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How to Open Your Third Eye

Anja Chakra

Safely & Easily

Disclaimer: Third eye practice should be considered as Spiritual Practice and is not medical in nature nor is it to be considered as
medical advice. One should always consult with a medical doctor prior to beginning any form of mind body practice. Those who
suffer from mental disorders or mental diseases should not attempt any of the exercises without the assistance and guidance of their
health care professional. Opening the 3rd eye can cause dream like visions or hallucinations that may be unsuitable for anyone afflicted
with mental or emotional unbalance.

The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric
concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain Eastern and
Western spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within
to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality,
the third eye may also represent a stage of enlightenment or the evocation of
mental images containing deeply personal, spiritual or psychological
significance. The third eye is often associated with significant visions,
clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras),
precognition, and out-of-body experiences. Those who have allegedly
developed the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as
seers. The 3rd eye is associated with many psychic phenomenon or abilities.
Anja chakra or Third Eye is a natural part of every person, but it is a "multi"
organ. In other words: it really consists of all the bodys senses and mind
working together as a much larger more powerful harmonious sensory
organ. The Third Eye is an extraordinary sense that developed through
natural evolution: Its a multi-sensory organ designed to perceive, energy
patterns or frequencies and then relay the acquired data back in overlays of
information on top of your other senses.
Once opened it's a very powerful ability, powerful enough that it literally
can drive some people crazy if not understood, accepted and developed
correctly. Also due to lack of understanding more people than not mislabel
and run away from the ability or take it to strange descriptions... which
further muck and murk up the waters of what the Third Eye truly is.
The Third Eye as a sense organ can be used in many different ways. It opens
up our awareness to many phenomenons around us. It's used by psychics and
seers to make connections and answer questions. It's used by energy healers
to feel the energy and then manipulate that energy. It's part of an empathic
sense where a person can touch and feel the emotions or illness of others.
Many other applications exist for how people have used the Third Eye.

The pineal gland

Some writers and researchers, including H. P. Blavatsky and Rick
Strassman, have suggested that the third eye is in fact the partially dormant
pineal gland, which resides between the two hemispheres of the brain. This
concept is supported by the pinealocytes, one type of cells within the pineal
gland, having a strong resemblance to the photoreceptors of the eye.
Additionally, the pineal gland is said to excrete dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
or spirit molecule, which may be factor, but not in the sense of the
psychedelic drug, which induces dreams, near-death experiences,
meditation, or hallucinations. Various types of lower vertebrates, such as
reptiles and amphibians, can actually sense light via a third parietal eyea
structure associated with the pineal glandwhich serves to regulate their
circadian rhythms. When the 3rd eye is open, its like having access to your
dream mind while still being alert or awake, which allows you to perceive
or experience a different level of information and interaction with your

In Summary, the third is a multi-sense organ of awareness. It allows the

universal spirit, living through you to be aware and conscious of certain
environments. These environments can be both external of internal, however
it must be said that these environments, as witnessed via the third eye, are
predominantly mental visuals for most people. A few may progress to the
Guru levels if more spiritually evolved and/or practiced people.

What to Expect
If you consistently follow the simple instructions in this E-book you will
eventually and likely be able to obtain:

Greater awareness of yourself and others.

Lucid Dreaming and Precognition
Long experiences of Dj vu as if you are re-experiencing events.
Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences.
Be far more intuitive, receiving impulsive information.
Develop psychic abilities such as: clairvoyance, telepathy and
Psychometry (knowing the history of objects).
Develop remote viewing and awareness over long distances.
Minds Eye Geometric visions and colors like a kaleidoscope
Know the thoughts of other people and their true feelings.
Greater awareness of the natural energies, good and bad that flow patterns
emitting from buildings, as described in feng shui.
Awareness of anyone astral traveling around you.
Seeing Auras around people and objects
Heightened awareness of those that are attracted to you, and vice versa those
who have animosity towards you.
Become aware of other dimensions in the universe and inner-verse.
Seeing the internal organs & anatomy inside your body and others.
As you can see from the list above, you have a lot to look forward to! These
things will not occur overnight, but steady notable progress will be
experienced in several of these areas as you continue the practice exercises
outlined in this material. Regular and consistent practice is the Key to
opening the 3rd eye.

Finding Your Minds Eye

Sitting comfortably, close your eyes and remember where you were
yesterday. What does it look like? Create and visualize the entire scenery.
Now realize that you have created a picture in your minds eye to recall this
particular time. Notice exactly where this image is projected within your
head. This is your inner screen or third eye vision. Try this with other things,
like visualizing your signature on a piece of paper. What does your car look
like? Your Home, etc.? Try to recall one of your favorite movie scenes. Can
you hear the sounds? Try your favorite song. Can you hear it in your mind
with any detail?

A Brief Word On Safety

All the techniques shown here are perfectly safe as long as you follow the
directions and adhere to the clear instructions. The fact that you have bought
this course indicates that you are both willing and open to learning correctly.
Please do not share this information with anybody else, as they may not be
so willing as you are.
The exercises that will be presented shortly will induce altered states of
conscious awareness, and your task is to form mental observations and
realizations and integrate them into your daily life. In presenting you with
this resource, you gain access through which by your own efforts and selfdiscipline, you experience worlds or dimensions beyond the everyday norm.
The Law of Cause & Effect
Before we begin with the actual exercises of this course, it should be
explained here and now, that there is a universal law of cause and effect,
which is often referred to as Karma. As each cause produces its
corresponding effect and each deed bears either fruit or consequence it
should therefore be accepted as the most exalted law. For whatsoever a man
sows, that shall he also reap as the old proverb states. Everyone who
pursues this knowledge must know and respect this irrefutable law, which
also applies to the elemental principals previously discussed. If you think
that you will be able to use these abilities to effortlessly obtain power over
your fellow man, you will be sadly disappointed with this course. You could
certainly pursue selfish needs to obtain honor, fame, wealth or even power to
annihilate your enemies, but you will most certainly pay a heavy Karmic
debt if you succeed! However, it is much more likely that you would simply
fail in your efforts. The purpose of this course is to develop every aspect of
ones self physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually in order to
truly benefit mankind For what you sow, you shall surely reap!
Hence you are strongly advised against using the knowledge gained through
opening your third, to give yourself unfair advantages by manipulating
others. If you do as such, then you must expect the universe to give you a
lesson on being manipulated yourself!

The Chakra system

The third eye belongs to a system of energy transformers called chakras.

These are purely locations within the aura, where different environments
(from the different bodies) are brought together and form cone shaped
energy wheels often referred to as Chakras or Dan Tiens in Qigong.
Yogis and others who practice internal alchemy arts believe that the chakras
can be activated by stimulating them with a very powerful energy referred to
as the Kundalini.

The Kundalini energy is said to reside dormant in normal people until

such times they experience an awakening. The kundalini is said to then rise
up from its sleeping position, namely as a coiled energy (like a
spring) in the region between the base of the spine and the genital area.
From here it travels up through a central channel referred to as the
Sushumna nadi. The Sushumna passes through various energy vortices or

Mystics belief that seven major Chakras exist, starting from the lowest and
slowest energy wheel located at the base of the spine. This Chakra is very
important and conveys to the person a sense of self-preservation and
responsibility. Mans primitive carnal nature is located here.
The chakras are located within the Etheric body, associated with the vertical
axis of the spine. As one progresses up the spine towards the head, the
chakras are thought of as being more evolved.
The base Chakra is deemed to be quite basic, and most people will operate
from this Chakra or its near neighbor the sex chakra.
Over activation of this chakra will lead the person to an over active interest
in sex and its associated behaviors and carnal nature.

