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Author of The Yogis Roadmap: Pantanjali Yoga Sutra as a Journey to Self Realization

Yoga and Philosophy Workshop JULY 24-26
Yoga is considered to be the
conjoining of the physical and
The awakening to the rich
and depth of experience available in
every moment.
This powerful workshop will focus on:

Integrating asana, pranayama,

the philosophy and

psychology of Pantanjali's Yoga sutra.

Exploration of Yoga as skill in action.

Emphasis on the three Granthi or psychic knots along the
spinal cord. The great sages explain that no amount of
stretching will release these areas without a transformation
of ones psychology and the integration of metaphysical

Cultivating our ability to unload these areas, and investigate

new possibilities in awareness affords us with an expanded
view of the arc of our potential, where we have been, who
we are becoming and the cultivation of the conscious intent.

Bhavani Maki has been immersed in the yogic tradition for over thirty
years. She has taught yoga, yoga psychology and philosophy for over
twenty years. She has made numerous trips to India to study with Sri
K. Pattabhi Jois, and Sanskrit with Professor Narayanacharya. She
studied Ashtanga Yoga with Baba Hari Dass of the Mount Madonna
Center, and the Pantanjali Yoga Sutra with Rama Jyoti Vernon. She
teaches internationally and at her home island of Kauai.

Friday, July 24:

Angelas Gym 360 Ninth St. E. #1, Ketchum, ID

9-11 am Yoga Asana

6-8 pm Yoga Philosophy: Sutra and chanting


Saturday, July 25:

9-11 am Yoga Asana


2-4 pm Yoga Philosophy: Sutra and chanting


Sunday, July 26:

For more information:

9-11:30 am Yoga Asana & Philosophy OR

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