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Exercise 54 Prepositions

1. He started work at six in the morning and continued right up till five in the
2. Those who were with the motion gathered in the room to talk about the
topic. They talked with great length but arrived at no conclusion.
3. Theres a NO ENTRANCE sign pinned on the door. If you go in without
permission, youll get in trouble.
4. He has written a book about the growing of plants in the tropics. He draws
most of his information from reliable sources.
5. That man who was walking unsteadily at the road was under the influence
of alcohol. The children who were playing at the roadside ran to their mothers
at the sight of him.
6. The boys were not in favour of going to Windy Hill but as we insisted on
going, they had to give in to your suggestion.
7. He was born in a good family in that town but now he has degenerated to
little more than an animal. He is addicted to drugs and indulges in gambling
and drinking.
8. His illness is a mere pretext of his continued absence. He loathes going to
school and seizes at any chance to play truant. His bad results are not to be
wondered of.
9. Children under sixteen years of age are barred from seeing this film.
10. Water is leaking through a hole on the roof. I have put a container directly
under the hole for the time being. Youll have to see to it later.
11. The stranger inquired to the housing agent about the price of the house
at the corner of the road.
12. That man is an authority of ancient customs. If you have any doubts
about them, you can always go to him for clarification.
13. He has little confidence in himself. He despairs of success even as he tries
his hand in a project.
14. The area of our house is infested with mosquitoes. We must get rid of all
their breeding places before the situation gets worse.
15. His friends felt sorry for him in his bereavement. It must have been a
great shock for him for he seemed oblivious about anyone or anything in

16. I dont agree with you on that matter. In my opinion, there are more
advantages to be gained within compulsory education.
17. He is to sail on a ship bound to New Zealand on the second of this month.
He has made arrangements on everything and has nothing to worry about
18. The scouts went through house to house to collect money for a project
that they intend to work on later within the year. They met with splendid cooperation among the local residents.
19. The little boy ran across the road without troubling to look out for
on=coming traffic. His mother watched him from the house and felt on ease
only when he was safely on the other side.
20. We travelled to Merritown at Gayland through train and arrived at our
destination in the evening. We stayed the night there with a friend.

Exercise 55 Prepositions
1. Those who are afflicted with leprosy are sent to leprosariums where they
are put in the care of doctors who are skilled at coping with this disease.
2. The desert is barren without vegetation but, with the search of more land,
man is finding means of turning it into cultivable land.
3. That man died in the war, leaving behind him six children. They are now
being taken care of by welfare associations.
4. It is characteristic of him to help those who are in need. His concern on the
welfare of the poor has won him a lot of popularity.
5. There is no cause to worry ; help is on the way. We will be rescued in a
short while.
6. Women turned out with full force on their fight for equality with men.
7. That boy is a disgrace to his family. He took advantage of his fathers good
name to purchase many expensive articles with credit without his fathers
8. He is a staunch believer in Christianity unlike some boys nowadays who
have a complete disregard on religion of any sort.

9. Those two girls were once the best of friend, but ever since their quarrel on
a trivial matter, they have not spoken to each other. Each is waiting for the
other to take the first step in reconciliation.
10. The child is disappointed for not being allowed out of the house. He never
mixes with other children of his age but is always with the company of elderly
11. She has a dislike of people who are not definite in whatever they do or
say. They are too dependent of others and have no mind of their own.
12. Through their struggle for independence, the natives resorted to both fair
means and foul. They fought to their oppressors in every way that they could.
13. The prisoner despaired in ever clearing his name because they evidence
against him was too strong. A few believed in his innocence but there were
not witnesses to testify to it.
14. Many students seek help from their teacher for subjects that the students
are not good at.
15. She is gifted with a talent of dancing and has made a name for herself on
the stage.
16. Those who are sympathetic of that candidate have been asked to give
active support for him. The candidate is not a rebel in authority but a
campaigner for justice.
17. He is blind by the faults of his son and has no control of his actions. The
boy has no respect to anyone and is accountable by no one of his deeds.
18. Everyone must abide by the rules or pay the consequences.
19. If you are in doubt of anything, you should seek the advice of those who
are in authority on the subject.
20. A bully always takes advantage of the weak, but is timid in the face of
danger, or when he meets with opposition by a person stronger than he is.

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