Writing Task 1: This Is The First Section of Your IELTS Academic Writing Test. You Should Spend About 20 Minutes On It

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Hari ini opi belajar buat latihan writing pake tipe soal IELTS, di duruh

mendeskripsikan garfik minimal 150 kata dalam waktu 20 menit (tapi opi ngetik
ini lebih dari 1 jam ) dan masih belajar. Mohon bimbingan nya teh .

Writing task 1
This is the first section of your IELTS Academic Writing test. You should spend
about 20 minutes on it.
Take a look at the graphics and complete the task below.

The first bar charts gives the information about the percentage of computer
ownership, while the second bar chart shows the difference of the percentage of
computer ownership looked by the education level between 2002 and 2010.

Generally the ownership of computer has risen since 2002, and its continualy
grew until in the year 2010. In the range two years since 2002 the growth
numbers of the percentage its only rose less than 20 %. In the range two years
in 2008 to 2010 was the lowest of the increase of the computer ownership.
The education level has given significanly impact to the computer ownership of
people. The higher their education study the higher of their computer ownership.
Compared from the year of 2002 to the 2010 in the range education level from no
high school until collage was had the sharply incresed about more than 30 %, on
the other hand in the level bachelors degree and postgraduate degree the
computer ownership increased around 20%.

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