Atmosphere Climate Zonesrevised

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Atmosphere Climate Zones- Los Angeles County

Using data collected by the NatGeo map maker, this local regional map shows the climate zones
that occur in Los Angeles County. As we can see Los Angeles County falls under the category of
semi arid and dry summer. This can be explained by the jet stream found near the US-Canadian
border. The jet stream divides cool and warm air masses and is able to carry different types of
weather across different regions. The Pacific Oceans temperature is able to change the direction
of jet stream. When a jet stream carries a storm created from warm water on the Pacific Ocean to
the Pacific Northwest it can result in dryness in Southern California.

Atmosphere Climate Zones-Southwest Region

Here we have a map of the Southwest region of America. Much of the Southwest is dry because
it lies in the subtropical zone. As we can see the most of the Southwest falls under arid and semi
arid. Here, warm air flows back down after inducing rain and storms in the tropics. This dry air
creates a high atmospheric pressure zone; this is what makes the Southwest so dry. The zone of
high atmospheric pressure makes it difficult for clouds to form, thus making precipitation scarce.

Atmosphere Climate Zones- United States

This map shows the climate zones for the entire United States. The data collected through
NatGeo map maker shows that while most of the western United States falls under the dry
category, the eastern United States is mostly humid. Meanwhile the southeast is categorized as
humid temperate climate and the northeast is categorized as humid cold. The eastern United
States climate can be explained by the ocean currents coming from the equator. These currents
are warmer than that of the west coast. We know that warmer water evaporates faster, which is
the cause for the humid climate experienced in the eastern United States.

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Works Cited
Lenart, Melanie. "Climate of the Southwest." Climate of the Southwest. N.p., 12 Sept. 2008.
Web. 02 July 2015.
"NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive." NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive. N.p., 02 July 2015. Web. 02
July 2015.
Ritter, Michael E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography.
02 July 2015.

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