Important point
The chakras below the neck are really associated with the persons own
experiences in the physical world, and having a sense of personal power and
connectivity to everyday life.
The chakras above the neck are associated with greater aspirations,
spirituality and necessary for true spiritual evolution. In this sense, they
allow the person greater insight into increasing levels of universal law. Since
the chakras above the neck are associated with more universal aspects of
life, development of the anja chakra allows the person to be more aware of:

Clairvoyance and other related abilities

Development of Intuition, Clairaudience and enhanced hearing
Higher mind and philosophical understanding
Increased inspiration and Empathic knowing
Increased depth and insight into everyday life. Not based upon a set of
dogma or religious belief system, but rather on the ability to see what is
really going on.
Please note that although the third eye will open if you practice the
techniques outlined and described shortly, please be vigilant to not anticipate
results. Anticipation or expectation leads to a misdirection of focus and
hence a dilution of the efficacy of the practice.

Do not practice any of the following exercises during times of

emotional unrest, mental disturbance or negativity. This
disturbed state may make it difficult to relax and/or can
potentially result in unpleasant visions.

How to open your third eye

The following are basic guidelines. Each person needs to take
responsibility for their own welfare, and you are advised to skip
practice of the exercises on days you feel less than 100%.
Preparation for practice
Any clean quiet room free from disturbances is advised.
There needs to be adequate light to view the meditation aid.
Each practice session will normally require 20-minutes or more,
depending upon your level of commitment and circumstances.
Wear clothing that will not restrict blood flow.
You may choose to have a timepiece to regulate your meditation time.
You may also choose to have a note pad and book close by to record
your experiences.
Please do not discuss your experiences with others as this may:
Dissipate your vital energies.
Might create unnecessary pressure on you to experience more.
The mind can assist or distract a person from their progress. If your
mind gets distracted you will miss out on quality practice.
The people with whom you share may not value what you experience
and undermine your progress.
You may frighten those you tell, and they may treat you accordingly.
They may try and practice the exercises without fully committing
themselves to adequate practice and safety.

The Magic Mirror Yantra

A Yantra is a tool or instrument utilized in Eastern mysticism to
balance the mind and integrate spiritual concepts. The simple act of
concentrating on a Yantra is held to have spiritual and magical benefits
within many Yoga traditions.
The Magic Mirror Yantra is an exceptionally simple, yet powerful
device that will help quiet the mind while magically turning your third
eye inside out, causing it to open. In normal waking consciousness, the
light flows into our retinas and we utilize our two eyes for normal
vision. When we sleep in black darkness, our physical eyes close and our
minds eye awakens allowing us to experience dreams. This magic
Yantra inverses that relationship and provides the unique environment
for your third eye to open during the everyday conscious state.
To construct this Yantra is simple and inexpensive, costing less than $10
to make. However, you want to take the time and proper care to make it

1) Obtain a large plain WHITE poster board from an art store or

any store that carries this item. This is the same type of blank
board that one would use to make a presentation or speech with
visual aids.
2) Get a piece of solid black paper with a flat finish (no gloss). Cut it
into a square piece measuring 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches. Make it as
square as possible.
3) Use a glue stick to apply the black square to the center of the
white poster board, so that the square is in the middle of the white
board. Make sure that all the corner edges are flat to the board.

Magic Mirror Yantra illustration on the following page. Note that

this would be turned horizontal.

Important details.
The white card must be:
As neutrally white as possible.
Have a plain flat finish.
Texturally smooth as possible like plain white paper.
It must be free from creases or blemishes or other optical
It must be large poster size. (24 x 36 or 36 x 48 inches work great)

The black card must be:

As neutrally black as possible.
Have a flat finish.
Texturally smooth as possible.
It must be free from creases or blemishes or evidence
of adhesive (used to secure it to the white card).
It must be as square as possible. The edges must be
as true and straight as possible.
The sides should have dimensions of 3.5 by 3.5 inches and should be
centered onto the large white poster.
Taoist practice utilizes White Silk either plain or with a small
black circle in the center. Silk will accumulate and reflect Chi or
bio-electricity and is another more expensive option for the
construction of your magic mirror yantra.

The white card has to be large, because you need to be able to sit in
front of it and not be able to see the sides of it very easily. This helps
the mandala dominate your visual fields and prevents your mind
from wandering all over the place.
The crispness of color and texture are important. When meditating
for more than a few seconds, most peoples concentration wavers.
The mind has been conditioned to be active and move about,
collecting and gathering information and then assessing it.
These processes work and are automatic and incredibly fast.
However, in attempting to open the third eye, you are temporally
suspending normal habitual processes so that you might discover
something that would otherwise be normally hidden. Unless the
cards are without much description, your mind after a couple of
minutes will look for anything about the card to get fixated on, and
hence be distracted from the main exercise. Such distractions will
decrease the efficacy of the method.

The Aura
Everything has an aura. Couches, walls, plants, TVs, cars, pets and
so on. Everything has an aura because everything absorbs energy.
Like a glow ball or the numbers of a watch glow in the dark after
being placed in the light, so can objects absorb different forms of
energy: heat, cold, sound and so on.
Theosophy defines the aura as the subtle, psychic, indivisible essence
that is radiated from all things. The word derives from the Latin for
breeze. It is a composite and combination of all energies, both
subtle and gross that make up the individual or thing.

Objects are continually absorbing energy from everything.

Remember science states: energy can neither be created nor
destroyed. This energy must go somewhere. It doesn't bounce
around into infinity. It is absorbed by both living and non-living
things. When energy is absorbed it radiates from the objects that
absorbed it. Much like the mirage heat effect radiating from our
streets and roads when you look towards the horizon.
Some things are different. Plants and animals generate their own
source of energy - from within. Different still is the human aura,
though they all possess similarities. The most important property of
the Aura seems to be the fact that it contains and reveals
INFORMATION about the individual person or object.
The human aura radiates from an inner source of energy. Your body
has two types of energy: energy from your dimensional body and
other energy absorbed through food, sound and light sources. We fall
under the same rules and principals of energy absorption as animals,
trees, stones, furniture and everything else.
When you first begin to see the aura, it appears as a perimeter
outline around the body. This energy field is directly connected to the
person's emotions and nervous system. NOTE: It is only necessary
for a beginner to see the transparent illumination. That is all you
should strive for. Dont worry about seeing colors or additional

layers. After accomplishing this first step, then start trying to see
Usually when people talk about the aura they describe it having
various colors. They also talk about how each color has a specific,
universal meaning. This is not true, though if you are able to see
color you may find instances or examples of what the color is said to
generally represent. Most people get discouraged from seeing the
aura because they immediately look, or expect to see color and only
see a whitish glow or a clear transparent film. The color of the aura
is so faint for a novice that, to some, it appears to not even exist. They
see the energy (transparent illumination) and assume if they don't
see color it must not be the aura. Then they feel failure and give up
completely. Give up having preconceived expectations and just
practice and allow your clairvoyant sense to develop naturally.

How to practice and see Auras

First of all, why do we need to see auras? The colors and intensity of
the aura, especially around and above the head reveal VERY special
meanings. Through the practice of watching someone's aura you can
actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them
expressed vocally. For example, if they do not agree with what this
person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in
front of you undetected. We cannot fake the energy emanations of
the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to
When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people
are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try
to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become
better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people.
Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see
and read Auras.

Magic Yantras for Seeing Auras.

