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Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

1. I think one of the most interesting parts of this article was that the person
searching for the slave will be fined $1000 if they catch the slave, but the slave escapes.
I never realized how high the stakes are for these slave hunters. I dont really
understand why they would be fined and why it was so much money. If anything, they
are doing a favor to the slave owners by helping them. I also find it interesting how strict
these rules can be, especially with people who are associated or helping the slaves
2. I chose this article because slavery, to me, is a very interesting topic. And I
wanted to read this Act to get a better insight to how the Southerners felt about runaway
3. I think I will take away how popular sovereignty is good and bad. Bad in a way
that when the majority of people do not want change, but it is necessary, usually change
will not happen. But it is good because it shows what the majority of people want.
Declaration of the Causes of Secessions
1. I think the most interesting part about this article is how well thought out their
argument was. I do not believe in slavery and I am totally against them in this article, and
although their reasoning for seceding is based on the belief that slavery is essential to
the economy and so forth, they make a good argument, referencing the Constitution and
the Declaration of Independence stating what our forefathers once said about England.
2. I chose this article because I had never read this article in my entire life, and I
thought it would be interesting to see how South Carolina felt at this time.
3. I think I will take away the fact that South Carolina stood up for something they
believed in, and although I do not at all agree with why they seceded and their beliefs
about slavery, I do respect them to stand up to the Union because it is hard to do that

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