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For decision making whether the drills are to be made manually or by CNC the time

taken for both are equated.

Time taken for manual drilling= 15 + (No. of boards * 0.08 * 500)
Time taken for CNC = 240 + (No. of boards * 0.004 * 500)
Equating both gives,
No. of boards =~ 6
This number is obtained under the assumption that all the manual drills cannot be
used simultaneously.
Assuming that it can be operated simultaneously then 7 drills can be used. Totally
56 boards can be drilled. Then the time taken for,
Manual drilling= 15 + (8 * 0.08 * 500) = 335 min
CNC machine = 240 + (56* 0.004 * 500) = 352 min
If the boards are increased the manual drilling time will be far greater than the CNC
time. So CNC machine should be used when number of boards is higher than 56
manual drilling should be used when number of boards are less than or equal to 6. If
manual drills can be used simultaneously then manual drills must be used when
6<n<=56 else CNC used be used.
In addition to the problems above there is a problem of bottleneck happening at the
dry-film photo resist stage.

Panel prep= 5+ 0.2= 5.2 min

Laminate & expose= 20+ 2= 22 min
Develop=20+ 0.2= 20.2 min
Therefore there is a bottleneck at the Laminate & expose process.

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