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Children can learn about world from watching films. What can children learn?

Are all
these things good to children?

Nowadays, child education has been the focus of the debate. Among these issues,
the influence of mass media towards young people is viewed by many to be of
magnificent importance. This essay will discuss the effect of mass media to younger
generation and what they can learn from that?
First and foremost, mass media brings fascinating results to younger generation, in
terms of education. This is because juvenile can not only broaden their horizon with
much useful information, but also can enrich their knowledge through TV viewing. A
case in point is of Travel Around The World, which is a wonderful documentary series
about traveling around the world, exposes exotic scenery to youngsters and also
widens their knowledge about foreign cultures and customs. Moreover, along with
enriching the young about alien cultures, mass media also can provide the young
people a precious opportunity to improve their foreign language, for example
English, through listening to the communication in the films and movies.
However, it is sometimes said that mass media has detrimental impact to the both
physical and psychological development of children. It is due to the fact that
children are easily been attracted to exciting films and movies; furthermore, they
will lose interest to outdoor activities, which will bring adverse effect to their health.
Besides that, due to the presence of violence and pornographic pictures in the mass
media, young people will tend to be indulged to these exotic films, which will bring a
harmful effect to their minds and psychological health.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that the impact of mass media is so much
undesirable as unavoidable, as its negative can clearly be seen. It is expected that
the governments should impose strict rules and regulations on mass media, in order
to alleviate its drawbacks on younger generation.



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