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Prepositions of

Place or Position

Prepositions of Place & Position



- Specific positions

Theres somebody at the door ~ She was sitting at her desk

- Common locations

I had a long day at University ~ She stayed at home all day

- Events

We met at a party ~ I fell asleep at the conference

- Touching a surface

The computer is on the desk

- Directions

The museum is on the left

- Technology
(TV, Radio, Internet, Computer)


I live at 205 Evergreen Terrace ~ We waited at the bus stop

Why is there never anything good on TV?

- Floors of buildings

Womens underwear is on the 5th floor Sir

- Street names

Our shop is located on Newmarket Road

- Public Transport

I like reading on the bus

- Enclosed spaces
- Land areas (continents,
countries, regions, cities)

I locked the keys in the car! ~ Hes waiting in his oce

Gandhi was born in India ~ We used to live in Santiago

Prepositions of Position

Next to,
In front

The girl is sitting next to / beside her dog

The man stood in front of the mirror and put on his tie


The man was hiding behind the tree


The woman stood under her umbrella

The temperature was below 5 degrees

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