On the next two pages, you are given two Yantras for developing
your ability to see and observe auras. They are ready to print and
use as is, but some prefer to attach them to poster board or to a white
wall to have a larger neutral background.
They work on the following principles:
Increase the sensitivity of your eyes.
Extend the range of perceived vibration beyond the visible light by
using and training our peripheral vision
Increasing focus and visual exposure
Enhance optical sensation processing in the brain
Enhance the communication between left and right hemispheres of
the brain. Note, information from the right eye or retina sends
information to the left hemisphere and the left eye sends information
to the right hemisphere.
Aura Yantra 1

Aura Yantra 2

How to use the 3 Yantras

Preparation for practice

Any clean quiet room free from disturbances is advised.

There needs to be adequate light to view the meditation aid.
Each practice session will normally require between 15-minutes or
longer depending upon your level of commitment and circumstances.
Wear clothing that will not restrict blood flow.
You may also choose to have a note pad and book close by to record
your experiences.
Please do not discuss your experiences with others as
this may:
*Dissipate your vital energies.
*May create unnecessary pressure on you to
experience or anticipate more.
*The mind can assist or distract a person from
their progress. If you get distracted you will miss out
on having a quality practice.
*People you share experiences with may not value
what you experience and undermine your progress.
*In some cases, you may frighten those you tell and
they may treat you according to their beliefs and fear.
*They may attempt to practice the exercises without
fully committing themselves to adequate practice and

Preliminary Considerations
You should find yourself sitting comfortably in a quiet room where
you will be free from any disturbances and distractions. You should
sit upright on the end of a chair facing your Yantra (Magic Mirror,
Aura Yantra 1 or Aura Yantra 2).

Do not eat for at least an hour prior to practice. You can have
Water or juice, but dont drink tea, coffee or soda pop for at
least an hour before, though fruit juices or water are fine. Alcohol
should also be avoided.
This preparation is important because you do not what your
attention going to places other than where you decide to concentrate.
If you are feeling hyper due to stimulants, then that will be a waste
of your time because you will not be able to perform the following
exercises easily.
It is recommended that you listen to some soothing relaxing music or
sounds of nature recordings a few minutes prior to the exercise to
stabilize your mood and relax your mind.

The 8-steps to Opening the third eye safely.

There are just 8 steps that you must do in order to open your
third eye safely.
1. Enter a clam relaxed state of mind via deep breathing.
2. Meditate and focus on Yantras, which will open your third eye.
3. Use The 3rd eye audio frequencies to stimulate the chakra.
4. Repeat the breathing relaxation technique and focus within.
5. Visualisation for balance and protection.
6. Grounding with the 5 senses (smell, sound, taste, touch & sight).
7. Contemplate and record what has occurred in a journal.
8. Use the Mantras and Mudras to enhance 3rd eye stimulation.

Step 1-Entering a calm relaxed state of mind

1) Listen to calming music or sounds of nature (rain, waterfall, birds)
This simple step relaxes the mind and senses and prepares you for the
meditation practice that follows. Just a few minutes is all it takes.

Breathing is very important:

Your breath is the vehicle that subtler unseen aspects of your
sense of self or identity uses to inhabit the body. No respiration
equals inability to inhabit your physical body and hence you die. The
word soul is comprised of words meaning dust and air. Gen 2:7 The
LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
Breathing not only brings in oxygen necessary for all respiration
(ADP to ATP energy making processes) within the body, but also
removes unwanted toxins from the body.
Breathing allows vital life force (breath of life), Qi, chi or
prana as it may also be referred to, to enter the body.
Breathing is important for the balance and maintenance of
physical, emotional and mental health. Many people suffer mental
ills as a result of poor breathing habits. This may sound crazy, but is
absolutely 100% true! So heed this advice and practice your
breathing daily and you will receive many benefits ranging from:
Increased health, vitality and energy levels.
Clearer more focused thinking.
Increased emotional stability and mood.
Less nervous and physical tension.
Clearer skin and more youthful looks.
More restful sleep and more lucid dreaming.
Improved circulation.
Greater ease entering meditation states.
It will help you open your third eye!

First, we must get a better understanding of Qi pronounced as Key

or Chee. What exactly is Qi? Qi is Life Force energy It exists
everywhere within us and all around us. It is traditionally associated
with air and breath and the act of deep breathing in a variety of
ancient traditions (Qigong, Yoga, Tantra. Magik, Vajra, Hermetics,
etc.). The concept of the Force utilized by the Jedi Knights in the
Stars Wars movies is based entirely on the understanding of Qi.
It has long been known in ancient Chinese medicine that the proper
flow of Qi is vital to maintaining youthful vigor and health. Qi, is the
life-energy flowing through our bodies, traveling along pathways
known as meridians (kind of like a secondary circulatory system).
Thousands of years of observation and research have shown that
when the flow of Qi is slowed down or obstructed, illness results. Just
as the absence of light results in darkness, the absence or reduction
of Qi results in aging and bodily deterioration.
Every form of ill health and aging is accelerated by a lack of Qi. The
reason younger people don't seem to suffer as frequently from
serious illness or malaise (depression) is because their life-force
energy is strong, which keeps viruses and parasites from developing
into more serious full-blown illness. In much the same way, physical
injuries and wounds heal more rapidly in them because the flow of
Qi is stronger. Unfortunately, as years go by, the cumulative effects
of physical, psychological, and spiritual factors can compromise the
flow and strength of an individual's Qi. Many of these effects have
yet to be quantified by modern science and medicine. This is
specifically where Qigong training and breathing practices come in.
A very simple yet highly effective breathing practice is to lie down on
your back and place some kind of a weight on your stomach such as
a bag of sand or a heavy book. Breathe through your nose and exhale
fully so that the weight sinks down as your stomach contracts. Inhale
fully so the weight rises upwards as a result of your stomach
expanding and diaphragm reaching full movement. Continue this for
5 to 10 minutes. As you become comfortable with this kind of lower
belly breathing, it will become more of a daily habit and you will
recognize times when you are not breathing from the belly.

As you advance in this simple practice, you can add visualization and
intent to accumulate Qi or Life Force from the atmosphere. Just
picture yourself as an empty vessel absorbing all the energy of the
universe as you slowly draw in your inhaling breath. Try to feel the
energy coming in your legs, arms and head. As you exhale, focus on
your lower stomach near the bladder and visualize or feel the energy
spinning and rotating in this area.

Within just a short time, you should begin to feel as if your entire
body is absorbing energy. It starts to feel as if all the pores on your
skin are pulling in air, magnetism or electricity. This is the essence
of all Qigong and Yoga pranayama techniques. Practice this
breathing method for two weeks and try to apply it to during your
routine daily breathing to integrate it into your lifestyle and recharge
your energy throughout the day.

Step 2: The Magic Mirror Yantra

Assuming that you have learned the correct method of belly breathing
and absorbing energy from the atmosphere, you are ready to begin the
practice of opening the third eye.
1) Sit upright in a chair with your spine straight and erect.
2) Begin relaxing via your deep breathing skill.
3) As you inhale, feel the energy entering and filling your body.
Inhale making the metal sound Mmmmmm as if you were
enjoying something really tasty.
4) Hold the breath in for a pause of 3 to 4 seconds. Savoring the
moment with the Mmmmmm sound in your mind.
5) Exhale fully, allowing the stomach to contract inwards while
mentally making the sound Ahhhhhh like taking a warm
soothing shower. Feel the energy circulating in the lower stomach.
6) Feeling calm and relaxed look at your Magic Mirror Yantra,
which should be placed horizontally directly in front of you (head
height) about 20 to 24 inches from your eyes.
7) Put on your stereo headphones so that the wires run down your
back as opposed to your front. Start a 3rd eye frequency, which
will run for about 10-minutes. Note: You must use headphones.
8) Gaze at the entire black square trying to see it all at once as well
as several inches of the white background that surrounds it. Dont
worry about your breathing at this point. Just gaze at the Yantra
and allow your body to breath as it wishes.
9) When the audio completes, remove the headphones, close your
eyes and repeat the deep breathing exercise (steps 2-5) for 1
10- Take in a deep breath and hold it in. Place your thumbs in your
ears, your index fingers press the inside corner of the eyes towards
the bridge of the nose and the middle fingers press and close the
nostrils. This is called Jyoti Mudra.

