Legislative Committee Presentation 1-19

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STMA Equity for Excellence

Legislative committee.

Committee made up of community members,

business leaders, principals and teachers.

Why does funding matter to us?

Fairness for our students (projected 1.2 million deficit in 2 years)
college prep classes, activities, class sizes

Fairness to our staff

more counselors, potential future salary

Fairness to community
property poor district

(2 x more for same levy $)

Some numbers to think about.

Currently, STMA receives a total of $7,251 per pupil.
This is $1,045 LESS PER PUPIL than the average
school district, and only half of what the highest-funded
district receives per pupil.
5,700 students
$2.6 million gap in Special Ed. revenue provided by the
state and what STMA pays.

What is SEE?
Schools for Equity in EducationCurrently has 58 members districts all over
the state:
Buffalo, Melrose, Milaca, Delano, Byron, Cannon
Falls, Elk River, Roseau to mention a few

Resources for more info.

SEE: http://www.schoolsforequity.org/
Video on our school website
parents/legislative action

Facebook: STMA Equity for Excellence

What can you do?

Contact your representative and senator;
especially if you live outside the STMA
House File Number 175, 983
Senate File Number 96, 604

What to ask of your legislators:

close the funding gap

use the U.S. Census Bureaus definition
create a $1700 per pupil min. for compensatory funds
increase SPED funding
increase equalization aid to lower-property wealth
ask to be kept informed and where they stand

Whats next?
Look for an email with the links that will help
you find your legislators and give you more

Our Supporters
Equity in Education

Minnesota Representative
Eric Lucero

Minnesota Senator
Mary Kiffmeyer

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