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30 Possum Trail, Upper Saddle River, NJ / (407) 792 8002 /

O B J E C T I V E : To join a forward thinking organization that values my unique, intensely creative approach to social media
engagement that successfully highlights the brands proprietary features, cultural trends, and inspires users to curate shareable




S T UD E N T P R O G R A M M I N G A S S O CI A T I O N 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5

Monitored AT&Ts social media channels for their business

Managed a $1.1 million event budget. Led the organization

customers through the Radian 6 and Sales Force platforms

through the 2015/2016 budget request hearing. Attended

and instilled processes that improved the customer

executive meetings & provided financial updates. Pioneered

experience through these channels. Analyzed and

a statistics/finance committee with a goal to assist in

researched data trends on customer interaction and

financial efficiency through gathering and analyzing data,

complaints through the platforms of Engagement Console &

preparing forecasting reports, compiling performance

Service Cloud, created rules for the PURL mailbox for easier

evaluations of events & proactively streamlined processes of

management and problem solved customer inquiries.

measuring the success of SPA programs.




S T UD E N T P R O G R A M M I N G A S S O CI A T I O N 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4

Acquired strong project management skills as I learned all

Responsible for bringing greater awareness of SPA events on

aspects of running a family owned business. Performed basic

social media, SPA website and during weekly radio shows.

accounting tasks, updated reservation process to an online

Designed posters/flyers for programs, developed promotional

management system, analyzed room rates to determine

campaigns and led weekly team meetings. Engaged

optimum pricing, managed internet marketing and front desk,

students through interactive marketing strategies.

interviewed and trained employees, provided concierge

Kickstarted creative content strategies to promote the

services and promoted motel at local tradeshows.

conversation on social media before, during and after events.




S O C I A L M E D I A : Promo Campaigns,

B.S. Economics with Business

Six Sigma Green Belt Certified (AT&T)

Customer Service, Engagement,

Administration and Statistics Minor

Enlarged SPAs budget by $23,100.

Brand Development, Adobe Suite

from T H E P E N N S Y L V A N I A S T A T E

Increased SPA followers on social

D A T A A N A L Y S I S : Statistics,

U N I V E R S I T Y , University Park, PA

media by 200%.

Research Analytics, proficient in

GPA: 3.4 (Deans List 3 Semesters)

Minitab and SAS

PR Manager for Blue & White Chip Co.

B US I N E S S A D M I N : Advanced Excel

High School - Northern Highlands

National Leadership Society Member

(pivot tables/queries), Access, Budget

Regional H.S. Allendale, NJ

Relay for Life Committee Chairman

Management, Financial Advisor,

GPA: 3.9 (National Honor Society)

Logistics Core Committee Member

Leadership, Entrepreneurial Spirit

B E H O L D T H E T U R T L E , H E O N L Y M A K E S P R O G R E S S WH E N H E S T I C K S H I S N E C K O U T .

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