Box Project Jump Rope by Jake

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Box #2

Jump Rope

10 Individual Jump
10 Poly Spots
3 Long Ropes
10 Cones
Lesson Cue Cards



Check In

Check Out


Modifications Using a Jump Rope

Students in Wheelchairs:
-Maneuver wheelchair in and out of cones set in a line or large circle.
-Roll wheelchair over the rope then back over it.

Student who are Visually Impaired:
-To increase awareness of the rope, attach bells to the center of the rope.
-Have a partner clap or call jump to help signal when to jump.

English Learners and Sign Users:

-Use visuals with both languages explaining the lessons objectives, instructions, and

Other Modifications:
Jump in place while holding a rope without turning it.
Jump over a jump rope stretched out on the floor or gently swinging only a feet inches
above the floor.
Swing the rope from side-to-side without jumping.
Stand next to a jumper, but outside the arc of the rope, and jump in the same rhythm.
Swing a rope overhead and let it stop at your toes before jumping or stepping over it.
Form letters, shapes and numbers using the jump rope. (Example: Solve an addition
problem (2+2=4) and then design a 4 on the ground using a rope.)
Limbo-Two children hold the jump rope horizontally while the other students pass

it. Lower the rope slightly for each pass.
Hopscotch-Toss beanbags or other objects into an area or shape outlines by a rope, then
hop or jump into the shape to retrieve the object.
Follow a rope path laid out on the floor.
Modifications Without a Jump Rope
Jump in place without a rope. Consider taping an X on the floor to increase
coordination and control: jump without moving off the X; jump on and off the X.
Jump in and out of Hula Hoops placed on the floor: jump in and out forward/backward;
jump in, turn around, jump out. (Hula hoop can be taped to the floor if needed.)
Jumping Jacks-Starting in a standing position, jump to a position with legs spread and
hands touching overhead. Jump back into the original position.
Bunny Hops-Take small jumps around an area or follow a specific path. Ideas for
Wheelchair Users
Pull self along the length of a rope that is secured horizontally. The level of the rope
can vary from waist height to overhead.

Big Jump Rope Stations: Lessons #1, #2, #3, #4
Name of Lessons: Group Jump!

Purpose of Activity: To demonstrate jumping and landing motor skills.

Bend knees and hips
Swing arms hard
Push off the ground with the balls of feet

Bend knees and hips for Quiet Landings
Land on balls of feet


Turn rope with your arms using medium to large circles. Dont turn rope with wrist!
Watch jumpers feet as you turn.
Dont get too far apartsome of the rope should be dragging the floor.

To enter a turning rope, stand on the side of the rope so the rope is being turned towards
you. Enter by following the rope and go the center between the turners.
Face one of the turners and while jumping dont move from the center of the rope.
Make small jumps (just big enough to clear the rope) and land on balls of feet.
Prerequisites: jumping and landing motor skills / jump jingle chant.
Materials Needed: (based on groups of 4 or 5) six landing and jumping cue cards, 2 long
jump ropes, five cones, five poly spots, chalk.
Description of Idea
Demonstrate each station by reading from the cue cards on the wall. Students will move
from one station to the next focusing on jumping and landing related activities. Smaller
class groups or whole class may rotate stations.

Lesson #1
Dynamic Warm Ups:
Jogging, Power Walk, Butt-Kickers, High Knees, Skipping, Galloping, Jumping Jacks


Place a long jump rope on the floor. Hang a Jumping and Landing cue card on the wall by
Two students will hold the rope ends and sit on the floor. They begin to wiggle the rope
slowly so it looks like a snake (remind them that the rope stays on the ground). The other
students take turns running and jumping over the wiggly snake, hoping not to step on the
rope. Students take turns holding the rope ends and jumping. As time progresses,
challenge students by asking rope holders to wiggle it faster.
Place a long jump rope on the floor. Tape an X on the floor to mark the middle. Hang
a Jumping and Landing cue card on the wall by the station.
Two students will hold the rope ends. They begin swinging the rope back and forth like a
pendulum. The other students take turns jumping over the rope, hoping not to step on the
rope. Students take turns holding the rope ends and jumping.


