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Design of REINFORCED CONCRETE ML GAMBHIR Me amen (© 2000 by Prove of aa Pte Lint, New Debi lt es. No pat of fh book ray be roposced n my rm, by meneogagh ary er ears Atak main nr om be plot “The aig ts of is bok a at ly wth pea Pars by funk K Grea rr alo bea Prt Lire MS, Coma Cre, Now ont 900" aos bering by aera Eleare Paes 8.299, G7 Rama Road Indu vn ute 0080 Contents {1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN! 6 11 Induction —_1 12° Limit State of Collapee: Flexure 1 124 Design of Rectangular Beam: 6 1.22 Design of the Funged Beam Sections 12 13 Limit State of Collapse: Shear, Bond and Torsion — 16 134 Design fr Shear 17 132 Design for Torion 23, 133 Design for Bond 25 14 Use of Design Ads 32 LS Limit Ste of Collapse: Compression 32 151 Axialy Loaded Short Colum (aith ¢ = 0.10 ea) 34 1552 Column Sobjeced¢o Combined Axil Load and Uniaral Bending 46 153 Column Subjected to Axial Lood and Biaxial Bending 37 Sa Slender Colarns 3 155 _ Colum Design Interaction Diagrams 39 1.6 Shear Fowce in Columns Subjected 0 Moments 39 LI Limit Stes of Servicebibiy 3 1S Stusural Drawings 4 19. Detling for Ductliy 4 Tuaociat Problems Contents EES z 43__Determinason of Design Bending Moments 181 431 Direct Design Method 182 432 Equivalen Frame Method 186 44 Comparison of Ft Slab with Two-Way Slab 200 45. Openings in Flat Slabs 200 Tutorial Problems 201 203-250 S41 Induction 208 52. Basie Phnciples of Yield Line Theory 204 5.21 Location and Orientation of Yield Lines 205 5.22 Typical Failure Mechanisms 206 5.2.3 Bending and Twisting Morente Along a Yield Line 208 53. Methods of Yield Line Analysis 209 S31 The Virwal Work Method 210 532. The Equi Method 211 '53.3._Unifoom Stel Distbution 212 $4 _Blleet of Floxble Edge Beams 212 55 Comer Levers and Fans 214 536 Opening in Slabs 215 5.7 Application to Practical Design Problems 215 ‘S8_One-Way Isouopicaly Reinforced Coaiauous Slab 216 ‘59 Onbotropially Reinforced Rectangular Sis 208 510 Skow Slabs 237 SAL Tiangular Slabs 234 SALT saropcaly Reinforced Twangular habs 234 ‘S112 Onhoropically Reinforced Triangular Slabs 247 5.12. Regular Iotropiclly Renforood Polygon Sib Contnuoasly ‘Supported on All Sides 249 ‘arial Pablens — 247 ‘SPECIAL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS oer ‘61 Intaducion 251 62 Dome 251 62.1 Structural Action 253 63. Beams Curved in Plan 270, G31 Clrular Beam Syrmecically Suppored 271 {63.2 Semictcular Beam Sappoed en Three Equally Spaced Columns 273, 63.3 Curved Beam Fixed at Ende 275, 64 Deep Beams 287 64.1 Recommendations of IS:56 259 65. Brcket or Corel 298 65.1 Design of Coxtel 30 Preface ‘The endeavour to write this book is a esol of challenges that I ave faced as « teacher, researcher, and practicing engine Working inthe field of inforced concrete design; and the long cherished desire 10 develop quality text on reiaforced eoperste design for civil enginccring undergraduate stadens covering the design of reinforced concrete structures generlly reeribed for reinforced ene design course in civil engineering curialum in Indian universities. The subject mater is generally tug in two courses, the fist couse covers the concept and design of independent suctural elements and thir detailing, whereas the second course deals with the design of stuctures which ae assembly of elements covered in the fist course and ae advanced in nature. Therefore, itis decided to cover the subject matter in to books. ‘The main objective of the fist book eniled: Fundamentals of Relnforced Concrete Design published by Prentice-Hall of India (2005), covering the fit cours on reinforced concrete, i to develop the ability to analyze ad