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g AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT scene Lasbeabaarnda INCIDENT REPORT OFFENSE 2015-011119 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 19:54 Hours 08/15/2015 KANE RESIDENCE (SINGLE FAMILY) 06/16/2015, NO. NO. METHOD OF OPERATION LY, KAREN M. FRONT O0OR FRONT C0oR pocsnovarnty DOESNOTAPRLY oes wor amet DOESNOT ARRLY aauow Does Nor APrLY poce nor aeeuy PERSONS 25. 428 GLADSTONE 8, AURORA, 1. 69508 [COMP[LAINANT OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT [ADULT OFFENDER [SHERRICK, REBECCA, a EA ar soso, Anon oe Ba Se A om = a ce [as [sear ena, Stes ROW Seni [ STRANGER OFFENDER IN A DISORDERLY CONDUCT ADULT WITNESS PEREZ, LUISA ul lpm | os be nesTen 28 [ect ner etett | eel ean toe CERTIFIED AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT. alae NARRATIVE INFORMATION 2015-011119 NARRATIVE INFORMATION. SQUAD 181 (On Monday 06-15-15 at 1954 hrs | responded to 428 S Gladstone Ave reference to a report for Disorderly Conduct. | arrived and spoke with the listed Complainant Karen Pauly. The Complainant advised that on 06-14-16 at approximately 1700 hrs she had received a telephone call about her fostered pit bull dog that had got out of her backyard. The complainant had recovered her dog a couple houses to the south of her residence and retumed home. A short time later the complainant heard her front door bell ring. The complainant started towards her front door and put her hand on the door knob when she felt the door knob tum and her door opened. The complainant was surprised when her door opened and the offender then entered her residence without her permission and stood in the entry way of the complainant’ residence. ‘The offender then identified herself as the President of Aurora University. The offender was upset and yelling at the complainant about how complainant abuses animais and that her pit bull had escaped from the yard. The offender then took another step into the house while she was yelling at the complainant. The ‘complainant then backed away from the offender. During the yelling the offender made mention of another pit bull attack where a dog was either injured or killed, this possibly happened to a friend of her's dog. ‘The offender then began to yell at the complainants boyfriend Luis Perez Who was asleep on the couch and ‘woke up during the yelling ‘The offender then left the complainant's residence. The complainant then checked the Aurora University ‘web set and confirmed that the person that was at her residence was in fact the school president. The complainant then told me that she did not think this was right that the offender could just enter her residence without her permission yell at her and then leave her residence. | advised the complainant that | would ike to speak with the offender on 08-16-15 to try and get her side of {the story and | would get back to complainant after that, ees, 04 eer ee Tic 0 CERTIFIED gy AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT rs OF sero INCIDENT REPORT JOFFENSE SUPPLEMENTAL, 2016-011119/4 DISORDERLY CONDUCT, PERSONS 19:52 Hours, [GARBE, WILLIAM. ee —— WITNESS, [ADULT WITNESS |GARBE, NANCY H 63, 365 KINGSWAY DR, AURORA, IL 60506 [630.738.9034 WITNESS, ERR ua : e as eu0sTNe Ne none I I sSeLe ies9 nese, 4 leiaienazeyeeeneae 1of2 CERTIFIED Qg AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT ee NARRATIVE INFORMATION 2015-011119/1 NARRATIVE INFORMATION ‘On Tuesday 08-16-15 | contacted the Complainant Karen Pauly reference to follow up information for this report. | spoke with the Complainant vie telephone. | asked the Complainant how she was contacted about her dog Jack being loose from the yard. The Complainant advised she recived a telephone cal from a witness by the name of Nancy because the complainant had a collar on Jack the dog, with @ dog tag withthe Complainants name and phone number. The complainant provided me the telephone number for Nancy and her husband Bil In speaking with the Complainant | asked her what part her boyfriend Luis would have over heard. The Complainant related that Luis was asleep on the couch most of the time the offender was in her residence. Luis woke up while the offender was yelling at the complainant. Luis got up off the couch and stood behind the Complainant and the offender turned around and walked out of the house | asked the complainant what the offender was saying to her and she