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English 6 Review on Prepositions


Learning Objectives
At the end of the review lesson, the pupils will be able to:
Identify prepositions and prepositional phrases
Use correctly prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences


Subject Matter
A. Topic:

Use of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

B. References:

English For You and Me p.242

C. Materials: Textbook, boxes, chalk

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Pretest Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each
1) My friend lives _____ Rizal Street. (in, on at)
2) I will wait_____ 7:00PM before I leave. (from, at, until)
3) My parents have been married____ 20 years. (since, for, until)
4) I visited my friend ____ the hospital. (of, at, in)
5) I will see you ____ home when I get there. (in, by, at)
6) It has been raining ____ this morning. (for, since, until)
7) I hid the ball ____ the table. (about, across, under)
8) After the movie, were going ____ Lucys house. (upon, to, for)
9) The cat sleeps _____ the two tables. ( on, for, between)
10) Valentines Day is _____ February 14. (at, in, on)
2. Motivation
1. The class is asked about relevant locations and dates, answers
are written on the board
- Where is the toilet, the principals office, the gym, room of
section Rizal?

When is Valentines day, what month is the graduation, what

time does flag ceremony start?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion

Ask the pupils what information their answers provided

- location and time

b. Ask the pupils to analyze the composition of the phrases.


Present preposition as follows:

Prepositions are words which begin prepositional phrases.
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begin with
a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun as object of
the preposition, and any modifiers of the object.
Prepositional phrases tell time or place.
Example: We drove to the big store.


Noun (object)

d. Provide examples of common prepositions and rules.

Pupils are asked to make prepositional phrases for some of
the prepositions discussed and use the same in sentences.
IV. Evaluation
Test - Choose the appropriate preposition to complete each
1. The hat is ____ the floor. (in, on, at)
2. My uncle is _____ the bus. (in, on, at)
3. Wolves howl ____ night. (during, for, at)
4. Tourists visit the Philippines ____ summer. (on, in, since)
5. My car is _____ Marias car. (on, under, beside)
6. She went ____ Carlas house to return the books. (with, at, to)
7. My teacher has been teaching ____ 25 years. (for, since, until)
8. Our school is ____Ryan and Carlos house. (in, on, between)
9. Her birthday is ___ Tuesday. (in, on, at)


Grandfather stayed up _____5:00AM. ( since, for, until)

Prepared by: Arbie A. dela Torre

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