Stratigraphy of India (Archean)

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The term Archaean was introduced by J.D Dana for the ancient rock succession of
Canadian Shield. Later this succession was divided into two units. The lower and
the older unit made up of highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks referred to as
Archaean group. The upper unit consisting of less deformed and less
metamorphosed rock succession was named as the “Proterozoic Group”. The term
Pre-Cambrian was rather loosely used for all rock formations older than Cambrian
age. But, now it is restricted to the Proterozoic Group only and the Archaean are
excluded from the definition of the Pre-Cambrians.

Archaean are the oldest known rocks on the earth’s surface dating back to about
3600my before present. These are found to be occurring in the central portions of all
the shield areas of the world and form the basement for all the stratified formations
of younger ages. These rocks are totally “azoic”, meaning unfossiliferous. They also,
form the cores of the great mountain chains of the world. These rocks being the
most ancient have undergone thorough recrystallization due to intense
metamorphism and have also, suffered multiple episodes of structural deformation.
As a result of this the rocks show well-defined foliated structures i.e. gneissosity and
schistocity and at places even granular nature like igneous rocks i.e. granulose
structure. Hence these rocks are often referred as ancient recrystalline rocks. They
are highly folded and faulted due to multiple episodes of structural events. They are
also intruded by numerous plutonic igneous bodies. All these above cited events
have rendered these rocks extremely complex. For this reason the Archaean are
called “Basement Complexes or Fundamental Complexes”.

Origin or Mode of formation of Archaean:

The rocks of Archaean age are structurally disturbed and metamorphosed to such
an extent that most of their original characters are more or less destroyed or
altered. Hence, it is difficult to decipher their mode of formation properly. The
possible mode of formation of various units making up the Archaean is as follows.
1. The lowest stage has a strong influence of basic rocks. This unit is believed to
represent the relics of the primordial crust i.e. the part of the first formed
crust of the earth resulting through the consolidation of the gaseous or
molten planet. These rocks are preserved as undigested masses or
“xenoliths” in a vast country of granitic gneisses.
2. The granitic gneisses forming the largest masses of Archaean were formed
either by differentiation of the original basaltic magma or by metasomatic
transformation of preexisting rocks.
3. At the third stage protogeosynclines were formed over the basement of
granitic rocks. A thick pile of sedimentary rocks along with the products of
submarine volcanic outbursts were deposited in these geosynclines. The
composition of hydrosphere and atmosphere were probably much different
than present day. These volcano sediments contain some of the richest
deposits of iron and manganese that were deposited as chemical precipitates
[chemogenic sediments].
4. These protogeosynclines were subjected to orogenic movements and granitic
plutons were emplaced in them. As a result of this stage, conspicuous fold
mountain ranges came into existence. This fourth event marked the closure
of the Archaean era.
The four major units of Archaean represent each of these four events.

Distribution of Archaean in India:

The various units of Archaean rocks form an enormous extent of the surface of
India. They cover nearly two thirds of the peninsular India. They are very well
developed in south India, Aravalli hill ranges of Rajasthan, Bundelkhand region of
Madhya Pradesh, Singhbhum area of Bihar and Orissa and also along the Eastern

In the extra-Peninsular India, the Archaean rocks occur along the whole length of
the Himalayan Mountain forming the bulk of the high ranges. This portion of the
Himalayas is known as “Central Crystalline axis” and runs as a broad central zone
from Kashmir to Assam.

Petrology of the Archaean system:

In all the localities of occurrence of Archaean rocks of India, the most common rock
is gneiss. This rock characteristically shows constant banded and foliated structure
i.e. gneissosity. The mineral composition varies from granitic to gabbroic. There
also, is a wide variation in fineness and thickness of layers. The grain size also varies
from fine felsitic to coarse crystalline. The rock is called gneiss regardless of the
mineral composition, but owing to prevailing gneissose structure. The minerals
present in common granitic gneiss is orthoclase, oligoclase, microcline, quartz,
muscovite, biotite, hornblende etc with numerous minor accessories minerals.

The next abundant rock in Archaean is schists showing recrystallised foliaceous

structure. Mica schists are most common and other varieties hornblende, talc,
chlorite, epidote, sillimanite and graphite. In addition to these most common rocks,
the Archaean also contain bands layers and lenses of slates, phyllites, granulites,
marbles, dolomites and banded ferruginous quartzites etc. The Archaean rocks
generally have undergone high-grade regional or dynamic metamorphism since they
have witnessed three to four cycles of orogenic movements and also igneous
emplacements. At the same time there are also some areas, which show feeble [low-
grade] metamorphism. Thus, these rocks show all variations from low-grade
regional metamorphism to high-grade plutonic metamorphism.

