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Ten Commandments of Human Relation

1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.

2. Smile at people. It takes 65 muscles to frown and only 15 to smile.
3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyones ear is the sound of
his/her own name.
4. Be friendly and helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly.
5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do were a genuine pleasure.
6. Be genuinely interested in people. You can like everybody if you try.
7. Be generous with praise Take caution in criticizing.
8. Be considerate with the feelings of others. It will be appreciated.
9. Be thoughtful of the opinion of others. There are three sides to controversyyours, the other fellows, and the right one.
10.Be alert to give service. What counts most in life is what we do for others.

Mission Possible Team (I Can Win)

1. Successful people have a positive mental attitudes.

2. Successful people are courageous people who take risks.
3. Successful people choose well.
4. Successful people persist.
5. Successful people adhere to the power of prayer.
6. Successful people know how to pace themselves with discipline.
7. Successful people govern themselves with discipline.
8. Successful people give the best to whatever they do.
9. Successful people align their sense of purpose with the common good.
10.Successful people keep a positive count by responding positively to any
person or situation.
11.Successful people harmonize with encouragement.
12.Successful people are decisive people who make things happen.

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