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Three little pigs and the true story of the three little pigs ESSAY.

Daniela Melipilln F.
The three little pigs is a well-known story told through the centuries by parents to children,
which leave us always with the same idea, the wolf is bad. However, have you ever
wondered about the wolf and his side of the story and how this will change the childs vision
of the story? In the book The true story of the three little pigs, we can read the wolfs side of
the story and help the children to have a complete view of a story with has more than one
view. Furthermore, this essay will compare and contrast the different narrative styles and the
way the texts involve children.
The narrative structures are similar in both texts. We can appreciate that both books tell the
story in a linear way. Although, when children are going to read The true story of the three
little pigs, they already have the previous knowledge of the story Three little pigs and a
mental image of what the text is going to be dealing with. Due to this, there are two different
ways in which children can interpret the text, with and without prior knowledge. So, in order
to have a complete view, both texts should be read to children to help them decide which
side to take.
In addition, we can appreciate that the Three little pigs story is told in a more engaging
way, because of the use of rhymes. Such as, in the part of the book when the pigs answer
by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I wont let you come in. On the other hand, in The true
story of the three little pigs, the story can be less involving, because it uses just simple
narrative with no special word game for engaging the child reader. Besides, the images
shown in the story, showing the perspective of the little pigs are colorful and eye catching.
Not as in the story narrating the point of view of the wolf, in which the images are less
colorful and not as engaging as it is the The real story of the three little pigs.
Nevertheless, the True story of the three little pigs can be involving for children because
this story tells a different and new perspective that no one considered before; the wolfs view.
With this new view children can even identify with the bad character from the story,
because as the wolf said on the first part of the book If cheeseburgers were cute, folks
would probably think you were big and bad too. making reference to his diet of cute
animals, and comparing it with ours. Also, with this story, children can realize that nothing is
just white or black. On the contrary, they realize that life has many different tonalities, just by
the fact of reading a different point of view of a story that has been told since many years
ago with no other perspective but the little pigs one and with the wolf as a villain, without
considering why he did what he did.
In conclusion, the stories told by the two books are the same but using different perspectives
of the principal characters of the stories. Both are engaging in different ways for children
and can be used to show them that can be more sides of the same element. Also, both
stories are useful for showing the children that there is always good to listen to both sides,
and versions of a subject including different participants, because by doing this they can
create their own perspective and look for their own conclusions of the matter.

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