Hughes 2014 PFS

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Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ___ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)465-5800___ 1.900.326.8506 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FORM PFS. COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter 572 of the Government Code. PACEY page 1 of 13, For flings required in 2014, covering calendar year ending December 31,2013. Lasaay Use FORM PFS - INSTRUCTION GUIDE when competing this frm, s/o 3G 1 NAME TEAST OFFICE USE ONLY D. Bryan Has a RECEIVED JAN 24 204 2 ADDRESS PO Box 450 Mineola, TX 78773 (check ir FRer's Home ADORESS) 3 TELEPHONE [AREACODE MONDE EXTENSION NUMBER (903) 569-8880 @ REASON FOR FILING STATEMENT OI canoioare (noveare orcs) BW evecten oricer State Representative, District Five tnocareoFrce) 11 appownTeD OFFICER (neveare Aceh) C1 executive HEAD tnoveareaceney) Cl FORMER OR RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT Oi state party chai tmvicatz any O otHer {INDICATE POSITION) 5. Family members whose financial activity you are reporting filer must roport information about the financial activity of the fers ‘spouse or dependent children ifthe filer had actual control over that activity): In parts 1 through 18, you will disclose your financial activity during the calendar year. ln parts 1 through 14, you are required to disclose not only your own financial activity, but also that of your spouse or a dependent child if you had actual control ‘over that person's financial activity ie { COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY R WOi4\9, “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 ___Austo, Tex rar-2070, r2Me3.ss00 1-800-325-8508, SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME Part 1A C1 Nor APPLICABLE ‘When reporting information about a dependent chila’s activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is isted on the Cover Sheet, 7 INFORMATION RELATES TO @ Fier O spouse (0 DEPENDENT CHILD —__ 2 NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER / POSITION HELD EMPLOYMENT i (heck iFters Home Adcress) 1 EMPLOYED BY ANOTHER | Law Office of D. Bryan Hughes 701 North Pacific Ave Mineola, TX'75773 Principal By seurcuptoven NATURE OF OCCUPATION Law Practice COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethies Commission P.0, 80112070 __Austn, Texas 78711-2070 (12)463-5800___1-900-325-8506 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS 1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 6 tion, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet Identify each guarantor ofa loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the liability. For more informa- When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by 1 PERSON OR INSTITUTION General Motors Acceptance Corporation HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT 2 UIABILITY OF LABILITY © Bruce CO srouse Ci bePenoent cH.o 3 GUARANTOR on Bi)s1000-s4008 2] s5,000-s9,000 D1 st0000- $24,098] $25,000.08 MoRE PERSON OR INSTITUTION | Southside Bank HOLDING NOTE OR. LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF FILER Di srouse D1 DEPENDENT CHILD GUARANTOR a C1 s1.000-s4,099 1] $5,000- $9,999 Di si0.000- $24,099 [i] $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION — | Biuegreen Corporation HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF spouse (1 DePENDENT CHILD GUARANTOR AMOUNT (s1.000-s4.999 [3 $5,000 - $9,900 i st0;000- $24,999 1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Tones Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (s12)463-5800 1-900-325-8506 1 NoT APPLICABLE PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS PART 6 Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial insttution to whom you, your spouse, or 2 dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of & personal note or notes or lease ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the liability. For more informa- tion, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE \When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet Hl $1,000 $4,090 1 PERSON OR INSTITUTION | Bank of America HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT 2 LIABILITY OF rue Lisrouse Ci vepenoent cHito 3 GUARANTOR a ee Cs1.c00-s4.993 1) $5,000-$9,999 [] st0,000-$24,909 [ $25,000-0F MORE PERSON ORINSTITUTION — ] citibank USA HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF FILER Dseouse CloePenoent cxito GUARANTOR ‘AMOUNT, 11 $5,000 - $9,999 Li si0.00-$24,999 1] $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION. HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT ‘Amecican Express LIABILITY OF Bi ruer Osrouse Cloerenoenr cH GUARANTOR, ee Lisi000-$8.000 