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For I was hungry and you gave me something eat, I was

thirsty and you gave me something to drink...I was sick and you
looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:35-36

RR emember those
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CC hains for
EE vangelism
and those who are in

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HH ungry or
TT hirsty or
SS ick
RICE NIGHTS are a time to remember, a time to identify, and a time to act. We have the opportunity
to share our food with the hungry. We have the opportunity to share our food with Jesus.

• Eat rice once a week (or more if you choose)—all day or for your evening meal (Even if you eat as
much as you want, a family of four can still eat a whole meal for less than $1!)

• Set aside the money you would have spent on groceries or eating out to give to the hungry.

• If you were to make this trade just once a week, you’d likely be able to feed, educate and medicate at
least one child. If your small group were to make this trade, imagine what could happen...


Eat only beans and rice and drink only water for one week.
Although this will probably feel like a sacrifice, many of our brothers and sisters around the world
don’t eat this well. RICE WEEK gives us the unique opportunity to identify with the suffering of
others. When we identify, we understand differently, and when we understand differently, we
respond differently. Jesus said we should love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.
Doesn’t that mean then that we should feed our neighbors as well as we feed ourselves?

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