11- While in Jyoti Mudra, focus your attention on the third eye
center located on your forehead between your eyes as if you were
trying to see through your skull.
12- Exhale when you can no longer comfortably retain the breath
vocally making the Mmmmm sound aloud feeling it vibrate the
third eye location. Note: keep your thumbs in your ears and eyes
closed while making this sound.
13- Inhale slowly through the nose bringing energy into the third eye
area mentally making the sound Oooooh. Try to sense the energy
moving all the way to the back of your skull. Hold the in breath for
the last time and repeat the Jyoti Mudra.
14- Exhale when you can no longer comfortably retain the breath
vocally making the Mmmmm sound feeling it vibrate the third eye
as discussed prior. Again, keep your thumbs in your ears and eyes

Step 3 Focus Within

After completing the steps above, keep your thumbs in your ears and
listen to internal sounds.
1) Try to hear the sound of your pulse or blood pumping through
your thumbs.
2) Next, try to feel your heart beating in your chest as you listen to
the sound of the beat or pulse.
3) Listen to the sound of your inhale and exhale. Try to hear it as a
sacred name of GOD such as Yahweh (inhale Yah, exhale Wah)
or Allah (inhale Ah, exhale Lah). As you listen, feel your lungs
expanding and contracting. Then feel your stomach doing the

Step 4 Protection
Visualize GOD or the Universe filling and surrounding your body
with protective white light. Utilize your energy accumulation
breathing skills discussed earlier while performing this step. Feel the
energy flowing into your body and give it the intent to protect you
from all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual attacks.

Step 5 Grounding
1) Become aware or notice any smells or scents in the air even if its
just the air itself.
2) Sense your tongue and taste buds and see if you observe any sense
of flavor.
3) Keep your eyes closed, but unplug your ears and listen to any
sounds you can pick up. Birds, cars, wind chimes, voices,
anything. Notice if any images or pictures form in your mind as a
result of hearing sounds.
4) Open your eyes and observe your surroundings.

Step 6 Record & Document your experience

This section is highly personal, and unique for the
individual. However here are guidelines:

Be as honest as you can with yourself. How relaxed were you prior
to the Yantra meditation?
What were your thoughts primarily focused on?
How easy was it to just look at or stay focused on the Yantra?
How neutral were you? Were you eager to see things?
Did you have preconceived expectations? Were you frightened at any
point during your practice? Were any physical sensations apparent?
Did you notice any heat, tingling or changes in temperature?
Did you hear any sounds? If so, what were they like? How would
you describe them? (ringing, buzzing, humming, voices, music)
Record your thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Remember to be honest with yourself. If you are not sure what you
have experienced, write down I am not sure what I experienced.
When you have recorded all of your thoughts, feelings and
experiences in your journal, your Magic Mirror Yantra practice
session is finished.

The Magic Mirror Yantra Exercise is the most important tool

for opening the Third Eye center as it inverts the minds eye causing it to
awaken. Performing this focus exercise daily will surely bring results.
Many choose to do two sessions, one first thing in the morning
immediately after waking from sleep while the pineal gland is still
relatively active and another session in the evening when one begins
feeling sleepy.

The Dream Diary (Very Important!)

Purchase a diary or notebook and keep it by your bedside. Treat this
item as a private and sacred. Do not allow others to view it. You must
respect these inner communications between the conscious and
subconscious mind to fully develop a rapport and sense of trust between
these aspects of consciousness. Just treat your diary as if it was
Classified Information and you are in charge of protecting these
When you record your dreams, try to write down as much descriptive
detail as you can as quickly as possible because the dream experience
will begin to fade away. You should use a type of shorthand and not
worry about complete sentences. For example: Big open field-green,
mountain background, snow on top, orange sun, pretty women, white
flower Asian dress, Huge Lion made of Fire is my companion. Girl is
giving me direction.
Later in the day, in the event you recorded a dream, you will use your
dream diary to recall in your minds eye as much of the imagery as
possible. This little exercise should only take a couple of minutes, but is
very useful for enhanced third eye experiences along with more
frequent lucid dreaming, precognition, De jevu and clairvoyance.

How to increase the frequency of vivid dreams

1) Take a high quality sublingual B-vitamin complex that has B12,
B6 and folic acid. Trader Joes makes an excellent sublingual that
is inexpensive.

2) Eat foods that are very high in L-Tryptophan. A very cheap and
extremely rich source can be found in powdered nonfat dry milk
or whey protein powders. Seaweed, blue-green algae, tofu,
soymilk, soy yogurt & soybeans, brown rice, bananas and peanuts
are other examples. You can also try L-Tryptophan supplements.
3) Many say that taking a melatonin supplement periodically
(1/week) helps induce vivid dreams.
4) Some try using mild MAOI inhibitors such as: Passionflower, St.
Johns Wort, Yohimbe.
5) Look at your hands several times during the day and ask yourself
Am I dreaming or am I awake? If you do this frequently and
make it a habit, you are likely to repeat the behavior in the dream
state and thus become Lucid during the experience. Your hands
will look a bit different in your dream, which will cause the
conscious mind to become aware during the dream.
6) A Daily seated meditation practice in complete darkness using the
Third eye frequency meditation. Once daily is enough.

Aura Yantra 1

1)Place the Aura Yantra horizontally in front of you at eye level. Stand
or sit facing the Yantra, which should be a full arms length away from
you. Focus your gaze on the black dot for 30 seconds or more. Try not
to blink, keeping your eyes open as long as possible.
2) After 30 seconds or so, allow your eyes to see the red and blue spheres
with only your peripheral vision.
Note that the colored areas seem to be surrounded by the Aura of a
different color. When peripheral sensors are stimulated for some time,
we experience color sensations, much different than when we use direct

central vision. The longer you concentrate, the brighter is the Aura
around colored areas, because your peripheral sensitivity increases.
Looking at the Yantra with central vision doesnt allow anything special
to occur. Concentration at ONE spot for long enough is the key.
However, rather than seeing a true Aura or energy field, this exercise
demonstrates the principle of how to focus to see human Auras by
making you more aware of certain specific capabilities of your eyesight
and your visual perception.

To apply this same principle to seeing human auras, focus your gaze on
the center of their forehead for 30-seconds or so and then allow your
peripheral vision to see the aura.

The basic principle is to focus on the centerline or middle of whatever is

being viewed, feeling somewhat in a trace state like when you naturally
stare at something while your mind drifts, daydreams or thinks of other
issues. Then allow your peripheral vision to see what the central vision

Aura Yantra 2

1) Place the Yantra horizontally in front of you about arms reach

away. You can either sit or stand for this exercise.
2) Stretch your hand forward so that one of your fingers is between
and underneath circles as shown below.

3) Focus your gaze on the tip of your finger for 30-seconds or more,
overlooking the circles. You may even see a total of 4 circles at
this time.

4) Merging the spheres. The objective here is to overlap the middle

CROSS on top of your finger, in the middle between the two.
Seeing the cross is the evidence that the left hemisphere of the
brain (connected to the right eye) is communicating with the right
hemisphere (connected to the left eye).

