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Aristotelian Traditions and Japan’s Christian Century PUAZLFLAEREREFVY SY Otte PIC APOC SRR eee Aristotelian Traditions in Philosophy, Science, and Medicine KEYNOTE: The Jesuits, the Historical Aristotle, and the New Sciences rei une mera Meet rte Cardano, Fernel, and Scaliger on the Soul Aristotle in Renaissance Medical Debates CC Ene) Shin Higashi (Tokai University) Kuni Sakamoto (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands) Hiro Hirai (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands) July 20, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. TS CE PRC aU CUP ke ui ag Early Catholic Missionary Work in Japan and Japanese Missions to Rome Kenji Igawa (Seijo University) Humanism, Platonism and Aristoteli n’s Christian Century Ken Nejime (Gakushuin Women's College} Not True but Good: Jesuit Proselytization in Early Modern Japan Yoshimi Ori (Keio University) ACE cl Western Cosmography from Roger Bacon to Gomez and Ricci Cosmology and Jesuit Translations during Japan's Christian Century Gomez's De sphaera and Jesuit Cosmology in Japan AClassicist Looks at the Latin Manuscript of Gomez's De sphaera Angelo Cattaneo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) José Miguel Pinto Dos Santos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) faoka (Prefectural University of Kumamoto) Aki Watanabe (Otsuma Women’s University) ee en er pereneretrhenrenmnercianneenseieesraris

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