20 4 2015

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Some people tend to take temporary jobs (they only work for few month of year),

for they have time to do other things. Do the advantages outweigh the

Nowadays, the issue of work has been the focus of many debates. Among many
issues, short-term work is viewed by many to be of great importance. It is firmly
believed that the drawbacks of taking non-permanent jobs have remarkable impact
on our society.
First and foremost, it is widely accepted that the working temporary by no mean has
its inherent disadvantages effect on businesses. This is because if a worker only
works for short period of time, he will fail to deepen his knowledge in that particular
field, where the company will reluctant to equip him with necessary skills. So those
temporary workers are generally viewed to be deficient in required knowledge
which is better acquaintance for company's performance. Moreover, some
companies' management will be unwilling to recruit those short-term employees in
order to meet the demand of their workforce, as this only will scratch the surface of
their employment's problem.
Besides that, it is common that interim workers are deprived from enjoying most of
the facilities and benefits in the companies. It is due to the fact that in order to be
cost effectiveness, most of the businesses and industries hinder their nonpermanent staffs from acquiring the benefits like Staff's Insurance Benefits, Staff's
Medical Benefits and others. In fact, they only be attained to have basic pay, which
is only sufficient to cover their basic living cost. Due to their low salary, these
temporary staffs are financially incapable to further themselves in higher education.
In conclusion, I strongly agree that taking up non-permanent jobs can turn out to be
undesirable, as its demerits have been discussed above. It is expected that the
governments should promote the merits of life-long career instead of temporary
works through mass media, in order to maximize the labour force in the country.



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