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The meaning of the word Ramadan

Imam ar-Raghib said:

. .
Ramadan is taken from the word Ramad which means that which is intensely or
vehemently heated by the sun. And the word Ramdhaa means the intense heat
of the sun. [The Arabs used to say about] the sheep that they were burned
(ramidat) while they were grazing under the scorching heat of the sun to the
extent that their livers became damaged (by the intense heat of the sun).
Ramadan was named such because it burns the sins of the believers.
(Mufradat al-Quran by Imam ar-Raghib p 203)

Imam al-Zamarkhshari wrote:

When they changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they
named them according to the seasons in which they fell, and this month fell in
the days of intense heat and that is why it was named Ramadan.
(Al-Kashaf 1/171, Zad al Maseer 1/187, Majma al-Bayan 1/275, Qurtubi 2/171)

Imam Qurtubi narrates:

It (this month) was named Ramadan because it burns the sins of people with
righteous deeds. (
Tafseer al-Qurtubi 2/271, Fatul Bayan 1/293)

How does Allah burn our sins?

The Prophet is reporetd to have said: Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by
performing any of the (optional) good deeds in (this month) shall receive the
same reward as performing an obligatory deed at any other time, and whoever
discharges an obligatory deed in (this month) shall receive the reward of
performing seventy obligations at any other time [Narrated by Ibn
Therefore one of the main ways in which Allah eradicates and deletes our sins
and wrong doings is by multiplying our deeds in the month of Ramadhan and
erases our sins because the hasanat (good deeds) eliminates the sayyiaat (bad

May Allah make us all amonngst His servants who receive the glad
tidings of forgiveness.

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