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The Cock and The Fox

A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and all my friends.
Today, I am going to tell u a story entitle, The Cock and The Fox.
A clever cock once acted as a guard. It perched on a tree branch at the
edge of field, watching a brood of chickens eating.
Suddenly, a fox went under the tree and said, Oh, brother cock, lets
not quarrel anymore! Come down and well hugged and forgive each other as
The cock replied, That is good news for me. The timing is just right
especially when there are two dogs standing behind you. So, lets hug each
After hearing about the dogs arrival, the frighten fox said, We will hug
each other next time!. Then, the fox disappeared in the wink of an eye.
My dear friends,
We must use our mind to solve the problems when we are in the trouble.
Thank you.

The Lion, The Fox and The Donkey

A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and all my friends.
Today, I am going to tell u a story entitle, The Lion, The Fox and The
One day, the fox and the donkey went hunting together. Suddenly, they
came face to face with a lion.
During those fearful seconds, the fox whispered something to the lion.
It promised to present the donkey to the lion if the lion did not eat him.
After that, the fox told the donkey that their plea to the lion for their
freedom have been agreed. Then, they continued with their hunting.
The fox led the donkey to a trap which was set by a hunter. When they
reached there, the fox immediately pushed the donkey into the trap.
The fox then turned back to inform the lion about it. The donkey is
trapped. Lets go there now. Said the fox to the lion.
The lion immediately followed the fox to the place. At that time, the
donkey was crying and cursing the cunning fox.
The fox laughed and teased the donkey for its stupidity.
The lion found out that the donkey was actually tricked by the fox. It
immediately jumped on the fox and ate it. Before the fox died, it screamed
out loudly. Aaaaaaaaaaaa.
The trapped donkey then laughed and said, This is what you deserved
for your unkindness!
My dear friends, this story tell us to be kind to each other, especially
our friends. Thank you.

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