design a reinfored concrete member subjected to different types of forces ins simple and gical manner using the basic principles of sates and code provisions which emphasize safety. serviceability and eeonor ‘This second book presents the applictions of design concept learted in the fit book. However, due to ever ineeasing use of concrete structure allover the word, the progress in the design concept has increased in the Inst few decades. At present efforts are being made to formulate unified design approach. Engineering companies expect civil engineering grates to understand the code provisions and. consequetly, tobe able to design a concrete strocture effectively and economically ith minimum taining period or overhead costs. Taking this ito onsideraon, the Book is writen to achieve the fllowing ebjctives: To preset a teat to cater mainly tothe clssroom or selF-sidy needs of senior undergnduate student in civil engineering, withthe subject mater based on cure Gesign practices and the requirements of the I:456 Py Proface ESE However the desig and deuiing of fla slbs by icc design and equivelest frame methods are covered in Chaper 4 CChapier Shas been devoted io the design of sats by yield line theory which is consistent with limit tates method used inthe book. All ypes of one-way and two-way isotopically and ‘athetopeally reinforced slabs incladiog uapensial, eangulr polygonal ciculue and skew slab, re presented with adequate examples (Chapter 6 explains the design of special snictral elements ke domes, curved beams deep beams, racket ar cobel nibs oF beam shelves, grid or cotfered floor system, ribbed slab fysom and spandel beams, et. which are frequemly used in stu srucares. Chapter 7 emphasizes onthe analysis of continuous bears and building ames under gravity lad pateres using approaimate methods like momen coefficies for continue beams, subsite frame methed of frame analysis. A unique feature of tis chapter is the ‘moducton ofthe design of frames, adjustment of design moments at beam- tugs ies Mg> Mua the section i over reinforced. As the oversoinforced section is not parm it should be redesigned, 12.1 Design of Rectangular Beams ‘Te design of 4 reinforced concrete flexural member generally consists of determining the cross-sectional dimensions, v2. and D and the area of tension steel Ay reqied ta revs the ‘esign moment, My, The material properties fy and fare generally prevcibedieleted the basis of exposure Conditions. availability of materials and economy. The selection of cross section dimensions of flexural members (thickness of slabs, in particular) fom a structural view pair is efter dicted by sericabiiy ertera andthe requirement elated to the placement Of reinforcement General guideines for beam sizes: In general iis economical o opt for singly reinforced sections with moderate percentage of tension reinforcement, 1,7, = 06 to O8 times Pn ‘The recommended ratio of overall depin D to width b in recungular beam Sections is generaly in the ange of 15 to 30, it may be higher for beams caning very heavy loads. The width and depth of beams are also governed by the shear fore on the seetion. Ifthe ies of beams 5 dicated by architectural or oter considerations ae oo restrictive then the desired moment ‘essing capacity ofthe beam inflenare can be provided by making dewby reinforced and! for by providing bigh strength concrete and steel In practice, the overl depth of beams are often fixed in relation to their spans. Span: to-overaldepth ratios of 10 Wo 16 are generally found to be site in the ease of simply ‘Supported and continuous beams. However, incase of cantilever, lower ratios ae adopted, 2d the beams are gecrlly tapered in depth along thei lengths for economy. Design of Singly Reinforced Beams TYPE I Determination of tensile steel for « given crosssection. The following example Iusraes te procedure. Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design Example 1.1 Determine the area of tensile reinforcement required for a singly reinforced beam Section of size 300 % 550 mm effective 1 cary factored moment of 195 kNm. The comerete mix used is M20 and tensile stool reinforcement i of grade Fel Solution For the given section and materials, = 300 mm, d = $50 mm, fi = 20 MPa, and f, = 415 MPa Limiting moment of resitance of the section, Mi g20.1388 fh = 0.1388 % 20 x 300 x 550" x 10% = 251.92 kNm Since acual factored moment M, = 175 ENm i less than the limiting moment of resistance, the section must be designed as‘ upéer-reinfoced section. From Eq. (110), 010 mm? naam ssn) [ -} ‘(=3]) OF Fv 3 Yn a 2 ed ca be of 10m 8 y= 5 mm 19981 sno poping of secon spr he gen oT sep ste ( Caeite e mairum fire being moet Me ape ot (> Ghooe 4 per ay oft tan ain pei en 2 ea 4 (i) Downie seal Sims ad’ d om hoe Ma = Manes (i) nam te ol ah Dy ning Cone coer ome ete coo a (0 Chamas he wet of aso énorenen wig te epopiae exon 1.2. Design a reinforced concrete beam having an effective simply supported span (of 5:3 m. The beam is reguited tO support live and superimposed loads of 15 KN ind TO kNim, respectively. The materials 10 be sed are M20 yrade concrete and HYSD steel of sade Fells Solution For M20 grade concrete and Fe815 grade wee, fig = 20 MPa and f, = 415 MPa Live lod 9) = 1S kN ‘Soperimposed load, = 10 kN For caleulstion of the sel-weight of the beam. conser the depth of th bear toe ithe range of LI2 iz, D = 50) mm and 5 = 250 mm (b = DP), Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Self-veight of the bear Total dead load w= Wy + m= 3125 + 10.00 = (025 « 050. 1 x 25 = 3:25 kN 3.125 kN ‘The pail safety factors fr loads ace: yy = = 1.5. Desigh moment at collapse de to factored loads wll oeour atthe mid-span of the beam: umd, owl 18031284 oy, = 2a, mate For the balanced file condin, s = 159.52 kN Mem, Msg, 0.1388 ghd! = 15952KNm Assuming b = 2, the receding relation reduces to, 0.1388 6d2M¢ = 159.52 10" 159.52 108 i388 20% 07 | = 49619 wm (ay 490 Adopt 20 nn bars ‘Overall depth D= d+ (ial diameter of bar) + Nominallear cover = 486.19 + 10 + 30 = 526.19 mm (sy 530 mm) Effective depth d= 530 — 10 - 30. = 490 mm “Thus, provide = 250 mm, D = 30 mm and d = 490 mm with an effective cover of 40 mm, ‘The dimensions assumed for calculating the sel-veight are close tothe actual values. Hence tere is mo ecessiy for repeating the calculations For M20 grade coocrete and Fodl5 grade stel, 0.961 Pim 0.961 x 250 490 100 177 eo? Provide 4 bars of 20 mm @ (Ay = 1257 mm. Design of beams reinforced in tension and compression: In practice, very frequently the section has wo cary a moment mor thin ican rest sea balanced section, Ax 1456 do a6 Permit the use of over reinforeed section iti preferable to design it as a doubly reinforced beam where the einferement is also provided in compression to pve aditional strength 1 the concrete due to additonal moment of resistance. Doubly reinforced sections ate aso ‘Provided inthe eases of load wheve reversal of suesen may ‘ake place, eg. wind and farhquake ood ‘Thus the moment of resistance of « doubly reinforced section is the sum of the Hmiing ‘moment of RSstnce Mju Of te singly winfored section and the addiioeal moment of Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design JEM resistance Miy(* My ~ Mya): The lever arm for addtional moment of resistance is equal to the distance between the cenzoids of tension and compression reinforcements (=~ d), where isthe effective cover to the compression reinforcement. The addtional tensile force is ‘olanced by the adsitonsl compressive force, i, ArAOST) = Auk fe ~ So) ay) May = Aes OSTEAE ~ at) May = Auli ~ LNd ~ as) ‘Area of additional tension reinforcement ‘Area of compression infreement Design suess in compression steel Design stress in concrete a the level of compression tela distance d” below the "op edge ‘The stress in eonrete is constant fom the top 10 8 depth 04 nae Geral, a 5 09 Sn Hence Ju 0447fa ‘The stress in compression tej ean be determined from is sta. The sans and stresses ‘developed in & doubly reinforced section ae shown in Fig. 1.3, The stain in concrete st ‘distance a” from the extreme compression fibre and hence in compression steel can be ‘eterined 0.003505 =’) Sm (16) For mild ste, stress emuins constant with the increase in sain beyond the yield point For the values of (ld) up 10 0.2, fe 18 equal to OST and fu 6 equal 1 O87}, Le foe = O8Tf, = 087 250 = 217.5 MPa When the reinforcement to be ase is HYYSD steel of grades Fet15 and FeS00, the sess in compression sel, can be obtained from Table 1.3 forthe given values of 7d For a doubly reinforced balanced section, equate total compressive force to toa tensile force, i 362 humee B+ Auth ~ fe) = O87 Ay a ‘Taking moment of compressive force about lesion steel, My = 0362 fp HnebMd ~ OMe) +A ~ Sa) (1.18) Design of Reinforu! Concrete Structures Design pro ede. ‘The varios steps involved are: (@) Determine the limiting moment of resistance of the section Mya. considering the section tobe singly minfored wo 9 Sra (© Sh roca pat ‘Fig, 13. Design of beam reinforced both in tnsian and compression. Tra" AelO87h) (6 ona a Table 13. Design Sees for Dierent Yates of (6) a D000 0045 0.080. 0055 0.080 0.086 2070 2.080 0.088 2.000 D006 ‘0.300 0.108 oxo ons 0120 an zi Sas Raa resid FD Feiso Fee rn irs aseartauas | ome 2s aon SATSURSLROMMARA] 188 27s os ars ase ans | ong irs et irs jeror aie | ows ays ane 2175 5ps0 2047 ROHAN RET SEED, hrs wot om | oe ats ora irs sere tear | 010 zis aoa ins sara tise | ore 27s Sano hrs iowa te | ome 2s Ses bs eam aisas | ovo airs 880 ars ates dies irs a0 avs asim ost | oto airs aes ins woe wea | ome ais snes irs Moa coras. [oaa 008 irs wes cosas | 0708 mss Feet 045 arn sao 30749 Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design MINN (i) Compare Mai with the factored design moment My IF Miiin > Ma singly reinforced station will be adequate, and FOF Mam My the beam sal be designed 8 doubly reinforced section. (ity Determine the area of tension reinforcement Ay required fr singly reinforced beam. of sep Mate Ae WRF 081 aad ey) (Gv) Calle the balance or additonal factored momento be resisted by the beam: Mag = My — Mun 120) ‘This moment is to be balanced by the additional tension steel Aye and the compression stel Ay the forces in these steels form an additonal items! couple of resistance. (9) Determine Aye and Ay from the relations: Mas ana M, fe oarganay ASTM aan ry where and fare design stresses in compression sel and concrete atthe level of the centioi of compression steel, (Gi), Determine tol tension steel: Ae hat es ay Bxample 1.3 A reinforced concrete beam of rectangular seeion of size 250 x $80 mm ‘overall is 10 be designed for a factored moment of 225 kNm. Compute the reinforcement ‘eure atthe effective cover of $0 mm, The concrete mix tobe used is M20 andthe grade (of eel is Fe. Solution The eees-sectonal dimensions and materi properties are: = 250 mm, d= $50 ~ 50 = 500 mm and d= 50 mm fin = 20 MP, f= 415 MPa and M, » 225 kNm ‘The limiting depth ofthe neural axis: Fame = 0479 X 300 = 23955 om ‘Mem for & singly reinforced setion is given