The merge or cross will initially float and seem unstable. Experiment
with the distance from your finger to your eyes to achieve a perfect
cross. You gain a significant benefit with daily practice of 3-5 minutes of
maintaining a perfectly balanced cross, preferably without blinking.
Experience shows that it is best to start with just a minute or two and
gradually increase the time every week. Short and intensive
concentration seems to be far better than longer sessions, interrupted by
the lack of developed skill.
Gradually, with practice you should be able to achieve and maintain the
cross without the finger. While maintaining the cross try to become
aware of the other 2 circles as well as everything around using your

peripheral vision. You should see Aura and color visuals around the
circles above with your peripheral vision. When you can analyze
additional surroundings using your peripheral vision, without loosing
focus upon the cross (and the concentration), you are ready to observe
and read auras!

Reading Auras:
When Seeing Colors, the important thing to remember is what
each color means to you personally. Over time you begin to create your
own personal list based on your unique experience that is right for you.
The basic colors and their generalized meanings are as follows:
Red: Angry. On the verge of confrontation.
Orange: Contemplating revenge. Holding frustration within, having
inner turmoil. Similar to red.
Yellow: Deep thought, concentrating mentally, studying, planning.
Blue: Positive energy, good vibration, meaning well to others, good
White: Good energy, very positive person, perhaps spiritual inclined.
Green: Bad health, illness, sick, disease, broken bone.
Black/Brown: This is a very misunderstood color and needs special
attention. Black/Brown auras are not aura colors at all but collapsing
auras. A collapsing aura is the energy of a person who, through their
soul, is not producing enough energy. The energy begins to pull from
outside sources rather than radiating from within.
This is more than enough to get you started. Go out and practice, even if
you can't find a partner, it is easy to sit at a location where people are
sitting to begin practicing. Remember, regular practice makes perfect in
spiritual training as much as anything else. The more you play with it,
the more you will be able to see and thus, the easier it gets.

Supporting Exercises : Candle Meditation

Candles made from Bees Wax are Best for this type of meditation!

1. The eyes find it restful and interesting and are able to fix upon it
with ease.
2. The stimulation of the retina by the gazing upon the candle flame
is similar to that sometimes experienced using the Magic Mirror
Yantra. However it is of a slightly different nature.
3. The experience of seeing something in your experience with your
eyes closed helps the student to psychologically prepare to see things
that are not there physically in the environment.

Meditating upon a candle

Place the candle (in its holder) and a match in your meditation area
prior to beginning the practice.
Open your eyes. Begin your breathing and relaxation exercise.
Light the candle and place it 50-60 cm from where you will be
Fix your gaze directly on the flame and hold it there steadily
(blinking as necessary) for between 2-3 minutes at a time.
Both your attention and gaze must remain fully on the candle
flame. Refrain from all other distractions.
Your gaze and attention must remain together on the candle flame.
If your gaze is steady but your attention is on something else, then
the efficacy of the technique reduces dramatically.
When the 2-3 minutes have elapsed, close your eyes and place the
palms of your hands over them to increase darkness. [The candle
remains lit].
You will be aware of an image in your imaginary field of view. This
is due to repeated stimulation of your cells within the retina, and the
impression made within the brain.
With your eyes palmed, retain the image of the flame. It will usually
be a yellow-white, although many people have reported seeing
different colors.
Concentrate fully on the image for 3 minutes and as best as you can
keep the image from wavering. Keep it steady, Stay Focused!
If the image begins to fade, relax and with your concentration, remanifest it in your minds eye.

If your mind wanders, refocus and concentrate. Each time you

catch yourself losing focus, and you refocus your mind-you will be
building a special set of tools inside yourself.
There will come a time when the image on the retina starts to fade,
as the retinal cells recover and return to normal. When this happens,
remove the palms of your hands and open your eyes.
Repeat the gazing at the candle flame for a further 2-3 minutes.

Candles Made From Bees Wax are the Best for this Mediation!!!!
Then close the eyes as before and re-palm them.
Hold the image in your minds eye for as long as you can
After 2-3 minutesstop and relax.
Well done! This is not an easy exercise, although it is highly
beneficial in the development of concentration.

Gaining Control of Your Minds Eye Part II

Advanced Trataka exercise:
In this section of the course, we are going to raise your thought control
abilities to dramatically increase and strengthen your willpower and
concentration. To start this exercise, you will need five different
physical objects such as a fork, pen or pencil, a ball, a box of matches, a
knife, etc. Place these objects in front of you and focus your eyes on a
single object for a while. Try to memorize every detail pertaining to the
shape, size and color of the object. Then, close your eyes and attempt to
mentally visualize this object exactly as it looked in reality. In the
beginning, you will only be able to do this for a few seconds before the
object disappears from your mind, but through practice and
perseverance, this will happen far less frequently and you will
eventually be able to hold the image in your mind for longer durations.
Do not get frustrated or disappointed with these initial setbacks as
everyone experiences them. When you first start practicing this exercise,
do not work at it for more than 10-minutes per session. Once you get
more comfortable, gradually increase the training session little by little
up to 20 or 30-minutes. The objective of this exercise is complete, when
you can mentally hold the image of the object for 5-minutes without
interruption. Remember, this is an ability that you already have. Your
mind does this every time you dream with an amazing level of detail and
Once you have accomplished holding the image for 5-minutes with your
eyes closed, begin working on visualizing the image with your eyes open.
This is similar to day dreaming. For some students, this particular
exercise is much easier than the preceding exercise while for others it is
more difficult. When you visualize with your eyes open, try to imagine
that the object is suspended in mid air immediately in front of you as if
you could almost reach out and touch it. While visualizing your object,
you should be unaware of other surroundings as your full concentration
is focused on the imagined object. This exercise is complete when you
can visualize the object without the slightest interference or mental
disturbance for 5-minutes.

What to do with your third eye when it is opening?

Development of psychic and intuitive abilities, are gradual and indeed

natural. Everybody is to some extent, sensitive. Some people are able
to see auras easily and others have to work at it. Other people are able
to read impressions they get off objects (psychometry). Some become
very empathic and feel the emotional states or health of others easily.
Intuition and knowing seems to increase for all regardless of other
abilities. Frequency of coincidence and Deja vu increases significantly.
Photographic like memory becomes enhanced. Hearing the thoughts of
others may begin to occur. This can also result in communication with
spirit guides both visually and auditory. Vivid dreams may resemble
or predict events in the future or the past.
As abilities reveal themselves we ask that you handle them in a mature,
responsible, honest manner and that you fully understand and accept all
consequences of any inappropriate use of your power or skills.

Exercise To Develop Telepathy

Understand here and now that there is an ancient law having the
sentiment: Those who are in the know must not abuse or take
advantage of those who are not in the know... With extreme
power, comes equally extreme responsibility!
You are being entrusted with a significant piece of information that you
must not share with others, unless in your heart of hearts you know that
the person is moral and upstanding and you are doing so in the interest
of mankind.
We are motivated to help the ordinary person discover they are
truly great, and that they can make a difference to the quality of life
of the planet and the people on it.
We are motivated to help people discover their true spiritual
essence and not to abuse or take advantage of others in the process.
All great teachers and masters: Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus
Muhammad, etc. have taught that the spirit of GOD is within us, not
outside of ourselves. We are all one with GOD not separate from the
creator. All there is cannot create with anything but itself, thus
everyone and everything, seen and unseen is of the very essence of
the Creator itself. The essence of GOD is eminent in all things,
including you! This is why you must Do onto others as you would
have them do onto you and to Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Please respect all of the information provided, it is pure gold in moral
hands, but can be a curse in selfish, greedy, lustful or power hungry

Development of Mental Telepathy Exercise

Thoughts are created within the mind body.
When you or anyone else has a thought, it is transmitted into the
universe similar to a radio transmitting a signal.

