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Possible Comparative Outline (Essay #2)

Eng 101 SS 15

I. Comparative Analysis
A. Introduction
1. Opener use freewriting quote (suggestion)
2. summarize comparison to be analyzed
3. introduce comparative elements
4. thesis purpose for analysis and elements to be analyzed
B. Body paragraph #1
1. topic sentence - identify first comparative element
2. direct textual evidence showing that comparative identification is correct
3. explain quote
4. more direct textual evidence showing that narrative identification is correct
5. explain quote
6. concluding sentence revisit identified comparative
(repeat for each body paragraphmight include C, D, E, etc. depending upon length of essay)
F (maybe?). Conclusion
1. reason for element analysis
2. summarize comparative elements (revisit thesis)
3. summarize comparative elements (revisit thesis)
4. tie back to introductory opener

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