Archaean succession of Karnataka:

The geological history of Karnataka is largely confined to the oldest eras, the
Archaean and the Proterozoic. The rest of the periods from Cambrian to Recent are
hardly represented except some minor sediments of recent age exposed along the
coastal margin to the west. A substantial part of the north Karnataka is covered by
Deccan traps, representing a phenomenal outburst of volcanic activity that occurred
at the dawn of the Cenozoic era. The Karnataka region forms the type area for the
study of Archaean rocks. For the first time R.Bruce Foot studied this region in the
last century.

Mode of occurrence of Archeans of Karnataka:

The type area of Archaean is made up mainly of gneisses granites and schists. Of
these, gneisses occupy the largest area. The schists occur as bands within the vast
country of gneisses. There are about eleven large schists bands reported along with
a number of small schistose outcrops. The schistose rocks are isoclinally folded
exhibiting a steep dip towards east. The region is nearly peneplain due to prolonged
erosion. Only the synclinal parts of the isoclinal folds could survive through the
denudation and these exists here and there within the vast stretch of gneissose
country rocks. The regional strike of schistose rocks is north northwest to south-
southeast in the northern region and this trend changes over to north south and
even to northeast southwest near the southern border of the state. Recently
distinction has being made between various schistose bands and some have being
assigned an older age then the gneisses.

Number of workers have studied these Archaean rocks of Karnataka and have
suggested different schemes of classification and succession. Views drastically differ
regarding their origin and hence order of superposition of these rocks. Earlier
workers regarded the entire succession as of igneous origin. Later these views were
modified in the course of time and at least some members of this succession were
assigned a sedimentary origin. Following are the few attempts of classification of
Archaean of Karnataka.

Classification by W.F. Schmith

This is one of the earliest attempts and considers Dharwar system as one of the
oldest formation of Karnataka. In his opinion the schists and gneisses have being
produced due to metamorphism of preexisting igneous country rocks. Schmith
classified the Dharwar system on the basis of degree of metamorphism. He has
divided the dharwar system into lower hornblendic division made up of hornblende
schist, calc granulites and some magnetite. The upper chloritic division consists of
chlorite and mica schists, quartzites, marbles, conglomerates, banded ferruginous
quartzites etc.
Succession of Archaean according to Schmith is as follows.

Pre Cambrian Basic dykes

--------------------- Eparchaean interval ------------------
Felsite and porphyry dykes
Closepet Granite
ARCHAEANS Charnockites
Peninsular Gneiss
Champion Gneiss
---------------------- Eruptive Unconformity -----------------
Upper Chloritic Division
Dharwar system Lower Hornblendic Division

Classification by B Rama Rao:

After a careful and detailed fieldwork B Rama Rao concluded that the Dharwarian
schists were originally sedimentary rocks. His field observations included remnants
of current bedding, ripple marks, graded bedding and similar sedimentary
structures partially obliterated by the process of metamorphism and diastrophism.
The interbedded lava flows suggest the volcanic eruption in submarine conditions.
On the basis of conglomerate horizons he divided the Dharwarian succession into
three divisions.

Succession of Archaean according to B. Rama Rao is as follows:

--------------------- Eparchaean Interval -----------------

Felsite porphyry dykes
Closepet Granite
Archaean Peninsular Gneisses
Champion Gneisses
Upper Dharwars
Dharwar System Middle Dharwars
Lower Dharwars
-------------------- Base not known ----------------

Classification by Radhakrishnan and Vasudev:

This is more recent and accepted classification because it is based on radiometric
age data of various units and also on degree of metamorphism. In this classification
distinction is made between older schistose rocks and younger schistose rocks.
Dharwar Supergroup is considered as metamorphosed sediments that were
deposited in basins formed over the basement of peninsular gneiss and also of older
schistose rocks. Both older and younger schistose rocks are renamed as
Succession of Archaean according to Radhakrishnan and Vasudev is as follows:

Radiometric age
2100my Felsite and porphyry dykes
2380 my Closepet Granite
Chitradurga Group – Greenschist facies of metamorphism
and gentle to strong deformation.
-------------------- Unconformity ---------------------------
Dharwar Supergroup
Younger Greenstones Bababudan Group – Greenschist to lower amphibolite
facies of metamorphism
--------------------- Unconformity --------------------
2600 my Peninsular Gneissic Complex – Migmatitic and amphibolite
facies of metamorphism.
3200 my Sargur Schist Belt – Upper amphibolite to
OR granulite facies of
Older Greenstones metamorphism.

-------------------------- Basement not known ----------------------

Lithology of various units of Archaean of Karnataka is as follows

Sargur schist Belt or Lower Greenstones:

The oldest rocks dated so far in Karnataka area are grey gneisses and included
schists. These schistose bands probably represent the relics of the primordial crust
i.e. the remains of the first formed earths crust. The rocks of these schsist belts
contain usually high magnesium. The name “ancient Supracrustal” is given to these
intensely metamorphosed remnants, which occur within the grey gneisses as
enclaves. In older literature the same has been called “Sargur Schist Belts”.