Telepathy relies upon your mind being able to both transmit as well
as receive. Just like you cannot hear radio stations without the
proper receiving equipment, you cannot transmit or hear thoughts
without developing your mind.
The thoughts you have, are directly related to levels of space you
have moment-to-moment, within yourself.
The telepath is able to allow their mind to become open and yet to
scan through the frequencies in order to locate a person and know
their intentions.
Most people make the mistake of thinking that this scanning occurs
on the outside of themselves. However, it must occur within the
deeper parts of themselves. By scanning inside themselves, whilst
remaining gentle and still, the intentions and thoughts of the other
person may be known through empathy.
Similarly thoughts maybe transmitted to the person once a
connection is made.
Meditation and opening of the third eye, renders the individual
more capable to scan through the range of frequencies at greater
speed and thus, if the concentration is developed, attune himself or
herself to a person.

1) Sit quietly, breathe in energy and relax and empty your mind.
2) Think of the Magic Mirror Yantra and find a sense of peace,
kindness and gentleness within yourself. Use the Mind Gate Mudra.
4) Get a picture of the person you wish to contact in your mind. The
picture should be preferably 3-dimensional and in color. This
should be fairly simple if you know the person (or have seen them
on TV) assuming you have mastered the advanced Trataka
.. Be as quiet and still as you can be within yourself, whilst still
holding their picture in your mindwhat do you notice? What do
you feel? Can you hear anything? .. With practice you will gain a
great deal of benefit and information from this exercise. Dont abuse
it. Good luck!

Supreme Yin (Accumulation of the Water element)

The first step of this exercise is to assume the water meditation

posture, which is corpse pose or lying down meditation.

First, lay down on your back with your palms face down on the
ground. Relax your entire body from head to toe and make yourself
as comfortable as possible, but dont fall asleep. Now, imagine that
you are floating on a giant ocean of cool water. There is nothing else
in the universe except an infinite ocean of dark blue water and you
are directly in the center of it all. Now slowly let your body be
completely submerged in the water element. As you inhale slowly
through your entire body (lungs & pores), you experience the
coldness and contracting power of this element. Whereas the fire
element was hot, expansive and exploding, the water element is cool,
contracting and imploding. You begin to feel the coldness of the
water sensation throughout your entire body. With each inhalation,
you get colder and colder as you become more magnetically
attractive, drawing things towards you like a vacuum. The inhalation
should be very slow, taking much longer than the exhale breath.
Dont retain the breath for this exercise other than a brief 1-second
pause. Through progressive inhalations, you feel cooler and cooler
until you are icy cold and your body seems to have its own attracting
force or gravitational pull as a result of this condensing water
element. The pressure builds from the outside and pushes inward on
your body as if you were being squeezed from all sides by strong
magnetic force. Whereas the fire element is hot, radiating and
exploding, the water element is cold and imploding. Begin to
circulate this feeling around your body like a whirlpool vortex.
Now, begin to expel this element through your entire body as you
exhale. With each breathe out, your body temperature slowly warms
toward normal levels and the attractive power and pressure fades
away. Continue to exhale the element until you feel that it has been
completely expelled from your entire body. Practitioners of this
exercise in the Orient have achieved many great phenomena through
their control of the Water element. One of the simplest applications
is to keep yourself cool on a hot day but there are many other
benefits for you to discover. Some of the paranormal effects of this
exercise are: out of body experience, distant viewing, lucid dreaming,
spiritual visions or premonitions, greater intuition or ESP,
connection with other dimensional beings, astral travel and

During this exercise, you may experience external sensations as well

such as feeling like the floor is moving. This is a result of your energy
and aura actually experiencing the meditation as it plays out in your
minds eye. Just stay relaxed and dont get distracted by these

Third Eye Power Yantra. On the next 2 pages, you will find
an Indigo Flower Yantra and a Jade Flower Yantra both of which
radiates energy to the third eye center or anja chakra. Print these in
color on photo quality paper and the highest quality print resolution
or have a professional printer do it. Have the image laminated to
protect it from moisture and wrinkling. A thick clear laminate works
best for this tool. Sit, lay or stand on it when performing any of the
third eye exercises provided in this course. Even place it under your
pillow or under your back when sleeping. Gaze at it daily for short
periods of 1-minute. You may want more than a single copy. This
image can also charge drinking water if placed on top and centered
on the Yantra. Both Jade and Indigo are known to stimulate the
third eye center. These are simple tools that produce results. You will
likely feel pressure, tingling, warmth or other sensations on your 3rd
eye simply from using these yantras. Use them in a daily alternation
so that you switch from Indigo to Jade on a regular rotation.



Reiki attunement can also speed or enhance third eye opening.

Many sites offer free Reiki empowerments. Just use a search engine
using Free Reiki attunement as you key words and you should find
several sources. Kundalini Reiki is also recommended. In
addition, these empowerments will activate the other chakras and
give you tools to channel healing energy for the benefit of yourself
and others.

We also offer 2 unique empowerments or catalyst for 3rd eye opening

(Anja Activation & Psychic Reiki attunements) Just send request.

Lying Down Meditation 2

1) Perform your relaxation breathing and energy accumulation
visualization while lying down in corpse pose.
2) After a few minutes, place your headphones on and listen to the
3rd eye frequency meditation. Push your thumbs into the inner
corner of your eyes similar to Jyoti Mudra and focus on the center
of your head. You may begin to see a very bright white light.
3) Utilize your focus and concentration skills to retain the light as
long as possible. You may begin to see what appears to be a blue
tunnel or vortex with white light emitting from the center.

4) Based upon records and literature, this is very much like a near
death experience. Dont be afraid of the light, move your
awareness into it, traveling inwards to the center.
5) Dont lose your awareness of the bright white light. Move into the
light and think of nothing else other than the pleasurable
experience of the emanating light itself.
6) Use the emotional triggers of Mmmmm, Wow, Amazing,
Incredible and Thank You as you move inwards. This is a
place within yourself where interesting things are going to happen
that are strictly between you and your inner spirit.
7) Upon finishing this mediation, slowly open your eyes and relax.
Allow your body time to adjust and then stand and perform the
yawning X stretch 7-times to help distribute the energy
throughout your body.

Third Eye Breathing & Daily Awareness

It is highly recommended to include 3rd eye breathing techniques

sporadically throughout your daily routine (driving, walking, during
breaks, etc.). Basically, you want to breath in energy from the front of
your forehead all the way to the back of the skull on the inhale and then
reverse the process on the exhale. Breathing through the nose using a
yoga type breath where you can actually hear the sound of your breath
in the back of your throat as well as feel as slight friction or vibration in
the throat from the breath is best. As you do this, focus on the third eye
and connect the sound of your breath to creating a physical vibration or
feeling on your forehead. This will help you accumulate energy chi or
prana in the anja chakra or upper dan tien. This can be done lying
down, standing, sitting, walking, driving or any other time. Practice,
practice, practice!

Mantras and Mudra

The Third eye responds well to the sound Om or Aum, which rhymes
with home. Feeling the sound vibrate inside the skull and forehead is
the key. Plugging the ears as described in the Magic Mirror Yantra
exercise is very useful for feeling this vibration. Earplugs can be used
when placing your hands in 3rd eye Mudras. Inhale silently mentally
making the Ooooo sound of Aum and exhale vocalizing the
Mmmmm vibration concentrated on the forehead. Use the following
Mudra while staring at the Indigo Flower Yantra. Repeat the mantra
for 1 or 2 minutes. Feel the energy moving from front to back and back
to front, inhaling and exhaling the vibrations.

