation on individual
tests, hence these results should not be regarded as absolute limits.


Technical Data of 70% Alumina

JAY AL - 70% is dense, low porosity, 70% Alumina Brick based on

Refractory grade bauxite calcined in Rotary kiln with excellent resistance
to spalling, corrosive slags and hot metals, Successful applications in
Burning zone linings of Tunnel Kiln and Hot Air Generators, Electric Arc
Furnace Roof Steel Teeming Laddles, Induction Furnace, Sugar Mills,
Chemical Plants and many others.

Chemical Analysis
Alumina Al2O3

68.0 - 73.0 %

Silica SiO2

19.0 - 25.0 %

Ferric - Oxide Fe2O3

2.80 - 3.20 %

Titania TiO2

3.40 - 3.90 %

Calcia CaO

1.50 - 2.00 %

Physical Properties
Pyrometric Cone Equivalent, Ortron

Min. 36 (1805C)

Reheat change - at 1400C - 2Hrs,

Max. (+/-)2.5%

Refractories under Load - ta Value

1430C - 1480C

Spalling Test, Water quench - 1300C

Min 10 Cycle

Apparent Porosity,

19.0 - 22.0%

Bulk Density, gm/cm3

2.65 - 2.75

Cold Crushing, Strength, kg/cm

Min. 500

Thermal Conuctivity, W/Mok at 700C


Thermal Conuctivity, W/Mok at 900C


IMP THE ABOVE TEST DATA are based on average results of Control tests on dry
ORTA pressed standard size bricks and are subject to normal variation on individual
tests, hence these results should not be regarded as absolute limits.

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