Itec 7530 Spring 2014 Syllabus

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ITEC 7530

Instructional Technology Foundations

Spring 2014

Dr. Kelly (Crisp) Paynter

Leadership, Technology, & Human Development
Virtual (Atlanta, GA)
(678) 744-6151 (I answer emails much faster than I can return phone calls; therefore, please
reserve calls for emergencies. Thanks!)

Office Hours

Virtual; as needed
Cennamo, K. S., Ross, J.D., & Ertmer, P.A. (2010). Technology integration for
meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Wadsworth,Cengage
Learning, Belmont, CA. (ISBN-13: 978-0-495-09047-2)

Catalog Description:
Instructional Technology Foundations. An introduction to the effective uses of instructional
technology for graduate education majors. A systematic approach to selecting, producing, and
utilizing various instructional technologies will be covered with an emphasis on the instructional
uses of the computer.
Candidate Learning Outcomes:
This course is structured around the International Society for Technology in Educations 2008
National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers. In particular, this course
addresses the following NETS for Teachers:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to
facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both faceto-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using
digital tools and resources
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students
conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes
d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students,
colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and
assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content
learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in
the NETSS. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student learning and creativity

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p2

b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue

their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational
goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students diverse learning
styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments
aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning
and teaching
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to
new technologies and situations
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools
and resources to support student success and innovation
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers
using a variety of digital-age media and formats
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate,
analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving
digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and
technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate
documentation of sources
c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the
use of technology and information
The complete listing of NETS for Teachers is available online at the website for the International
Society for Technology in Education ( Candidates taking this course who
are not affiliated with public education have two choices. They may
1. Use the NETS and Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) as well developed examples of
standards and how they may be used in education.
2. Propose standards from the candidates field that will substitute for NETS/GPS. I will
work with the individual to craft assignments meaningful for the alternate field and using
the substitute standards as a basis.

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p3

Relationship to the Mission of Georgia Southern University and the COE

Conceptual Framework
As noted in the Georgia Southern University
Mission statement, one of the institution's
hallmarks is to build a culture of engagement
that links theory with practice. The course
objectives and candidate performance
outcomes associated with this course address
this critical element. In addition, the course
objectives specifically address the four
commitments that form the core of the
College's conceptual framework:
*Commitment to the Knowledge and Dispositions of the Profession
During the course the candidate will use the knowledge gained in the course to help
then develop a deeper understanding of technology and how it can be incorporated into
the instructional process.
*Commitment to Diversity
During the course the candidates will develop the ability to recognize their
responsibilities to, and the rights and needs, of all students. The candidate will be able
to enhance students learning by addressing diverse learning styles and abilities and
take into account each individuals physical, cognitive, emotional, and social
*Commitment to Technology
The instructor will model the effective use of technology in the instructional
process. By the very nature of this course students will interact with various
technologies during every class.
*Commitment to the Practice of Continuous Reflection and Assessment
During the course the candidate will develop the ability to define and frame an
instructional problem, to consider a reasoned course of action, and to reflect on the
appropriateness of their decisions.
The Folio course management system (CMS) will be used. Candidates will have access to all
course materials (except the textbooks), assignments, quizzes, and supplemental information
here. Candidates must login to Folio and complete the required information including posting
a picture. Go to
htm#learningenvironment/about_le.htm for a Folio orientation, if required.
General Folio course management questions should be answered at the above website. If not,
please contact the Helpdesk at 912.478.0882, email

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p4

Hardware & Software Requirements:

In order to fulfill the requirements of this course you will need access to the following:
Either a Macintosh or Windows-based computer with Internet access
A web browser compatible with the Georgia Southern learning management system,
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
A PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (available free here,
Additional Resources:
You will be completing activities in this course that require you to have access to a camera
capable of capturing digital video. If you do not own such a camera you can reserve one for class
use at the College of Educations Instructional Resource Center
( Details will be provided in the relevant
The GALILEO password changes every semester. To get the password, go to the library catalog
( and click on "Get GALILEO password." After you log in using
your EagleID number or social security number, choose Galileo password and click OK.
Alternately, login using and click the GALILEO link; you will
not need the password using this method.
Content Modules:
The course is divided into a number of different Content Modules. The content of each module
will vary depending upon objectives being covered. Each Content Module will provide you with
a list of activities that will allow you to interact with the content. These activities typically
consist of readings from the textbook, threaded, online discussions, and projects. Some modules
may include non-graded activities.
The Weekly Schedule
Before Monday, I will post the weekly module and any activities. Assignments are due at the
end of EVERY week. I should be able to post modules and activities in advance so that
candidates may work ahead if they wish to. But, some of the work depends on your completion
of sequential assignments & my feedback to your previous work, so you may be limited in how
far you can work ahead.
My standard is to respond to you within 48 hours. I will notify you in advance if I will be unable
to meet this target for some reason. Please do not expect instant response from me, even though
you may get it at times. I will attempt to grade all assignments within one week of the due date.
Grades will be posted in Folio. If you receive less than full credit, I will ensure that suggestions
for improvement are communicated to you.