The next 3rd eye mantra is the sound Shreem, which rhymes with
Cream. Feel the E sound vibrating the back of your skull and
slowly move it forward to the center, then front of the skull as you make
the Mmmm sound, vibrating the forehead or front skull. Repeat for 1
minute or so. There is a slight Mudra change, keep the thumbs on the
3rd eye, but connect the index fingers forming a triangular shape.

The final sound or mantra is Vez, which rhymes with the candy PEZ.
Vibrate a continued Vvvvvvv sound at the back of your skull as you
slowly exhale, move it into the center of your skull vibrating a short ESound Eh, then move it to the forehead vibrating the Zzzzzzz
sound. Repeat for 1 or 2 minutes.
Now with your eyes still closed, Notice the inner screen of your mind.
Bring your attention to the space between your eyes at the center of
your forehead (your third eye). Visualize your third eye expanding
outwards like the image on the following page. Do you see anything

shapes, colors, anything at all? Do not judge yourself or expect anything

of yourself. Just be aware of images of any sort that come to mind. If
nothing comes don't be discouraged. Developing this or any other skill
may take some time. Know in your heart, that simply by bringing your
attention to your third eye the skill of clairvoyance has already began to
awaken. Like all skills the development or rather the remembrance of it
will involve practice and persistence!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror practice will simply amaze you within a little time! How can it
be possible for a mirrors surface to reflect not only our physical image,
but also our aura as well? It is possible to experience or see faces of
yourself in both the past and future. The faces of your spirit guides can
also appear during the practice of mirror gazing? A well-known
Tibetan master by the name of Chogyam Trungpa, once told a friend
that in deep reflection meditation practice, he could see the realm of
Shambhala in his mirror. The mirror is one of the most basic elements
of occult initiation in western schools of esotericism.

1) Sit or stand approximately 3 feet away from a large mirror. Use

earplugs to block out as much ambient sound as possible. Wear
something white to contrast with the darkness. Use a silent
electric timer or relaxing music that will allow you a total of 15minutes to complete the entire practice.
2) The room should be dark with the only source of light coming
from a lit candle placed to the right side of your body.
3) Start your timing device and close your eyes and begin relaxing
your mind and body, breathing in energy as discussed in prior
4) After a few minutes, with your eyes still closed, begin 3rd eye
breathing into the forehead while focusing the energy vibrations
moving into your 3rd eye. Become aware of the vibration between
the eyebrows, and connect it to the sound of your breath and
throat friction. Keep building up the vibration between the
eyebrows for about 1 full minute.
5) Become aware of light or color patterns appearing inside your
forehead between the eyebrows. Connect the sound of your
breathing and throat friction to these internal lights trying to
amplify them with your breathing. Continue for a minute or
longer if you like.
6) Become aware of the purple, indigo or dark space (i.e. the
background behind the lights and/or colors). Remain in the space
for 1 or 2 minutes, merging your consciousness with this space
and feeling One with it.
7) Slowly open your eyes and begin gazing directly at your
reflection. Focus your gaze on the the 3rd eye area of your
reflection. Continue to practice 3rd eye breathing for the
remainder of the practice.
8) Gaze into the mirror for 10-minutes or longer if you prefer.
Simply observe !
9) Record your experience in your diary or journal.
Having trouble seeing colors or lights in your 3rd eye? Gaze intently at
the white dot located in the center of the next image for 5-minutes.
Perform 3rd Eye breathing the entire time. Then close your eyes and
observe any colors, lights or patterns that emerge in your minds eye!
Continue to use the 3rd eye breathing to connect the breath and sound
vibration to the imagery in the third eye center.

Astral Projection
Remote Viewing
Out of Body Experiences

To induce Astral projection or an OBE (out of body experience) it is

absolutely essential to have a well-kept Dream Diary with various
dreams recorded within as previously described. This is by far the
fastest way to enter into these states of awareness.
1) Pick a dream from your Diary and begin trying to recall it in as
much detail as possible.
2) Lay down on the floor and perform the Supreme Yin
meditation exercise.
3) As you become more and more relaxed you may begin to feel a bit
sleepy. This is good. Now, when your mind begins to wander and
drift allow it to do so for a minute or two.
4) With the mind relaxed and your thoughts drifting, begin to recall
your dream visually in your 3rd eye.
Stage 1: Just witness and allow the dream to repeat somewhat like a
recurring dream. This will allow you to add more detail to your journal
as well.

Stage 2: After having successfully repeated a dream, the next time you
perform this exercise, initiate the process again using the same dream,
but this time you will explore it deeper, or try to change it by doing
something different. The idea here is to become lucid within this state of
left and right hemisphere activity. This can also take you into astral
traveling, which you should just participate as a passive witness the 1st
time (stage 1 process again) and record the results in your diary as an
astral travel or keep a separate journal for these cases.
Stage 3: This stage is nearly identical to stage 2, but instead of staying in
the dream, you guide your awareness to a specific location (Astral
Travel or Remote Viewing). It is suggested that you pick a location
familiar to you at first (your own home, a friend or relatives house, a
common vacation spot, etc.) Explore and record your results. What did
you see? Did you interact with anyone? What were they wearing? Was
anything out of place? After you have gained success in this practice, try
exploring a local store that you have never visited. Do this a couple of
times and then actually go to the store and compare your results.
Stage 4: This stage is basically the same as stage 2 and 3, except instead
of recalling a dream at the point of mental drifting, you instead try to
recall details from a prior astral experience and then explore it in
further going deeper and become more lucid and/or proactive in these
unique environments. The rules of engagement are to always begin with
familiar territory and then slowly enter unfamiliar experiences at a
gradual comfortable pace allowing them to become comfortable as well.
The mind has both a natural child like curiosity and fear of the
unknown, so it is always wise to proceed at a slow pace to prevent any
negative mental or emotional experiences.

Special Mantras
The 4 mantras below are used to enhance 3rd eye experiences, such as
Astral Travel, Remote Seeing, Clairvoyance & Clairaudience, lucid
dreaming, past & future events and more. You should only practice one
mantra at a time and stay with it everyday for 40 consecutive days
before moving on to a new mantra. If possible, always practice at the
same time each day in an area where you will not be disturbed. Your
back should be kept straight, with your feet flat on the floor. Wearing

earplugs can also help with feeling the sound vibrations resonate in your
mind and body. You should also mentally repeat your selected mantra
throughout the day as often as possible.
1) Om Ham Ksham Chakra Jaa-Grana-Aya Kata-Ya Ayin-Yai
Namaha (this mantra is used to open the 3rd eye)
2) Om Ha Sa Kha Prem (Used for Astral Travel and OBE)
3) Om Kreem Kleem Hreem (Used to Transcend Time, Space and
Matter). All three sounds rhyme with Cream
4) Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem So Ha (Used
to acquire any and all attainments) Hum sounds like whom
5) Master Zhi Chen Guos & Master Zhi Gang Shas mind opening
number code:

01 777 90 8 0 1 777 922 44



Number English Chinese Number Chinese Pronunciation

1 one
2 two


3 three
4 four suh
5 five
6 six


7 seven
8 eight
9 nine


10 ten


This is a strange but powerful number-based coding system which,

when recited in Chinese, serves as a mantra. "Computers are based on
the binary code system of zero and ones such as: 010101," says Master
Sha. "The Divine gave my spiritual father, Master Guo, a sacred code to
develop and unlock the potential powers of the brain. 01777908
0177792244. This is the sacred code. Repeat it yourself, it has
tremendous power."