C1] s5,000-88.900 [R]$10,000-$24.900 [1] $25,000-OR MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxascthies Commission P.O. Box 12070 __ Austin, Texas 76711-2070 (512)469-5800 4-900-326-8506 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS D1 Nor APPLICABLE PART 6 Identity each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, oF tion, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. ‘a dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the liability. For more informa- When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by 1 PERSON ORINSTITUTION — | Wells Fargo HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT 2 LIABILITY OF Bl ruer D spouse Di verenoent cHiLD 3 GUARANTOR 4 AMOUNT 1s1.000- $4,999 J $5.000-s2.999 [] $10,000- $24,999] $25,000-OR MORE PERSON ORINSTITUTION | Discover Bank HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Bruce Di spouse (1 bePeNDENT CHILD GUARANTOR: ‘AMOUNT Ls1,000-s4.999 5} $5,000-s9,902 L] s109000-$24,908 1] $25,000-0R MORE: COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.0.0x12070___Avatn, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800 1.900.375.0506 1 Nor APPLICABLE INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Describe all beneficial interests in real property he'd or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or oss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS~ When reporting information about a dependent chila's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruer Di spouse Doerenoent cHi.o 2 STREET ADDRESS Dor avanaace Ci cHeck ir FILER'S HOME ADDRESS 621 South Atlantic Avenue ‘Ormond Beach, FL 32176 3 DESCRIPTION Qhors Dacres. Timeshare 4 NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Dror appucane (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) 5 IF SOLD ner oan Cnertoss: Ditess tHaN $5000 1) $5,000-s9.209 E] st0000-$24,999 [1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethos Commission P.O. Box 12070___Austn, Texas 78711:2070, (612)469-5600___ 1-900-325-0506 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES PART 7B Cl NOT APPLICABLE Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category ofthe amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For an explanation of ‘beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheat, * HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruce Ci srouse C1 bePenoenr chit Fiectaules Dioner ane sae) Pacific Good Properties, LP- Partner 701 Noah Pacie Ave Mineola, "759773 3 IF SOLD Oner gain C1Less Tuan $5,000 [1] $5,000-s9,999 [] $10,000-$24,999 [1] $25,000-OF MORE Dinerioss pe On AoauneD ay Fier Clsrouse ——_ bePenoenr cuit DESCRIPTION Deserts Home tes) Paciic Good Management, LLC - Pariner 701 North Paste Ave Mineola, "TX'75773 IF SOLD Ci ner can Ctess Tuan s5.000 [1] $5.000-99.999 1) s10,000-$24.999 [1] $25,000.08 MORE Cnet Loss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.8o« 12070 ___Austin, Texas 70711-2070, (612)465-5800___ 1.800.395.8508, ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS. PART 11A C7 Nor APPLICABLE Describe all assets of each coporation, fim, partnership, limited parinership, imited lability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, of other business association in which you, your spouse, or 2 depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount of the assets. For more information, seo FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 BUSINESS Nave AND ABERESS (Oat Flars Hove Aor) ASSOCIATION | Pecc Good Properties, LP 701 North Pacife Ave Mineola, TX 75773 2 BUSINESS TYPE | Partnership 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, FILER SPOUSE DEPENDENT CHILD OR SOLD BY a f = + ASSETS DESCRIPTON CATEGORY Real Property and improvements at 701 North Pacific ‘Avo, Minoola Texas 78773, Bess THan $5,000] $5,000 - $9,909 T I | | C1 s10,000- 824,009 $25,000-0R MORE | | Checking Account at Bank Texas C1 Less tHan $5,000 [XJ $5,000 - $9,999 | Clste00-s24909 O)s2s000-0n wore COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.O. 80% 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070, «sr2y63.ss00___1-800-325-8506 1 NOT APPLICABLE LIABILITIES OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS PART 11B Describe all iabilties of each coporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional Corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount ofthe labilties. