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Experiment 1

Answer Sheet


* Answer of Q1 :

* Answer of Q2 :
The position of the CHA VOLT/DIV (4)
control is :

* Answer of Q3 :



* Step 16 :

* Answer of Q4.
- CHA VOLT/DIV (4) control is set on
- The number of divisions representing the peak-to-peak voltage of the
displayed signal = .
- The value of the peak-to-peak voltage =

* Answer of Q5.
- TIME/DIV (15) control is set on
- The number of divisions representing the Period T of the displayed signal =
- The value of T is = S
- The value of f is = Hz

* Answer of Q6.
- VOLTS/DIV (4) control is set on
- The number of divisions representing the value of VDC of the displayed
signal = .
- The number of divisions representing the value of VAC of the displayed
signal =
- The DC offset of the signal = V


* Step 30 :

* Answer of Q7.
- The value of the phase shift between the input and output signals in divisions
is =
- The phase shift angle = .
- The theoretical phase shift of the circuit is =


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