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By: Dessie Barton

What is an Actuary?
An actuary is a business professional who analyzes
the financial consequences of risk.
They use mathematics, statistics, and financial
theory to study uncertain future events.
Also, the usually work in insurance companies
however they can work for private corporations, as
consultants, and for the government.

The starting salary of an actuary is $36k-$49k per
The average salary of an actuary is $50k-$90k per
The salary of an experienced actuary is $100k$250k per year.

Roles and Responsibilities

Apply math and calculate insurance premiums
Asses insurance companys claims reserves
Analyze insurance rates for cars, homes,
business, and belongings
Forecast potential impact of catasrophes

4 years of actuarial math/science, statistics, or
A professional status by passing exams set by the
Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Society
of Actuaries (SOA)
Considerable amount of work-related experience
On-the-job training/vocational training

Personal Characteristics
An interest in math
Practical business sense
The creativity required to develop innovative
solutions to problems
Effective communication skills
The ability to work with a wide variety of people

Actuarial jobs are in high demand
Rated one of best jobs in America
It takes 6-10 years to become an actuary
Sometimes longer hours are required
Sometimes travel is required

"Actuaries." Actuaries. Web. 10 July 2015.
"Actuary Salary (Canada) Canada Home Change
Country Don't See What You Are Looking For?Get A Free
Custom Salary Report ." Actuary Salary (Canada). Web.
10 July 2015.
"Be an Actuary." What Is an Actuary? Web. 10 July 2015.
"Learn More about a Career as an Actuary." Learn More
about a Career as an Actuary. Web. 10 July 2015.
"What Is an Actuary?" SOA. Web. 10 July 2015.
"Occupational Profile." ALIS OCCinfo: Occupations and
Educational Programs. Web. 10 July 2015.
"Actuaries." Web. 10 July 2015.

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