At the end of each mantra practice, repeat the following affirmation:

Right now, in this very moment, I am attracting happiness and success
in all my endeavors because I am already a happy successful being.
Since likes attract likes, I am only attracting more success and things
that will bring me greater happiness, for this I am truly Pleased,
Thankful and at Peace with myself and others.

Bija Seed Sounds & Free Download

Go to the following link and download the free chakra tuning
frequencies at the bottom of the page:
Each Chakra is associated with a seed sound (Bija) as well as a day of
the week. The root Chakra begins on Sunday with the sound Lam.
Monday is the 2nd Chakra or Sacrum with the sound Vam. Tuesday is
the 3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus with the sound Ram. Wednesday is the
Heart Chakra (4th) with the sound Yam, followed by the throat
chakra (5th) on Thursday with the sound Ham. Friday is the 3rd eye
(6th) chakra with the sound Om and Saturday is the Crown of the
head with the sound Ah. Try chanting the chakra sound on its day of
the week while listening to the specific frequency for the chakra and try
to resonate and tune your vocal tones to be in harmony with the
chakras sound. Also try to invoke the emotion or attitude of each
Chakra, which is also listed on the table on the following page. This is a
short practice that can produce significant results.

Maoshan Traveling Hands

This is an ancient method of spirit travel that was utilized by the Taoist
Maoshan sect to astral travel spiritually into unseen dimensions and
worlds, which is where much of their esoteric knowledge was obtained.
The method can be done either sitting or lying down with the most
important detail being the ability to reach a state boarding on sleep and

1) Assume a posture, either sitting or lying down. Breathe naturally

through the nose with eyes about 2/3rd closed. Eyes should
overlook the nose, but do not stare at the tip of it.
2) Form the Maoshan Traveling hands mudra by making a
unclenched fist, as if holding a small tube. In other words, the
fingers do not touch your palm. Place the tip of your thumb so
that it touches the middle knuckle of your index finger. Then
extend your pinky fingers so they are pointing outward.

Note: in the image above, the thumb should be outside the fist and
resting on top of the index fingers middle knuckle.
3) If seated, turn the thumb side of your hand facing up so that
your pinky fingers are parallel to the earth. If you are lying down,
lay the right hand on top of the heart center in the middle of your
chest and lay the left hand on top of your lower stomach, just
below your navel.
4) Now just focus your mind onto the tip of your pinky fingers, as if
you were breathing through them and simply relax into the
practice. Once you are between being awake and/or half asleep, it
will happen automatically. Just simply let yourself go.
When the traveling hands take effect, you may experience many
different things, such as the sound of wind blowing, a floating sensation,
then body may move or shake spontaneously, a feeling of being lifted
out of your head, strong sensation of heaviness in the physical body,
floating off into space or even traveling in real time in the sky. You may
also travel into dark void like space or into the diamond network, which
looks somewhat like a crystallized spider web.

Another Astral Travel & Lucid Dreaming Technique

This technique is a simple practice that should be done each night as

you lay down in bed getting ready to fall asleep. Both Chinese and
Mongolian Chi Kung systems utilize this method to induce lucid
dreaming and astral traveling. The throat center is used as the exclusive
focal point for your awareness as it is considered to be the location
where the disalignment of the physical and ethereal bodies will occur.

The procedure is simple. Just imagine that there is a large purple

sphere of energy (like a softball) that fills your entire neck area. Set the
intention, that any and all dreams and/or imagery perceived is
important and that you wish to remember them in as much detail as
possible. Once you obtain skill at achieving the purple ball at will and
can actually feel it inside your neck, the next step is to utilize the
elements (Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Space).
Earth- While visualizing the ball try to invoke feelings of heaviness, solidness and density.
Picture your body filled with the heavy clay of the earth (Brownish red) Do this for 7-days.
Water- While visualizing the ball try to invoke feelings of coldness, wave like motion or
fluidity, magnetic like attraction. Picture your body filled with dark blue water. Do this for
Air- While visualizing the ball try to invoke feelings of lightness, warmth (like humidity)
and a feeling of floating. Picture your body filled with air (traditionally seen as a light
greenish-blue mist) Do this for 7-days.

Fire- While visualizing the ball try to invoke feelings of heat, expansion and radiance.
Picture the body filled with red fire. Do this for 7-days.
Space- While visualizing the ball try to invoke feelings of infinite size in all directions.
Whether going infinitely small or large the sensation of space is limitless in all directions.
Picture the inside of your body, as being the universe, filled with stars and galaxies. Do this
for 7-days, then start the process all over again with Earth.

X-ray vision for energetic medical diagnosis.

The following meditation technique is practiced by Medical Qigong

masters to develop the skill to first see inside their own bodies so that
they can then use the same skill to see inside a patients body for
diagnosis of disease, injury or other ailments.

Nei Guan-Internal Viewing Meditation

The best way to practice the Nei Guan Meditation is through relaxed
deep abdominal breathing. Begin from a comfortable standing posture
with your arms just relaxed at your sides and your knees slightly bent.
After quieting the mind, simply relax and focus the imagination.
Imagine that the left eye is a bright radiant sun, while the right eye is a

bright and luminous moon. Both the sun and moon join together at the
Third Eye point. As their energies come together, they form a bright
white ball. This light actually gathers around the pituitary gland,
illuminating the optic chiasm, filling the occipital lobes (for internal
perceptual vision) and the thalamus for oculomotor control. As the light
expands it stimulates the corpus callosum and penetrates the pineal
gland, which acts as a projector for internal vision.
Next, focus your intention on directing this ball of white light, allowing
it to shine down into the body, illuminating all the internal organs. This
enables you to see directly inside your own body and view each organ.
Observe and feel the energetic strengths and individual weaknesses of
the bones, organs, and tissues. Allow both energy and information to
gather and expose itself through the Third Eye. After a while, relax and
return to a No Mind state, allowing all of these images to settle.
After a relatively short time of constant practice Qigong doctors learn to
discern the state of their own organs, and are able to regulate their own
physical and energetic body. This internal diagnostic ability sets the
foundation for doctors to extend their Internal-viewing capability
outside their own body to use on patients.

Concluding Summary
The third eye is an internal organ of unique awareness, and will allow
you to see and become conscious of things that most will never be aware
of. Third eye experiences are not always visual and can include
thoughts, impulses, intuition, sound, smell and feeling. With daily
practice using the simple Magic Mirror Yantra procedure, The Indigo
Flower and meditation frequency you will surely stimulate your 3rd eye
to open.
Please take care of your health and eat good foods and exercise. Daily
walks provide an excellent routine that can have benefits for meditation

and dreaming as well. Never strain, push or force yourself during any
of the exercises. They should be emotionally neutral, calming and
pleasant practices. You are a valuable member of the society on this
planet, more so since you are learning about spiritual mysticism and
related matters. As such, your aura and energy will under go many
subtle changes that will begin to influence those around you.
With continued practice you will learn to attune yourself to other
peoples frequency or vibration, while also avoiding or picking up
unnecessary negative energies from people with emotional troubles or
health issues.
Remember that you are protecting yourself from such energy, by
practicing your white light protection energy method. With regular
practice of the exercise, you will be able to invoke this protective force
field at will, but it shouldnt be necessary as it should always be with
you growing stronger and stronger as a result of continued daily
Wishing you the very best on your journey to fully enrich your lifes
experience! Opening up your 3rd eye will happenjust keep practicing!
Patience, Persistence, Practice and Perseverance will make this a
certainty. Success has u in it. You can be certain that you will succeed
in opening your third eye by following these instructions. Read this
material often to make sure that you dont miss any important details.
Wishing you a pleasant inner and outer adventure! Enjoy : )

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