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Hot Spot Research

The Iowa Department of Education has developed a plan to hold schools
accountable for test scores by publishing how they rank against other schools in the
state. Schools in Iowa will now be placed on a scale of achievement, to help educate
families about the ranking of their child's school. Another school in our area gathered
the details from the Iowa DOE website and posted it to the local newspaper. Therefore,
Cardinal is facing many challenges based on those published achievement scores.
Our district has the lowest scores in the county, and state. Our reading and math
scores have not been improving like they need to. So, the leadership team has
developed a plan. We are going to change the structure of the day as well as the
curriculum offered to our students. Therefore, this next year we will begin a new journey
on improving the curriculum and expectations for students and staff.
Proposed changes to the Curriculum / Credits Offered (Transformational leadership)
How many English credits does a
student need if they are/are not
Two Sr English courses:
Intro to College Writing & Senior
English (non-proficient)
Yearbook, Drama,
Stagecraft, will be an elective
credit but not English credit
Remedial English will be
offered in the summer
There will be a Freshman
remedial English/SCR course
offered for those not ready for
English I

Rename high school

English Classes to English I,
English II, English III and English 4
The district will partner with
another district for college level
comp 1

How many P.E. classes does a student

take if they are/are not proficient?
6 credits (required), 8
credits max if a student is proficient
or non proficient
No more than 1 class taken
in one semester at a time unless
due to scheduling
No contract PE unless a
student has a full schedule already
or conflict with Indian Hills/Career
Academy problems


How many math credits if a student is

not proficient?
6 credits if student is
proficient, 8 credits if non proficient
Students may have the
opportunity to take Algebra II or
Geometry after Algebra
Possibility for summer

Middle School

How this affects students

Students will take an exit

exam or exam to place them into
high school classes
Middle school non proficient
replace exploratory with
Combine Literature and
Language Arts classes in Middle

First, all students will be accountable for their scores, and progress in the curriculum
If the elementary student is not proficient by third grade they will be
required to attend summer school or have proof of tutoring services or they will
be held back.
If the ms/hs student is not proficient in reading he / she will be required to
take a remedial reading course in place of an elective
If the ms/hs student is not proficient in math he / she will be required to
take a math enrichment course in place of an elective
If the hs level student is not proficient he or she will not receive late arrival
or early release privileges.

Supports for teachers
Creating Curriculum maps
Summative assessments planned before the course
Essential questions developed and specific skill sets for
each course determined prior to engaging in the course

The other area we are proposing a change is to revamp the current schedule.
We will be implementing a 3x5 program. The ms/hs will move to a 3 x 5 system fully in
two year. This is a system, which will help support the districts educational goals in
meeting the needs of all kids. (Instructional Leadership)

What is a 3 x 5?

Trimesters and 5 courses a day

A change from our 2

x 8 system
The courses will be 75 mins each
There will be 3 min passing time

Longer class periods for deeper

Training will be
provided on teaching in a block
Students will only have five
classes of work each day
Teachers will only have 4 preps
Students who are not proficient
will have a remedial class and core class
Students who fail a course in the
first two trimesters will have a chance to make
it up in the following trimester.
Example: Fail
English I first trimester, student will
retake English I again the second

Support for teachers to learn how

to implement this new system
More teachers
Space for the teachers

Staff Supports
3 Instructional Coaches

Instructional Coaching will be available for

all teachers in the district.

PLC Framework

Each grade level at the elementary and

the subject areas will meet every week.

Early Release Fridays for PD/PLC time

Every Friday the district will release at 1

p.m. to provide the staff with 2.5 hours of
contractual release time for PD and PLC

Literacy Consultant Assistance

A literacy consultant will be assigned to

the district, and will be at the elementary

and all the ELA classrooms at the middle
school and high school level on a weekly
Full-time Curriculum Director

Will be creating a teacher friendly

curriculum map with the PLC teams for
each course and grade level.

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