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Some people think the increasing business and cultural contact between countries

brings more positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities.
Discuss on both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, there is a highly controversial issue relating to whether or not the

different culture exchange will lead to the damage of national personalities.
However, in my opinion, both sides of this argument will be analyzed before a
reasoned conclusion is reached.
First and foremost, when people interact with others with distinct culture in other
nations, they may find that it helps them to get better understanding to foreign
culture. Moreover, cultural exchange not only to able to clarify distinct
characteristics of different culture, but also lead to society cohesion and harmony. A
case in point is Australia, a country which consisted with different races and culture,
has successfully united different races of people to live together without prejudice
and peaceful.
Besides that, interacting between different culture can enriches our own custom
and strengthen our culture identity. Having been absorbed unique characteristics of
Indian food, for instance, Roti Canai is getting popular among all the races in
Malaysia. Therefore, it is clear that if we could treasure the precious values of
distinct culture, then we could embed their value in our society, which will further
enrich our own culture.
However, some people view that interacting too much different cultures may inflict
the damage of local culture. Actually, a lot of cultural exchange from various
countries will separate the sense of belonging among the citizens; in addition, it
also will affect the unity of the society as a whole. Hence, this should be monitored
properly in order to avoid the rise of separation among the people.
In conclusion, it is felt that both arguments have their merits. On balance, however,
it is firmly believed that interaction of distinct culture should be addressed an
important measurement to enhance mutual understanding between different races,
as its benefits can clearly be seen. This is because without a doubt, distinct culture
interaction is necessary in order to alleviate the misunderstanding between
differences type of nationalists.

Coherence & Cohesion


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