In Another World Assignment

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In Another World

Ryan Chow - Grade 7 Amber


Information About Earth



Radius: 6,371 km


Duration of Rotation

Duration of Solar Revolution

24 Hours

365 Days
Water Distribution






Climate Zones and Their Latitudes

Arctic Zone

66.5 N

Northern Temperate Zone

23.5 N - 66.5 N

Equatorial Zone

Southern Temperate Zone

23.5 S - 66.5 S

Antarctic Zone

66.5 S

Introduction and Basic Facts

Planet 451, AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova has a lot of similar characteristics to the planet Earth.
Its water distribution however, is made up of 45% frozen water (meaning it is much cooler than
Earth), 40% fresh water and 15% salt water. This can mean that Planet 451 (AKA
RA_Galactic_SuperNova) has a low volume of salt minerals, and a much cooler environment than
The Earth.

Comparison of Tilt, Rotation and Revolution

Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) has five main climate zones which are the Arctic Circle
(Northern) 6.5625 N, 0.0000 W, Equator 0, Tropic of Cancer 23.5 N, the Tropic of Capricorn
23.5 S and Antartica (Southern) 90.0000 S, 0.0000 W. Planet 451 (AKA
RA_Galactic_SuperNova) rotates at 23.5 and the duration of one day is 49 hours. Planet 451s
(AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) revolution around the sun is 17,836 hours earth time (about 2
years Earth time). Compared with Earth, Planet 451s (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) tilt is the

same as the Earths but its revolution around the sun and its rotation are different than that of

The reason why Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) has seasons is because during a
specific time, the planets tilt will cause certain area(s) to be more exposed to the suns light and
rays than other area(s), much like that of Earths. Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) has
four seasons which are exactly that of Earths but it doesnt rotate and move as fast as Earth.

Life Forms Similarities

Life on Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) and Earth are common in some ways except
life on Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) have to experience much more cooler
conditions than that of Earth because Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) doesnt trap as
much heat as Earth does and its location and distance from the sun is a little farther than that of
Earth. It is exactly 510km farther than the distance Earth is with its sun. Life on Planet 451 (AKA
RA_Galactic_SuperNova) is also more intelligent than that of Earth, with its life forms more
adaptable than Earths dominant species (the Homo Sapiens) and more intelligent in ways such
as living and they have much more powerful technology than that of the primates on Earth. The
dominant species on Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) are in almost every way even a
little bit more intelligent than Homo Sapiens. Both use mobile telecommunications devices that
use radio waves that in some cases, become picked up by each other planets receivers. Both eat
and drink and both build mega-structures and cities.

Life Forms Differences

The only differences between these two different planets are that on planet Planet 451 (AKA
RA_Galactic_SuperNova), people use hovering-plates that Homo Sapiens identify as unidentified
flying objects (ever wondered what that plate in the sky with strange lights is?). These hoveringplates use light signals to communicate with other vehicles and they use a special mineral in
Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) that is 100% renewable and doesnt release any
harmful chemicals into the air. On Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) the entire planet is
not split up into countries but rather the entire planet is a country in itself. There is only one major
air traffic control which is in the main city of the planet, Planet 451-City 851. It sends powerful
beams of radio waves that work much like how radio waves work on Earth. On Planet 451 (AKA
RA_Galactic_SuperNova), people also have land and sea but they have also one extra feature
which is in the sky. They call these floating islands which cannot be found on Earth. There is full
internet connection on Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) at no cost and everyone can
use cellular connections free of charge. Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) has one major
problem though, which is that 45% of Planet 451s (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) water is frozen
which is a major problem to Planet 451s (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) life forms. To solve these
problems, they have major plants that drill and heat certain specified parts of frozen water which
then take 48 hours/molecule of water to defrost and become transported for normal usage. Near
the equator of Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova), there are a large number of volcanoes
and islands. Planet 451 (AKA RA_Galactic_SuperNova) is made up of 65% land, 35% water and
in the air, 25% floating islands and 75% air. The air is much different to that of Earth with 90% of
the air oxygen, 8% carbon dioxide and 2% other.


Surface Coverages




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