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Expectations/ group guidelines (43)

Confidentiality: everything said here stays here.

Participate honestly
Listen actively
Respond supportively




Leadership Engagement Activities

SAFE: Safety and Awareness For Everyone
Blindfold Leader Game: balls in the center of the field or
separated around the field, everyone has a partner (bigs and
littles) one is blindfolded and the other is the guider. The
blindfolded partner has to pick up the balls to be able to throw
them at the other teams. You have to hit the blindfolded partner
in able to get the team out. The leader is the protector and the
blindfolded partner must listen to all of the instructions by the
leader to be able to win. After the first round is done they will
switch positions, after the second round the will pick as a team
who will be the leader or the guider.
Character building/ profile strengths and weaknesses. Drawing.
What makes you you.
What makes a leader in your eyes
If you were the leader/ what you want your leaders to have
Organization: my personal story. I have to be a step ahead to
have respect in my groups that I lead. I have to be organized and
know what Im doing. I have to be confident with myself in the
position I am in. I have to be open and approachable. Honesty is
a big thing when leading a group because you want everyone to
be equal in knowing information. Dont have favorites spread
work out equally.
Word collage
Advertisement skit
Situation challenge ( group) they are given a situation and they
have to come up with a good way of addressing the problem.
Oh captain my captain: The person who is leading the activity is
considered to be captain. The captain stands in front of the group and
facing the group. The captain must first explain the commands and
what actions go along with them. When "to the ship" is shouted the
group runs to the captains right. When "To the island" is said the group
goes to the captains left. When "attention on deck" is said everyone in
the group stands facing the captain and saluting. As they do this they
say "Aye Aye Captain" and are not allowed to move until the captain
says "at ease." When "love boat" gets said each person grabs a
partner and has to dance. When "captains quarters" is said the group
runs towards the captain. When "sick turtle" gets said every person
has to lay on their backs with their arms and legs waving in the air.
When "three maids rowing" is said people have to get into groups of
three, sit in a row, and act like they are rowing. After commands are

given people are knocked out of the game by either being to slow to
complete the action or they are the odd person out when people get
together in a group. It is a fun variation on the classic game of Simon
says and gets the participants moving around and also trying to
remember what the commands mean.

Qualities of being a leader:

To be honest and believe in oneself
To be able to control ones emotions and show dedication
towards the task
To be a good listener
To be fair and just and not be judgmental of others
Good decision making skills
Positive attitude
Teaching integrity, responsibility and trust
Teach your child to realize what is right and wrong, especially
when no one is watching
-be a role model, good principles and discipline
-share stories on morals
-teach them to be responsible for their deeds
-encourage your child to believe I themselves
What is Leadership?
Type A vs. Type B
True Colors personality test
Before you lead others you have to know yourself first.
Support group

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