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the work

1 Chica Project
2 Boston Promise Initiative
3 Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

4 Boston Youth Wrestling

6 Somali Community & Cultural Association
7 Our Mission & Contact Info


1 Organization Guidebook
2 Organization Identity Statement
3 Marketing Collateral
4 Grant Writing & Editing
5 Website Redesign
6 Event & Project Management

Organization Guidebook
We developed a guidebook for Chica Project that
communicates their vision, mission, theory of change,
data-driven results and program model, introduces their
leadership and major supporters, and highlights
personalized mentor and participant testimonials with
compelling and accessible quality, while enhancing the
presence of Chicas new brand identity.

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Marketing Collateral
We developed a full-range of marketing products to
support Chica Projects first annual capital campaign,
including one-pagers designed for a wide variety of
audiences and a complete website redesign.

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Event Marketing & Promotion Package

When Chica Project held its third annual fundraiser, The
Power of One: Reflections on the Chica Effect, in May
of 2015, they tasked CCG with creating an comprehensive package of marketing and communications products: event logo, flyer, brochure, posters, as well as the
development of digital ticketing and RSVP platforms for
door management.

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1 Requests for Proposal Design

2 Data Report Design

3 Resident Engagement Strategies

4 Podcast Production
5 Website Development
6 Social Media Management

Podcast Production & Web Development

CCG has worked closely with Boston Promise Initiative (BPI)
leadership and partners to seek out the interconnected stories
of residents, organizers, nonprofit leaders, and anyone who is
making a difference in their community through the various
projects happening with the support and guidance of BPI. Our
initial programs focus on Early Childhood Care and Education
in the Dudley Village Campus. Weve highlighted the stories of
parents and early childhood care providers started in order to
identify some of the strategies parents in the Dudley Village
Campus use to ensure their childs success in kindergarten and
beyond against the many challenges presented by inequality.


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Request for Proposal Design

We designed the content, documentation, and a strategic
outreach plan for the Boston Promise Initiatives first round of Investments in Neighborhood Change Grants, yielding over 30
organizational applicants, from local community-based nonprofits to globally-celebrated research universities, all competing for six seed grants totaling $300,000. These investments will,
in turn, create a variety of programs and local supports that increase educational outcomes for local children and employ
residents of North Dorchester and Roxbury to be change
agents in the lives of young people in their community.

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Data Report Design

We designed A Promise in the Heart of Boston: Portraits of a
Dudley Village Campus, which served as the Boston Promise
Initiatives summarizing report on Goodman Research
Group's Dudley Village Campus Neighborhood Survey, a study
of residents perceptions and quality of life in a
the residential and commercial areas comprising parts North
Dorchester and Roxbury neighborhoods of Boston. Copies of
the survey report were distributed to over 150 community
members, and public officials on its first day of release, also receiving digital feature from the Bay State Banner.

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Dudley Street

1 Website Development
2 Graphic Design & Email Marketing
3 Annual Report Design

Website Development
The Collective designed the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiatives 30th Anniversary webpage. The site was designed to
provide a gateway to five signature events marking DSNIs
year-long celebration. This gateway was framed with a
dynamic historical narrative and media content featuring
DSNIs three decades of organizing, advocacy, and sustainable neighborhood development in Bostons Dudley Street
community in the neighborhood of Roxbury. E-commerce
options were added to ensure that DSNI could streamline their
sponsorship fundraising and ticket sales to signature events. We
established social media integration and marketing strategies
to feature content and drive traffic to event pages, fundraising
opportunities, and ticket sales.

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Event Graphic Design & Email Marketing

DSNI tapped CCG to design a flyer and an email marketing campaign for their annual Open House in February 2015, Promises to Keep. Despite heavy snowfall during the previous weeks which caused the event to be
moved several times, DSNI saw an increase in Open
House participants compared to previous years.

Annual Report Design

CCG designed DSNIs 2015 Annual Report, Redefining Possibility, to describe the many hard-won accomplishments of a
resident-powered community organizing dynamo. Residents of
the Dudley Village Campus and DSNI affect change in the
community in a variety of sectors (housing, education, business
development, youth development, etc.) and through a variety
of programs and strategies that are not traditionally understood to be causal metrics for success. We focused on describing DSNIs work not as a series of programs but as a set of desired outcomes the organization was moving their neighborhood towards.

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1 HR Services
2 Organizational Guide

Human Resource Services

Boston Youth Wrestling enlisted CCG to launch a search for
their Academic Coordinator position in late 2014. CCG provides full service administrative relief for the nonprofit and social enterprise sectors, through dedicated HR support. With our
experienced HR agents, CCG allowed BYW leadership to dedicate more time to doing what they what they love growing
Bostons premier youth sports and leadership development
program for public schools and community centers. CCG
managed employee recruitment, candidate vetting, contract
development and data management during the search process.

Organizational Guide
We developed a guidebook for Boston Youth Wrestling
that communicates their vision, mission, theory of
change, data-driven results and program model, and
highlights their proof of concept for creating a regional
network of wrestling coaches and programs for underserved youth in the Greater Boston public schools and
community centers. In addition, the guide was used to
develop and promote several aspects of BYWs emerging brand identity in preparation for the release of a
short-form documentary that follows their wrestlers.

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1 Digital Engagement Strategy

2 Website Development
3 Website Management

Website Development
BPE sought out CCG to design a digital engagement strategy
and platform for their inaugural 2015-2016 school year managing the Dearborn STEM Academy in Roxbury, MA. CCG developed a new, dynamic website that features portals for various
stakeholders in collaboration with student leaders and faculty
to ensure that the site will be the first managed by students in
the City of Boston starting in September. It will be one of the
only schools in the state where students will be taking the lead
role in managing their own site, demonstrating the outstanding
STEM talent emerging in new previously underserved areas of
Boston. Full versions of the site will be available in Spanish and
Cape Verdean Creole, two of the primary languages spoken
in the school.

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& Cultural

1 Brand Development & Logo Design

2 Grant Development
3 Executive Strategy

Grant Development
The Somali Community and Cultural Association sought out
CCG to help power their summer youth workforce development programming for 2015, which matches underserved and
formerly court-involved youth with internships sponsored by the
Boston Police Department and Suffolk Countys Sheriffs Office,
with our grant development services. CCG developed a criteria for assessing grant alignment and supported the development of several corporate and foundation grants on behalf of
SCCA and their dynamic founder, Deeqo Jibril. SCCA was
awarded The Boston Foundations prestigious Vision Fund
Grant as a result of these CCG grant development services.

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our mission
The Collective Consulting Group was formed to ensure that people who
identify with communities that have been marginalized from
social, economic, and political power in the United States and the
communities can create the change they wish to see in their
neighborhoods, city, and country. We believe this can be accomplished
by relentlessly pursuing three goals:

1 Tell the story: Design affordable, breakthrough marketing products and

an agile communications infrastructure and brand strategy for nonprofits and corporate partners as well as government agents who
want to empower individuals who are seeking effective change in
their community.
2 Connect talent with mission: Expand the labor market for highly-skilled,
social enterprise professionals in urban settings, with a particular focus
on the entry-level and young professional demographics.
3 Build capacity from the ground up: Supply communities, organizations,
and individuals seeking progressive social change with new streams of
public relations strategy and technical assistance necessary to turn
their ideas into results.

connect with us
Twitter: @collectivistic

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