These are regarded as metamorphosed remnants of granulitic rocks with Kyanite,

Sillimanite, Graphite and other minerals suggestive of intense thermal
metamorphism. These enclaves along with enclosing gneisses are together called
ancient supracrustals since these together are forming the basement for a well
developed group of schistose rocks of younger age i.e. ‘Dharwar Schist Belt”.

Older Gneissic Complex:

Large part of Karnataka and the Indian peninsula in general are covered by
granites and gneisses of differing ages. A variety of age determination values
ranging from 3400 to 2000my have been obtained for these rocks of gneissic
complex. Majority of ages determined for these rocks lying within the Archaean
nucleus have given the age values around 3000my suggesting a major event of crust
forming around this period. These gneisses have been described in earlier literature
as “Peninsular Gneisses”. It is infact a complex containing in it several cycles of
schist development, granitic intrusion and migmatitic transformation. This is
largely composed of amphibolite facies of gneisses of Tonalite-Granodiorite
composition. These gneisses show Na2O /K2O ratio more than ONE while younger
complexes are potassic in nature with Na2O/K2O ratio less than ONE.

Dharwars or Younger Schist Belt:

In recent literature these formations are described as “Younger Greenstones”. These
are prominent schistose rocks of Karnataka and have been given a Supergroup
status. They are Archaean in age and belong to the age group of 2900 to 2600 my.
Recent studies consider these rocks as representing the transition from Archaeozoic
to Proterozoic, and also suggest that the name “Dharwar Type” should be restricted
to “Karnataka Craton” alone.

Two main divisions are recognized in this Supergroup. The older of the two is
mainly igneous in character and is named as “Bababudan Group” and hosts the
main Iron Ore Formation. This group is made up of alternating bands of basalt and
quartzites. On top is the banded Iron Formation. These rocks are comparatively
more metamorphosed than the upper formations. The group above the Bababudan
Group is called the “Chitradurga Group”. This is the more extensive group of
schistose rocks largely sedimentary in character composed of conglomerates,
quartzites, limestones, greywackes and associated magniferous and ferruginous
cherts. This formation is given the name “Chitradurga Group” after the township of
Chitradurga in Karnataka.

The most recent account of the mode of formation of the “Dharwar Supergroup”
which differs from the earlier views is as follows.

Since recently some clear-cut evidences of biogenic structures have been found in
younger greenstones, these are thought to mark a transition period from Archaean
to Proterozoic era. The end of earlier greenstone cycle [Sargur schists] witnessed the
invasion of Tonalite-granodiorite material [Peninsular Gneiss] on a very large scale
leading to the formation of a relatively thick Sialic crust of continental dimension.
Folding, faulting and rifting of this old crust gave rise to long linear and oval-shaped
basins. In these basins were deposited thick series of volcanic products and
sediments. By 2600my deposition within these linear basins had come to an end. The
cratonic blocks made up of older gneisses lying on either sides of the depositional
basins converged, thereby compressing and telescoping the volcanic and
sedimentary material [volcano-sediments] accumulated in these basins, to form sub-
parallel linear belts of schist’s and gneisses. Actually, these linear schist belts
represent the sites of Archaean crustal sutures.

Younger [Clospet] Granites:

A striking feature in the geological map of Karnataka is the occurrence of a long
linear belt of a granitic body extending in NS direction for nearly 500 km keeping
an average width of 20 kms. This granitic body runs more or less parallel to schist
belts. This granitic batholithic body demarcates the Archaean nucleus of Karnataka
made up of older gneisses and schists lying on the west form the younger block to
the east. The trend of these granites probably marks the line of collision between
two distinct blocks and probably formed a major shear- zone. This belt is not a
single mass of granite but a cluster of individual plutons of differing sizes, emplaced
all along the collision zone.

The most characteristic rock type is coarse-grained porphyritic granite with large
sized phenocryst of pink or grey potash feldspars. These have been named after the
town of Closepet [Present day Ramnagaram]. These are radiometrically dated as
2528+- 5 my. These are the youngest unit of the Archaean complex of Karnataka,
hence known as younger granites. These granites are believed to have originated by
both igneous intrusion and also by metasomatic alteration. There is still a
considerable controversy regarding the origin of these granitic bodies.

The great era of Archaean came to an end with a large-scale orogenic activity. As a
result, Dharwarians were isoclinally folded and converted into one of the largest and
loftiest mountain chains. These ranges were subjected to prolonged erosion and
have been peneplained before the sedimentary basin came into existence during the
Proterozoic era. This time period of erosion and non-deposition is known as
“Eparchaean Unconformity” in the Indian startigraphy.


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