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child Is listed on the Cover Sheet 1 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: D1 (check i Fier's Home Address) BUSINESS, | acta od Pmpaes, LP 701 Norn Paci Ave fincas 1 75779 2 BUSINESS TYPE _| Partnership Peers Borner Lisrouse —— CJoerenoenrcno 4 LIABILITIES DESCRIPTION T ‘CATEGORY Mortgage on real property and improvements at 701 North Pacific Ave, Mingola Texas 75773 Less THAN 5.000 [] $8.000- 3,008 | | Clsto00-s2402 Bl s2s000-on wore COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Toxas Ethics Commission P.O. 80x 12070 __Auelin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)465-5800__ 1.900.525.0506 BOARDS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS PART 12 C1 Not APPLICABLE List all boards of directors of which you, your spouse, or a dependent child are a member and all executive positions you, your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liablity partner- hips, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietorship, stating the name ofthe organization and the position held, For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 ORGANIZATION Mineola Foundation 2 POSTITION HELD Trustee 3 POSITION HELD BY Bru Di srouse Di berenoenr cH COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070_Austin, Texas 78711-2070, (12)469-5000__ 1-900-225-0506, LEGISLATIVE CONTINUANCES PART 18 CO NoT APPLICABLE Identify any legislative continuance that you have applied for or obtained under section 30.003 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code, or under another law or rule that requires or permils a court to grant continuances on the grounds that an attorney for a party is a member or member-olect ofthe legislature. 1 NAME OF PARTY Proneer Royalty, Inc;Exploration Forest Hil, etal REPRESENTED 2 DATE RETAINED: 1110672012 3 STYLE, CAUSE NUMBER, Pioneer Royalty, Inc., Exploration Forest Hills, Inc. v Gaither Petroleum Corporation, Gaither COURT & JURISDICTION | Asset Management, and Depoconter Forest Hil, LUC; No 2012-256, In the District Court of Wood County, 402nd Judicial District. 4 DATE OF CONTINUANCE APPLICATION o9/06i2013 5 WAS CONTINUANCE GRANTED? yes Chxo COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethles Commission 2.0. Box 12070 __ Austin, Toxas 78711-2070 (512)663.5800__ PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT PARTS MARKED 'NOT APPLICABLE’ BY FILER Rather than printing a page for each Part the filer checked 'Not Applicable, this page summarizes whether the 'Not Applicable’ checkbox was checked for each Part. Ifthe checkbox is checked next to a Part below, then no ‘pages for that Part should be present in the report. Ifa checkbox is not checked, then pages for that Part should be present in the report. C1 NIA Part 1A - Sources of Occupational Income Bi NIA Part 18- Retainers BI NA Part2-- Stock NIA. Part 3- Bonds, Notes & Other Commercial Paper NA Part 4- Mutual Funds NA Part - Income from Interest, Dividends, Royalties & Rents NA Part 6 - Personal Notes and Lease Agreements. NIA. Part 7A- Interests in Real Property NIA Part 7B. Interests in Business Entities NIA Pan cits NIA Part 9 - Trust income NIA Part 108 - Blind Trusts NIA Part 108 - Trustee Statement NIA Part 11A- Assets of Business Associations NIA Part 118 -Liailties of Business Associations NIA Part 12- Boards and Executive Positions NIA Part 13- Expenses Accepted Under Honorarium Exception NIA Part 14- Interest in Business in Common with Lobbyist NIA Patt 15 Fees Received for Services Rendered to a Lobbyist or Lobbyist's Employer a a a g@ a @ a a a a q @ a g N/A Part 16 - Representation by Legislator Before State Agency 8 NIA. Part 17 - Benefits Derived from Functions Honoring Public Servant o NIA Part 18 Legislative Continuances “Texas Ethics Commission P.0. 80x 12070__ Austin, Tras 78711:2070 (512)468-5800___1.600-325.8806 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AFFIDAVIT The law requires the personal financial statement to be vertied. The verfication page must have the signature of the individual required to file the personal financial statement, as well as the signature and stamp or seal of office of a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer oaths and affirmations. Without proper verification, the statement isnot considered fled. | swear, or afirm, under penaity of perjury, that this financial statement ‘covers calendar year ending December 31, 2013. and is true and correct ‘and includes all information required to be “gforted by me under chapter 572 of the Government Code, AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE @& i, ISABEL W. MoGUFFIN | Nola Psi, Sate toms. f ‘Swom to and subscribed botore me by L2- Bi Aes insine Baliny ot DANA AY. 20/4 tocerty wich: nose my hand and Seal oF oft bel JANE Jf Lx. Toppan WM Cufind NERY ‘Sera ctw oh mel 0402-11282 Sexa, unsnY ee 0L0ZT X0d Od Hs HONE UOISSTWIWIOD SITUIY SEX], G3Ai2038 €LLSL SVXAL VIOANIN OS XOd Od SAHONH NVAUE C

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