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Exploring the Bondoc Peninsula

January 25-27
Pastor Ruthy insisted that I visit and train leaders in his
home protvince of Quezon particularly in San Andress,
Quezon. I learned that it is kind of remote from the main
towns of the Quezon province.It is at the tip of the Bondoc
peninsula. Three pastors went to visit me to get an approval
for a visit from White Fields. They wanted me to teach
the material I present in most church planting seminars.
Pastor Ruthy Morata, by the way, is currently in the program
working in Novaliches, Quezon City. He has a good church
planting ministry going on. Three of us went there; Pastor
Ruthy, Pastor Francis and me. Pastor Francis is
connected with Herbal medicine advocacy and he
will provide the folks there in the province about
medicines that are available in their area as well provide
check through the Iridology technique (eye analysis for any
sickness in the body). We left Manila at 5:am on January
25and arrived by nightfall (6:00pm). We had a one and a
half hour rest and we went ahead with the training from 7:30 till midnight! These workers are hungry for
training. The training seminar on Church planting ended the following day at 11:00 am. We headed back
at 12:00 noon on the way to Manila.

What interest me in their work is that these group of churches (Baptist Conference) have planted 20 churches
in 35 years of existence. When I lead the session, I had them go through their accomplishments and chart the
areas in the map. This, they told, was not done before and they did not realize the extent of their work as
most of the churches begat new churches. They were indeed happy to realize that. Also it is interesting to
note that eight (8) of the churches are planted in the last five years. They then realized that there is really
a renewed interest in planting churches in the past years relatively past that the previous years. This they told
is because of the rise in young men in the ministry from the existing churches they have planted.

20 churches in
35 years; 8 of
these churches
were planted in
the last five (5)

40 Pastors and lay

leaders who had
undergone the Church
planting seminar.
Ocular visit to the sights of some of the churches

With the use of this small fishing boat, we will

travel for 3 and a half hours to see the locations
of the churches they have planted as we go the
main town for our trip back to Manila. The pictures
of Coastal Villages are where the churches are
Pastor Ruthy Morata
at the front end of the
boat and will lead
the team.
I posed with the
group in their
souvenir picture.

They already extended

an invitation for me to
speak and teach a
bigger conference
this coming April
this year.



Lining up for meals

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