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p5

Because many candidates have questions about the material that are similar to one another, I
would ask that you pose questions to the Water Cooler discussion board in Folio. That allows
other candidates to answer your question and have access to questions/answers pertaining to the
material. I will answer any questions that are unanswered by other candidates. If you absolutely
have to have an answer to a question immediately, post it on the discussion board and send me a
separate email at (make sure ITEC 7530 is in the subject line)
asking me to answer immediately. I will then answer on the discussion board (time and
circumstances permitting). If you have a personal issue, always email me directly.
You will be creating a course online portfolio using a wiki or other Web 2.0 Tool (all
instructions will be provided within the course content). All assignments will be turned in
electronically via Folio unless otherwise denoted in the assignment page. Discussions will be
graded via a self assessment at the end of the course. The self assessment rubric is available for
you to look over in Module 1 and will be due in Module 8. Discussions are considered part of
your overall participation grade. Specifics concerning each assignment will be given at the
appropriate point during the term.
Timely Submission of Assignments:
Promptness is expected in this course. Graded work submitted prior to midnight the day it is due
is counted as being on time. Assignments submitted up to a week late will incur a 10% late
penalty. Assignments submitted up to 2 weeks late will incur a 20% late penalty.
Assignments WILL NOT be accepted later than 2 weeks past the due date; any work
falling under this category will be awarded a zero grade. Quizzes may not be taken late.
Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case by case basis. Exceptions will require
documentation of the excuse. I will be more likely to approve an exception if asked before the
work is due. However, I expect exceptions to be rare.
Technology & Assignments:
Failure of Technology is not an acceptable excuse for an assignment that is submitted late. Do
not wait until the last minute to turn in an assignment. You are responsible for turning in the
assignments on time even if there is a technology failure (Hard Drive crash, Computer Crash,
Folio down, your ISP is down, etc).
Georgia Southern University Catalog:
The grading scale represents the following standards set forth in the Georgia Southern University
The "A" grade may be interpreted to mean that the instructor recognized the student's
exceptional mastery of the course material.
The grade of "B" indicates that the student has demonstrated an above average mastery of
the course material.
The "C" grade is the instructor's certification that the student has demonstrated minimal
mastery of the course material.
The student is graded "D" or "F" when his/her grasp of the course is unacceptable.

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p6

Academic Integrity:
This course requires multiple samples of student work. Graded work is to be completed entirely
by the student without help from other individuals, unless indicated otherwise. If you need help,
contact me. Integrity is of the highest importance in the academic community and at Georgia
Southern University. I expect you to conduct yourself with complete honesty and integrity
throughout the course of this class. I will accept nothing less. The Student Conduct Code
( defines academic misconduct.
Confirmed cases of academic misconduct will be dealt with according to the guidelines set forth
in the Student Conduct Code and related directives.
FERPA Statement
This course makes use of Internet-based tools for academic use. These tools may be open
to the public for the purpose of sharing our work with the larger Internet community. To use the
tools responsibly please observe all laws and University policies. Some specific aspects of law
and policy that might be well to remember are prohibitions against copyright infringement,
plagiarism, harassment or interference with the underlying technical code of this software.
As a student using the tools, certain rights accrue to you. Any original work that you
make tangible belongs to you as a matter of copyright law. You also have a right to the privacy
of your educational records as a matter of federal law. Your contributions to this course using
Internet-based tools constitute educational records. By contributing to this work using these
tools, and not taking other options available to you in this course for submitting work that would
not be posted publicly on the Internet and not available for editing by others, you consent to the
collaborative use of this material as well as to the disclosure of it in this course and potentially
for the use of future courses. Instructor evaluation of your work will not be made public.
Disability Accommodations: Georgia Southern University is committed to providing an equal
educational opportunity to qualified candidates with disabilities. The Student Disability Resource
Center (SDRC) is the primary source of services for these candidates. Candidates with an array
of disabilities are eligible for services; however, documentation standards exist for all conditions.
For further information contact the SDRC at 912.478.1566
( ).
University Communications: All Georgia Southern University candidates are provided with an
email address within 24 hours of candidate registration. Email is the official means of
communication between the University and the candidate. It is the candidate's responsibility to
check his or her email each school day for administrative messages. There is no justifiable
excuse for failure to respond to a University communication or failure to act on a University
communication in a timely manner. Log into WINGS and look under personal information to
find your e-mail account name and password.
TaskStream is an electronic assessment and management system chosen by Georgia Southern
University for the collection of performance assessment data for all College of Education
students. The TaskStream system is used to aggregate performance data, generate reports, and in
some cases manage electronic portfolios including both numerical data and electronic artifacts.
Recent state and national accreditation requirements for academic programs now make the use of
this type of electronic management and reporting system necessary for standards-based
accountability purposes at all levels.

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p7

Requirement: All Georgia Southern candidates in education programs are required to establish
and maintain an account with TaskStream while they are enrolled in education courses or hours
in order to fulfill the requirements of those courses and be retained within a program. An email
with necessary instructions for account establishment or renewal will be sent to each students address. Students are responsible for ensuring that they establish an
account and that they sign in to the account after it has been established.
Cost: The cost for an account is currently being covered by the University. Account
establishment or renewal codes will be sent to each student via campus email,



Class Participation and Discussion

Class Participation and Discussion total points

9 points

Check-up Quizzes
Quiz points
Module 3 Quiz
Module 4 Quiz
Module 5 Quiz
Module 6 Quiz
Module 7 Quiz
Module 8 Quiz
Quiz total points


Electronic Portfolio
Portfolio points
Portfolio Creation (Module 1)
Web 2.0 Tools (Module 2)
Authentic Instruction (Module 3)
WebQuest Assistive Technology (Module 4)
SMARTBoard (Module 5)
Rubric Activity (Module 6)
Fair Use (Module 7)
Newsletter (Module 8)
Digital Video (Module 8)
Portfolio total points


5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
30 points

5 points
12 points
13 points
12 points
12 points
12 points
14 points
14 points
15 points
109 points

ITEC 7530 Spring 2014, p8

Your overall percentage will be your Class Participation and Discussion total points/9*20 + your
Quiz total points/30*20 + your Portfolio total points/109*60.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 59 or less
A detailed description of the requirements for each graded assignment, including a grading
rubric, will be provided at the time the activity is assigned. NOTE: Proper spelling, grammar,
and appropriate APA citation are components of every graded activity.

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