Lesson #2
Dynamic Warm Ups:
Jogging, Power Walk, Butt-Kickers, High Knees, Skipping, Galloping, Jumping Jacks


Place a long jump rope on the floor. Tape an X on the floor to mark the middle. Hang
the RopeOne Long Rope cue card on the wall by the station.
1st activity: Two students will hold the rope ends. They begin turning the rope. The other
students take turns running through the twirling rope, trying not to get touched by the
rope. Students take turns holding the rope ends and running through.
2nd Activity: Students will repeat 1st activity, but will now jump the rope once or twice
before exiting rope, trying not to get touched by the rope.

Station 2: Limbo
Step 1 Have two students hold each end of a jump rope so that their end is at their chest
level. Play music if available.
Step 2 Bend your knees, lean backwards, move toward the rope Stand two feet from the
stick, bend your knees, and lean backwards so your chest is facing up. Inch your way
toward the rope
Dont start with the rope too low work your way down.
Step 3 Limbo under the rope Move under the rope while you are leaning backwards. Try
not to fall down or touch the rope.
Step 4 Stand up and lower the rope Stand up and have the stick lowered closer to the
ground. Circle back to the starting position, and try to limbo your way under again.


Lesson #3
Dynamic Warm Ups:
Jogging, Power Walk, Butt-Kickers, High Knees, Skipping, Galloping, Jumping Jacks

Station 1: JUMP THE WAVE

Turners: Make waves by moving your arms up and down.

Jumpers: Can you time it so you jump over the lowest part of the wave?
The students take turns running and jumping over the ocean, hoping not to step on the
rope. Students take turns holding the rope ends and jumping. As time progresses,
challenge students by asking rope holders to wiggle it faster.

Station 2: JUMP OVER

Place obstacles (polyspots and cones) randomly throughout the activity area. Hang the
Jumping and Landing cue card on the wall by the station.
Students will jump over the obstacles.


Lesson #4
Dynamic Warm Ups:
Jogging, Power Walk, Butt-Kickers, High Knees, Skipping, Galloping, Jumping Jacks

Station 1: HOP SCOTCH

Create hop scotch squares on the floor with chalk. Hang the Jumping and Landing cue
card on the wall by the station.
Students will follow the hop scotch pattern.
Station 2: JUMP JINGLE
Students will stand in a circle, recite in a rhythmic way the following verse, and perform
the motions. Hang the Jumping and Landing cue card on the wall by the station.
(All Chant)
Jump In, Jump Out, Turn Yourself About
Jump In, Jump Out, Introduce Yourself! (All point to first child
in circle)
(First child will chant)
My name is ___________, (All say Woooo!)
and Im a ____________, (All say Uh-Huh!
dancer, baseball player, musician, singer, etcpantomime
Gonna be a ___________, (All say YEAH!)
samepantomime activity
Every day of my life! (Child point to self, proudly)
(All chant)
Every day of HER life! (All point to child)
Repeat, with each child getting a chance to chant and pantomime.

English Learners may be printed a translation of the chant in order to better understand
the meaning of the English terms. Sign users will be briefed on lesson prior to class with
a list and order of signs to match the chant.

Individual Jump Rope Stations: Lessons #5, #6, #7

Name of Lessons: Individual Jump!
Purpose of Activity: To demonstrate jumping and landing motor skills

Introduce your class to individually jumping rope. This step by step, jump by jump
approach allows the students to learn progressively harder skills and outlines their
progress too. Jump rope is a life long fitness activity.

Overall Objectives

Students will learn:

a fun warm-up routine

new exercises and skills using a jump rope

Students will demonstrate:

new warm-up routine
new jump rope skills (both basic and advanced)
You can easily tie this lesson into discussions on cardiovascular fitness and lifelong
health as well.


Individual Jump Ropes for each student

In order to see where your class's skill level lies, go through this simple orientation. It
may be common knowledge for the majority of the students, but offering the basics to
everyone is helpful, even for those who have some idea on how to proceed. The students
who need extra help can stay behind with a classroom aid if necessary before proceeding.


Lesson #5
Warm Up - Retriever
This beginning activity includes both their warm up and handing out the jump ropes.
Place all the jump ropes along one side of the room.
Have the students line up on the other side of the room.
Explain that on your signal, they will quickly and quietly crab walk or power walk
(student choice) to the ropes.
Each student will choose a jump rope, drape it over their shoulders
Students will choose a locomotor activity to do back. (any from previous lessons).
Jump Rope Skill Training:

Station One

Single Bounce: Jump once for each rotation of the rope

Double Foot: Both feet take off and land together
Single Foot: Jump with only left foot or only right foot

Station Two

Side Swing. Holding handles together, swing the rope from one side of your body to
the other. When you are ready, open your hands, swing the rope down and jump.
Skier: With feet together, jump from side to side, like you are skiing.
Bell: With feet together, jump back and forth, like a ringing bell.
Side Straddle: This is the bottom of a jumping jack. Open and close legs with
alternating jumps.