by Mase" 01388 fd = 0.1388 x 20 x 250 x SOG! 17350 10° Nom For M20 grade cones and Fost5 grade sel, 173.50 kN Ae Pram = OF = WHEA_Devign of Reinforced Conerete Structures Therefore, 96 «250 x 500 Ay SEXES 1200 ma? Since M,> Meum: sdiional moment of resistance required is: My, = 25 = 1735 = 515 kNm ‘Adéisonal tension reinforcement is bined at follows: Mus = COBTS,) Ayla ~ 2) AM 515% 10" Mo ORT aT)” OaTKA Te ap -316 98 en? Total tensile steel Ay = Ayy «Ags = 1200 + 31698 = 1517 mm? ‘The compression see i piven by the relation: Maa = Anthe~ fod ~ ) M, fe Ga fama For did = 010 and sts grade sel fom Table 13. f, = 35193 MPa fo = 048TH, here, s1sx 10% Au = GS193= 8.98) x S00= 50) ~ 7967 mH 1.22 Design of the Flanged Beam Sections When a concrete slab is cast monokiially with and, comnecied 0 rectangular beams, & potion ofthe slab above the beam behaves structurally a8 part ofthe beam in compression. Te lab ortons is called the flange and beam the web. If he ange projections are on ether side of ‘he ecangular web o Hib the resin erossection resembies the Tape and hence i ealed 1 T-eam section. On the other hand. ifthe lange projets on one side, the resuling eros ‘ection resembles an inverted Land hence is teed as L-beam. The anged beams ae shown, 114. The effective width ofthe ange, 8 that acts along withthe rectangular, may be taken tr stilted by IS456 ae ra Yee tye (4) em, cares for thom (5) enon, was Basic Principles of Reinforced Conerte Design EM where isthe distance between zero moment (inflection) points inthe beams. This is equal to the effecive span for simply supponed beams and is 0.7 times the effective span for ‘continuous beams. However, the effactive flange width in no case should exceed the breath ‘of web plus half the sum of the clear distances to the adjacent beams on eter sie. In case of isolated beams, the effective fange width obtained below shall, in wo case, be greater than the actual width of the flange, For P-beam: by bet oR by + 70d For Pea: yo Tinea ae ‘Asin rectangular beams, the anged eections may be ether singly or doubly reinforced. Design of Flanged Beam with Tension Reinforcement only: ‘Te steps involved ae () Batimate the depth ofthe Nanged beam for preliminary computations as follows (@) V2 of the span for heavy loads (©) V2 to LAS ofthe span for medium loads (134 10 120" for ight touts bye yte) +20. bg Zi - (0) tect secon of ange bans 414 Iéeatization of @ floor system using longed booms. Design of Reigforced Conerote Structures oe WELLL LLL, Ls aa ecm bee wa ‘cn (0) Natl wit te Srge Ge > 0) 0086 ete — Lin (0 Creesecten (9 Seams) Wed coreston 9) Range cansbuon cove ) Newalac wed Ut 0 ig. 1.5, Nomel stress distribution in a reinforced concrete T-beam under lure. Determine self weight and hence the design moment Mf ‘Check depth from economic consieratins: 2 (efaterl” a5 here r isthe cost ratio of steel to cere However sine the width ofthe Mange of « T-bam is generally large and the neta axe falls within the Mange, the depth of the Beam may be selected such that she neural axis coincides withthe bottom of the flange 50 thatthe concrete in flange is fully tized. Thus, M, = 0.36% by Dd ~ 04160) d= 0.8160, + (126 aM D362f5;D, Revise the design moment My. if required, to be caved by the beam. Gi) Eximate the wid of rb 2, which is approximately one-half ofthe sib projection below the flange Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design (IE (ii), Ascenain the ype of section, Le, whether it is balaned, underceinforced oF ove reinforce, (iv) Caeulte the sectional area of reinforcement (©) Based on the sectional area of reinforcement obtained in step (iv), determine the actual postion ofthe neural axis and