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Lesson Title: Construction Fixes
Unit: STEM
Grade Level: 7-8th Grade

Lesson Number: 5 & 6

Time Allotted: 60 minutes
Subject Area: Engineering

Standard 3.4.7.B2: Explain how decisions to develop and use technologies may be
influenced by environmental and economic concerns.
o Anchor Descriptor S7.A.1.1: Identify and analyze evidence that certain
variables may have caused measurable changes in natural or human-made
Essential Questions:
1. Why do we need bridges?
2. What are some things that can be negative about bridges?
3. Why is it important to have a unique part of a bridge?
Instructional Objectives:
1. After the students are given before and after pictures of building, bridges, etc. they will
be able to answer the questions that follow.
2. Given the KNex, students will be able to construct a bridge with a unique function and
be able to describe it to the class.
Formative Assessment:
1. Throughout the lesson, the students will raise their hands when we ask them questions
about the different type of construction.
2. When it comes to group work, we will allow the students to use KNex in order to build
their bridges.
3. Ask the students to explain how creating these bridges is related to engineering. If a
groups bridge is not turning out the way they want it to, remind them not to get frustrated
and assist with help where it is necessary.
Summative Assessment:
1. Show students the essential questions on the Doc Cam and have them answer the
questions on an index card, which they will turn into us before exiting the classroom for
the day.
2. Lesson Type: Small group

3. Introduction: Explain to the students that we will be dealing with construction fixes. We
will show the students before and after pictures of buildings, bridges, etc. on the
document camera.
4. Ask students what the purpose of each different type of construction is.
A. Why do we need bridges?
B. What are important parts to bridges?
C. What are some things that can be negative about bridges?
5. Show bridges from different countries and different types. Then, we will point out some
parts of the bridge and label them. The labels will be the vocabulary the students will use
when they construct their bridge.
6. Students will be broken up into groups. Each group will be given an ample amount of
KNex. The students will then be given their instructions.
A. Students are to construct a bridge using the KNex. Each groups bridge must have a
unique function.
i. For Example: two levels to help the flow of traffic.
B. Each group will designate a scribe to describe their bridge and its function
i. This will be part of the differentiation.
7. When the bridge is completed, the students will present their bridge to the class and
explain their unique piece.
A. Each groups bridge construction will be used as the end of the week project.
8. Closure: Show students the essential questions on the Doc Cam and have them answer
the questions on an index card, which they will turn into us before exiting the classroom
for the day.
Differentiated Learning Activities:
1. Tier 1: The students will be able to answer the questions we have asked them
about different types of construction with full understanding. When they are
with their group members, they are going to have to make their bridges at
their own pace. Once they are done with this activity they can prepare
themselves for presenting it to the class and picking a scribe.
2. Tier 2: The students will be able to answer the questions we have asked them
about different types of construction with little to no help from the teacher or
their classmates. When they are with their group members, the teachers will
go around and help the students to stay on pace and focused with making their

bridges. Once they are done with this activity, they can prepare themselves for
presenting it to the class and picking a scribe that has helped with the whole
3. Tier 3: The students will most likely not be able to answer the questions we
asked them about different types of construction and will most likely need
help from the teacher or aid in the classroom. These students (if the teachers
see them struggling) will be put with group members that are on a higher level
so that these students can keep them on task with completing their bridges.
These students will most likely not be scribes for their groups.
Instructional Resources, Materials, and Technology:
Doc Cam
Analysis of Student Learning:
1. Review students creations at the conclusion of the lesson. Determine whether or
not the objectives were met.
Analysis of Teaching:
1. Observe the students creations and their review their answers on the
effectiveness of their unique piece.

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