told me that the offender called her a ‘criminal for being a pitbull owner and continued to yell about how bad the pit bull breed was. The complainant. ‘also told me that the offender had her index finger in her face and continued her trade about pt bulls. The Complainant believes the offender had her finger in her face not more than 6 inches away. ‘The Complainant finally responded something to the fact that you cant lump all dogs in the breed as bad because of the actions of some dogs. The Complainant asked the offender to leave her residence. The ‘offender continued her tirade about pitbulls. The Complainant asked the offender to leave 2 more times. The ‘offender only left the residence after her boyfriend stood up and got behind the Complainant. | asked the Complainant if she would provide a written statement of the events. The Complainant agreed and | took sworn statement forms and advised that | would pick them up on 06-17-16 after 1500 hrs. When | dropped the forms off | asked the Complainant which house Miss Sherrick lived in and she pointed out 447 § Gladstone Ave. | went to the residence and ran the license plate of a vehicle in the driveway and it came back to Susan Sherrick. | also explained the 2 options in dealing with this situation to the Complainant. One being a conversation with the offender and the other being pressing criminal charges. | advised the Complainant she could give me the answer tomorrow when | picked up the statement forms. | then contacted witness Wiliam (Bil) Garbe, Mr Garbe related that he and his wife Nancy were traveling on Prairie St when they observed a women walking a dog and holding a dog and she appeared to be scared with a pit bull behind them. ‘The Garbe's pulled up and asked the women if she needed some help and she stated yes. They pulled over and Nancy opened her car door and called to the pit bull. The pit bull ran to Nancy and sat down next tothe car. The Garbe's keep spare leashes in their vehicle and hooked up the pitbull and the pit bull then jumped inside the car and sat on Nancy's lap. They called the name on the dogs tag and the Complainant came to Prairie and Gladstone to get her dog. ‘The lady who was walking her dogs was later identified as Susan Sherrick the sister to the listed offender. Mr Garbe continued to say that Miss Sherrick was upset and had taken her dogs home and put them inside the her residence. The Complainant then came and picked up her dog and Miss Shertick then came out of her house. The Complainant and Miss Sherick talked and Miss Sherick was petting he pit bull. The complainant (gave Miss Shertick her address and took her dog home. ‘At 2200 hrs | went to 447 S Gladstone to speak with Miss Sherrick and | got no answer when I rang the door belt, NESTE 204 ee Rican a0 sees CERTIFIED JOFFENSE SUPPLEMENTAL, 2015-011119/2 17:18 Hours osrz0r2015 gy AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT. DISORDERLY CONDUCT LOWERS 10 eer or Fences | ro | ee (CERTIFIED ] AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT orca NARRATIVE INFORMATION 2015-011119/2 NARRATIVE INFORMATION RE: FOLLOW UP AND CASE CLOSURE ‘On 6/18/15 | spoke with Compl. Karen Pauly via telephone. During the conversation she retold the account ‘of what happened as she had told Ofc. Hester. Having read Ofc. Hester's report and follow up report prior to ‘speaking with Ms. Pauly | was able to recognize that what she told him and what she told me was consistent. 1 asked Ms. Pauly what she wanted or what she hoped would happen as a result ofthis incident. She told me that Ofc. Hester explained to her that she might be able to press charges for this incident. I told her that is a possibilty but! would want to speak to the other party before | proceeded with any such charges. She said she ‘understood that and that she wasn‘ really looking for charges to be pressed. She just wanted someone to tell Dr. Shertick that her behavior wasn't acceptable. | told her | understood thal. | advised Ms. Pauly that | would 'be in contact with Dr. Sherrick to hear her version of the event and that | would be back in touch with her after | did so. 1 ended my conversation with Ms. Pauly and called Dr. Sherrick, there was no answer so [left a message. ‘On 6/19/15, upon coming to work, | checked my voicemail and found that Dr. Sherrick left a message for ‘me. | called Dr. Sherrick and told her that | would lke to speak to her regarding the incident that occurred at 428 