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Walking Tour Map

Liberty and Justice Foot Tour of

Fulton County







Starting & Ending Location

Johnson Hall
139 Hall Avenue
Johnstown, New York 12095

Use this QR code on your cellular

device to have an interactive tour
with annotations, walking distances,
as well as walking times.

Fulton County Historical Liberty and Justice Tour

Founded in 1760 by Sir William Johnson, Johnstown is a small city

with strong historical roots. There are several sites all over the
city where important events occurred throughout the pre and
post-Revolutionary War eras. These happenings, along with the
courageous work of local historical figures, have played a
significant role in establishing liberty and justice in this
community, in our state, and throughout the United States of

The highlighted stops on your

Fulton Foot Tour.

# 11 Sir William Johnson Park

The Drumm House is the oldest

standing dwelling in Johnstown.

Edward Hall, schoolmaster of the
first free school in the colony of
New York in 1763.

The Liberty and Justice Tour is a self-guided walking tour that will
take you on a historic journey through 300 years of local history. On
this 2.68 mile walk you will also enjoy the beauty of Colonial
gardens and a landscape that includes beautiful waterways and a
variety of wildlife and plant life native to Fulton County.

# 4 The Drumm House

The Drumm House is the oldest

standing dwelling in Johnstown.

Edward Hall, schoolmaster of the
first free school in the colony of
New York in 1763.

#1 Johnson Hall

Johnson Hall with be the 1st

stop on the tour.

This was the home or Sir

William Johnson who was the

Superintendent of Indian
Affairs for British Crown.

# 10 Union Hall
Post Revolutionary War Tavern

At this stop you will also see the historic battlefield from the Battle
of Johnstown where the Battle of Johnstown was fought in October
of 1781. The battle is significant because it was the last battle of
the Revolutionary War. Here you will see the Monument to Sir
William Johnson.
Fulton County Historical Liberty and Justice Tour

Tavern Hours:

Tues.-Fri. 11:30-2pm & 5:00 9:00pm


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