A cool down and discussion is a good way to end this high intensity class.

Have the class grasp their ropes with their hands about shoulder width
Stretch up to the sky
Side bend to the right
Side bend to the left
Twist at waist

Turn the ropes back. Encourage the students to get their own jump ropes
and continue progressing through their skill charts at home. Learning jump
rope skills is not easy, but the fitness benefits are immense.

Lesson #6
Warm Up - Retriever
This beginning activity includes both their warm up and handing out the jump ropes.
Place all the jump ropes along one side of the room.
Have the students line up on the other side of the room.
Explain that on your signal, they will quickly and quietly crab walk or power walk
(student choice) to the ropes.
Each student will choose a jump rope, drape it over their shoulders
Students will choose a locomotor activity to do back. (any from previous lessons).
Jump Rope Skill Training

Station One

Front Straddle: Land with one foot in front and the other in back. When you jump,
switch positions of the legs. Land with opposite leg in front and other in the back.
X-Straddle. Legs land apart. Jump and cross legs, land with legs crossed. Jump again
and land with legs apart.

Station Two

Front Cross. Cross arms in front of your body and jump through the loop you made in
the rope.
Wounded Duck. Land with your toes pointed in, jump again and land with toes
pointed out.

A cool down and discussion is a good way to end this high intensity class.

Have the class grasp their ropes with their hands about shoulder width apart.
Stretch up to the sky
Side bend to the right
Side bend to the left
Twist at waist

Turn the ropes back.

Encourage the students to get their own jump ropes and continue progressing through
their skill charts at home. Learning jump rope skills is not easy, but the fitness benefits
are immense.
Lesson #7

Warm Up - Retriever

This beginning activity includes both their warm up and handing out the jump ropes.
Place all the jump ropes along one side of the room.
Have the students line up on the other side of the room.
Explain that on your signal, they will quickly and quietly crab walk or power walk
(student choice) to the ropes.
Each student will choose a jump rope, drape it over their shoulders
Students will choose a locomotor activity to do back. (any from previous lessons).
Jump Rope Skill Training

Station One

Heel Touch. Jump and touch one heel to the ground in front. Jump again and touch
the opposite heel to the ground in front.
Jogging Step. Turn the rope and step over with one foot, turn the rope again and step
over with the other foot. It looks like jogging in place.

Station Two

Hot Peppers. Jump rope as fast as you can in certain amount of time.
Double Under. Jump high and turn the rope as fast as you can. Try to get the rope
under your feet two times before you land.

A cool down and discussion is a good way to end this high intensity class.

Have the class grasp their ropes with their hands about shoulder width apart.
Stretch up to the sky
Side bend to the right
Side bend to the left
Twist at waist

Turn the ropes back.

Encourage the students to get their own jump ropes and continue progressing through
their skill charts at home. Learning jump rope skills is not easy, but the fitness benefits
are immense.

Lesson #8

Rat Tail Game



Individual Jump Ropes for each student, cones, tape/chalk


Use tape/chalk and poly spots to mark the playing area.


= Cat
= Rats



Students will practice different Locomotor skills while participating in

moderate to vigorous activities.

Dynamic Warm Ups

Jogging, Power Walk, Butt-Kickers, High Knees,
Skipping, Galloping, Jumping Jacks

Every student will select a jump rope.
The student will put the jump rope slightly in their
pocket or they can hold it in their hand. The rope
will be each students tail. The rope must drag on the ground.
There is one cat to start. The cat does not have a jump rope.
The rats spread out along the designated area that is marked by cones, tape or
When the teacher yells go the cat chases the rats trying to step on their tails.
When a tail is stepped on the tail may slip out of the pocket or the student will
drop the tail. These rats become cats. Once all the rats are out the last rat
standing becomes the first cat.

Variations: The teacher may change the locomotor movement from running to any other
locomotor movement taught during the previous lessons (skipping, galloping, two footed
hopping, etc.)


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