10 Things I Learned

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To: Shari Weiss

From: Rebecca Schiffman
Date: June 8 2015
Re: 10 things I learned today.

This memo is regarding the lessons I acquired in my first day of BUS 300. The
subsequent list is written in Oxford Sandwich style and will enumerate some of the
material we discussed today.
1. Oxford Sandwich: This style follows the rule of disseminating information
three times; starting with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
2. Three rules to success: In order to be successful you need to listen carefully,
read carefully, and follow all directions.
3. Phone smiles: Smiling while on the phone is an important and effective way
to convey happiness in your tone.
4. Learning process: This process includes several stages, 1) confusion, 2)
silence, 3) intention, 4) focus, and 5) effort.
5. School vs. Real life: In the classroom, learning what you are doing is much
more important than finishing the work sheet. However, in real life it is
important to finish a given task.
6. Reading list: The Outliers: The Story of Success, The Tipping Point, and
Lean In for Graduates are several important books for anyone that
essentially wants to do anything in life.
7. Parking lot: This tactic is used in group meetings to acknowledge a
particular issue or suggestion and notify the issuer that their issue will be
addressed after the topics covered in the agenda, if time allows.
8. F.E.A.R.: Stands for False Expectations Appearing Real and will be my new
mantra for overwhelming anxiety.
9. WIIFM: An acronym signifying Whats In It For Me and is meant to remind
you to engage the receiver in the communication.
10.Social media presence: Today, I was reminded of the importance of having a
social media presence and that even though I may not have had a strong
presence nor a strong understanding of how to use social media effectively,
you are never too old to establish one and learn how.
In conclusion, I have gained an extra set of life hacks and look forward to using
these tools throughout the semester and ultimately, throughout my life.

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