Hand Out Research

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The term creativity refers to mental processes that lead to solutions,ideas, concepts, artistic expression,
theories or products that are unique and novel.
Because it is such a diverse subject in which there are so many different ways in which creativity manifests itself, and because in so many people it is to a great extent unexplored, creativity is very difficult to measure.
The French mathematicians Poincare and Hadamard defined the following four stages of creativity:
Preparation: the attempt to solve a problem by normal means
Incubation: when you feel frustrated that the above methods have not worked and as a result you then
move away to other things
Illumination: the answer suddenly comes to you in a flash via your subconscious
Verification: your reasoning powers take over as you analyze the answer which has come to you, and you
assess its feasibility.
The creative functions are controlled by the right-hand hemisphere of the human brain. This is the side of the
brain which is under-used by the majority of people, as opposed to the thought processes of the left-hand hemisphere which is characterized by order, sequence and logic.
Because it is under-used, much creative talent in many people remains untapped throughout life. Until we
try, most of us never know what we can achieve, for example, one in three people in Britain have a desire to write
a novel, yet only a very small percentage of these people progress any further than the initial stage of just
thinking about it.
We all have a creative side to our brain, therefore we all have the potential to be creative. However, because of the pressures of modern living and the need for specialization, many of us never have the time or opportunity, or indeed are given the encouragement, to explore our latent talents, even though most of us have
sufficient ammunition to realize this potential in the form of data which has been fed into, collated and processed
by the brain over many years.
Writers, indeed all artists, must use both halves of their brain. They must use the right side of the brain to
create things and the left side of the brain to organize things. The creative and intuitive right side is able to cope
with complexity and is where insights originate, while the left side controls language, academic studies and rational intellectual work.
The problem is, especially since in many people the left half of the brain is possessively dominant, getting
these two halves of the brain to pass information back and forth and work together. In order to perform any creative task it is necessary to encourage your right side to start its creative juices flowing, in other words, move your
mental processes, albeit temporarily, from the dominant left side across to the creative right side. This may sound
fine in theory, but not so easy to put into practice.
So, how can the predominantly left-sided brain person encourage the right side of his brain to be more
creative? Since such a person is so dominated by the left brain, one way is to lull your left brain into a degree of
inactivity, or even bore it to sleep. This may, for example, occur on a long train journey trip. At such times, your
right brain has the opportunity to become more creative because it has less strong opposition from the fact cluttered dominant left side. At such times, have a pocket tape recorder or jotter by your side and make a note of all
the thoughts that occur to you no matter how strange, irrelevant or random they may seem. Most ideas, or insights, occur at random just for an instant. If you do not record them they are gone just as quickly, and probably
lost forever.
At night, too, ideas come to us and our mind often behaves in a seemingly strange way. Again, this is
because our logical and analytical left side is at its most inactive, and our subconscious right side is to therefore
behaving in a mysterious and irrational way, giving rise to dreams and nightmares of which we often can make
little sense.
Can creativity be learned?
The short answer is yes.
A study by George Land reveals that we are naturally creative and as we grow up we learn to be uncreative. Creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed.
Creativity begins with a foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering a way of thinking. You learn
to be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning assumptions, using imagination and synthesing information. Learning to be creative is akin to learning a sport. It requires practice to develop the right muscles, and a
supportive environment in which to flourish.

HANDOUT # 2: the art of CREATIVITY


Artistic Creativity: intensely personal, reflecting feelings and ideas of artist. Forever unique and original.
Scientific Creativity: constrained by self consistency, trying to understand nature,and by what is already known. Becomes
assimilated into public knowledge.
Overview of Creativity
The word creativity first appeared in English in the 1875 text History of Dramatic English Literature, by Adolphus
William Ward (Weiner, 2000, p. 89).
Engel (1981)and Taylor (1989) state that the concept of imagination emerged from England and Germany during
the late 18th Century and it was viewed as a quality of the mind responsible for originality and is central to the
modern Western concept of creativity.
Some terms related to creativity
Imagination:the process of recombining memories of past experiences and images into novel constructions
Perception:the conscious integration of sensory impressions of external objects and events,including how we per
ceive others and how other perceive us.
Memory:the mental evocation of past experiences..the ninth intelligence


Some facts the different optical illusion

1. Your mind runs on autopilot. Your

subconscious is actually running more of
your life than you think.
2. Eyes can be deceived. Every day, people
around the world report strange phenomenon
- but are they sure they can trust the evidence
given to them by their own eyes.
3. It is clear that static images can play strange
tricks on our eyes. But people often say they
have seen strange phenomenon that actually
The pictures are static. Nothing is moving
4. So now we know that people seeing static
images are deceived and often see movement
when there is no movement. Is it possible that our mind can actually change aspects such as
colour? demonstrates clearly that everyday objects can easily be transformed by the human
5. Now we know that our eyes lie. Shapes can be seen when they dont really exist.
6. Your brain starts to make what it wants of shapes.

Creative Thinking
Is a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox
Step 1: Be Curious
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.' Samuel
Step 2: make connections
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.' William Plomer
Step 3: challenge yourself
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.' Albert Einstein
Step 4: cultivate your ideas
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will
try again tomorrow.' Unknown

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