S. Gladstone Av. Dr, Sherrick said that she would speak to me but only with a lawyer. | told her that was fine, but she wasn't under arrest nor was | at a point inthe investigation where | was ready to seek any charges. She told me she was concerned because APD does not like her and if this becomes a criminal matter she ‘assumes the Aurora University Board of Trustees would want her to get one. | said that was fine and | would ‘never stand in her way as it pertains to her right to counsel. | further told her as a police officer it’s my job to ‘near both sides of a story and to be impartial and unbiased. | further told her that Is what | intend to do and that is why | called her. She then said she would tell me her side of the story. Dr. Sherrick said that she was hosting ‘an event for an AU function when she received a call from her sister. She said that her sister, Nancy Sherrick, ‘was hysterical and said that a pit bull had come after her and her dog. Dr. Sherrick went on to say that this ‘occurred on AU property. Due to her sister's reaction to the incident, the fact that it happened on AU property and the fact that she's had an experience where a pit bull had mauled one of her dogs, she left her function to }come to the scene. Dr. Sherrick further stated she is very protective of the university and takes these type of things very seriously. She said she feels responsible for everyone on the campus and a loose pit bulls, in her eyes, a danger. As she approached 428 S. Gladstone Av. Ms. Pauly met her at the door. When Ms. Pauly ‘opened the door she told her that she was calling animal control about the loose pit bull. She also told Ms, Pauly that she is the President of AU and that she has an obligation to the faculty, staf, students and visitors to make sure that it was 2 safe environment. She also told Ms. Pauly that she needs to keep her dog secured at all imes. Dr. Sherrick voluntarily said that she knows she can be direct at times. Dr. Sherrick also conceded. that her sister may have over reacted. For clafication purposes | asked Dr. Sherrick some questions. | asked her if she went in the house. She sald she may have stepped in, but only because Ms. Pauly opened the door. Dr. Sherrick says generaly when ‘someone opens a door ike that, its an invitation of sorts | asked Dr. Shertick if she was asked to leave by Ms, Pauly, she sald she wasn't asked to leave. | asked if she opened the door or Ms. Pauly opened the door. Dr. Sherrick advised that Ms. Pauly opened the door. | then went on to tell Or. Sherick that in essence Ms. Pauly falt she was being bullied by her and that she was using her postion as AU president to facilitate that. Dr. Sherrick said that wasn't her intention at al. She only wanted Ms. Pauly to know that it was she who was cating animal control and not her sister. She also said thatthe only reason she brought up her position as AU president was to illustrate her responsibly forthe safely ofthe universily. She said she knows the position ‘does not carry any other authorty. Dr. Shorrck sald she would be more than wiling to apologize to Ms. Pauly. told Dr. Sherrick that I believe that neighbor disputes (which | believe this is) should be handled by the neighbors themselves, provided it can be done in a peacefu, civil manner. Ifthat's not the case then there are D.FLOWERS, 401 o7_}T. MCNAMARA, 410 203, seme CERTIFIED. 1g ‘AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT NARRATIVE INFORMATION 2015-011119/2 | Tthen ended my vehicles in place to help in resolution (.e. police intervention, animal control, etc. conversation with Dr. Sherrick. After speaking with Dr. Sherrick | called Ms. Pauly back. | told her that | advised Dr. Sherrck that she felt she was being bullied by her and that Dr. Shertick said that it wasn't her intention to do so. | also told her about Dr. Sherriok’s wilingness to apologize. | further told Ms. Pauly that | advised Dr. Sherrick that | encourage neighbors to settle disputes in a peaceful and civil manner. Ms, Pauly sald that she Is satisfied with this and that she does not need Dr. Sherri to apologize to her. Ms. Pauly said she does not want to pursue any charges in this matter and considers the matter over. | advised her | would be closing the case. | called Dr. Shertick and advised her that | was closing the case and there would be no further action. D. FLOWERS, 401 CERTIFIED 3.013

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