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Assessment Rubric

ePortfolio demonstrates understanding and the ability
to critically evaluate theory and research in
Educational technology
ePortfolio demonstrates an ability to derive and
represent linkages and applications to professional
Artifacts are clearly and directly related to the
purpose of the eportfolio
Artifacts are chosen to represent a wide range of
skills and competencies including technology skills
Artifacts show growth through collaboration, group
work and peer evaluation
Reflections clearly demonstrate growth,
competencies, accomplishments, and include goals
for continued learning
Reflections show a synthesis and analysis of learning
Design and Metaphor
Design and metaphor are linked through text, media
and artifacts showing growth and connectivity to
overarching theme
ePortfolio is linked to educational design principles, is
aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate and view
Multimedia applications augment the overall theme
and design, highlight artifacts and represent learning
and professional development




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