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7th Grade Life Science Syllabus: 2015-2016

Rio Norte Junior High School

Ms. Lobitz
Team: Zambezi

Room: D-9
Email: (This is the best way to reach me)
Phone: (661) 295-3700
Textbook: Focus on California Life Science - (Prentice Hall)
Content and Standards Covered:
Cell Biology (7th grade Science Standard 1)
Genetics (7th grade Science Standard 2)
Evolution (7th grade Science Standard 3)
Living Systems (7th grade Science Standard 5)
Physical Science (7th grade Science Standard 6)
Investigation and Experimentation (7th grade Science Standard 7)
(A complete list of standards may be found at:


1. To understand the key concepts, principles, and theories of life science as

defined by the above CA content standards
2. To practice scientific inquiry through active learning
3. To cultivate a love of science and the beauty and complexity of our planet
4. To learn in a fun and safe environment

Homework Policy:

Homework will not be assigned every night, but if work is not completed in class, it
becomes homework. Late work will be accepted for partial credit. Homework
assignments will make up no more than 40% of the students grade.


Grades are based on homework/binder, tests/quizzes, labs, and projects.

Recommended Supplies:

A = 100-93 %

C = 76 - 73%

A- = 92 90 %

C- = 72 70%

B+ = 89 - 87%

D+ = 69 67%

B = 86 83%

D = 66 63%

B- = 82 80%

D- = 62 60%

C+ = 79 77%

F = Below 59%

Binder Reminder
100 Sheet Composition Notebook (or 70 page single subject spiral notebook)
#2 pencils with erasers (at least 2)
Pens (blue or black )
Lab Supplies notes will be sent home with students when lab
supplies are needed.
A positive attitude

Makeup -Work:

ALL missed work from an excused absence MUST be made up within the same number of
days that the student was absent. (i.e. 2 days absent = 2 days to hand in work).
The absent student is responsible for missed work. Any work that is made up
after an absence should have the word ABSENT written clearly on top of the
paper or in the assignment log.

APPLE Rules for Success:

A - Attention Pay attention in class

P - Preparation Be prepared when you come to class.
P Promptness Be on time. At the tardy bell, be in your seat.
L Language Use appropriate language in class.
E Effort Always give 100% effort.

Excellent behavior and effort results in positive rewards.

On a personal note to parents and guardians:
- Please feel free to email or call me at any time! I welcome any questions or comments that
will help your child succeed in my class. It is in our best interest not to pass judgment on any
issue until we have had a discussion. Communication is the key to success.

We will be learning many new terms and concepts in this class. Please encourage your child
to ask me for help. I am almost always available at brunch, lunch and before school.

I am looking forward to a wonderful and successful year!

Student Name (printed): ________________________________________
Student signature:______________________________________________

Parent or Guardian signature: ______________________________________


Please return signed by Monday, August 24th, 2015. A copy of the syllabus will be posted on under my webpage.

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