hence the actual value ofthe lever arm. (i). Recalculate the sectional area of reinforcement Bxample 1.4 Design a Thoam section witha Mange width of 1250 mm, a lange depth of 100 min, a veb width of 250 mm, and an effective dept of $00 mm, which is eubjeted to «factored moment of $60 kN. The concrete mix tobe used is of grade M20 and steel sof agode Fels Solution For the given cross-section and mute y= 1280 mm, Dy = 100 mam, by = 250 mm and d Sig= 20. MPa and f, = 415 MPa com = 0479 d = O79 x 500 = 239 mm Limiting moment of resistance ofthe balanced section is given by Mig = 036% by Sunald ~ 0416 ya) + O44 A2{b, ~ byNd ~ OY) 00 mm where (15% + 0450) 0€ Dy whichever is less OS % 2395 + 06S x 100 = 100925 mm > Dy Hence Y= 100 mm Therefore, (0.362 x 20 x 280 x 2395 x (S00 - 0416 x 2395) ++ 1487 x 20 x 100 x (1250 ~ 250) x (500 ~ 0.5 x 100) = 51586 % 10° Nom = 575.86 km Since My < Myjy it is an under-reinfored section. To ascertain the postion of neural axis ‘consider tha it coincides withthe botom of the ange. i. x4 = Dy The moment of eistance ofthe section Is given by Mesa = 0362 by D/d ~ 0160) = 0.362 x 20 x 1250 % 100 x (S00 ~ 0.416 x 100) x 10 = 414.85 Khim Since M,punge < Mu the actual neutral axis is inthe web. The value of x, can be determined fiom the moment equation. My = 0362f eb ld ~ 04165) + O47alb, ~ BOA ~ 054) where Y= 0S, + 0650, MEER. Desie of Renfred Coneete Stratos Table 14 Permisuble Shear Stostas i Concota % with Various Values of Crack Cont Parameter (Cont) ‘p= 100 Porn shar anos MPa) Fameabie amar sees Pa) agi Grate of canoe ‘of eoee on carr onze 07 290 ons 00 780 he oso He een, 10 ose 12 om 13 ome 138 one 12 oe va cae Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design EM Table 14 Pamictble Shear Sresses in Cerete t wih Varout Values of Crack Cont! Parameter (Con) = 10) Paria shor simon MPs) ‘Pens shear eas OPS) Pate ‘Gia of eonaee 2a 958 0916 0540 ae oa oote 0960 tort Nat The won Aue ae of natal lens entcaret wich cannons atest ore afc enh ‘jade ocar nang conte excels suppers ere the ul nes of ns febconem May 20 td pondol he duining contre le cures 2803 and 2829 of (OME ‘Maximum shear stress in concrete, fue When nominal sear stress, exceeds the shear strength of concrete tq suitable shear reinforcement is provided. However, ander a0 ‘Grcumstances even withthe sear reiforcerent, sll the nominal shea ste, eX Fann ‘When dhe shear sess, greater than fg he section is redesigned by using higher grade ‘of concrete mix or by providing greater depth. The values of Tue for different grades of ‘eonersie ae given in Table 1.5 Table 1.8 Manu Sheer Sess, fae Canara grade 20 2s wae ene PA) 28 34 38 a7 40 For solid slabs, tho nominal shear sass shall ot exe0ed 0.5F yx Shear reinforcement: When +, exceeds the shear stength of conerele tthe shear reinforcement in the farm of sirups shall be provided to cany the design shear Tore, Vg = Va 4 (128) whore Vis the shear force duc 4 externally applied design loud HED esign of Reinforced Concrate Siructuree ‘The design of sticrps is based on vera cognponent of diagonal tension wie horizontal component is resisted by the main tension sel. Consider 2egged simups with ttl area of legs of A, the spacing S, of stipe is ven by O87 And ae (129) where “Ay = Total crose-sectonal aca of sirup les effective in shear pocing ef simaps along the length af the member reaih of the beam (or the web inthe langed beam) f= Characerisic strength of stirrup steel in MPa which shall not exceed 415 MPa ‘Minimum shear reinforcement: If x, < the minimum or nominal seat reinforcement in the form of stirups shall be provided in all ube beams sch that tesou(t) wo Maximum spacing of stirrups, Syux To ensure that no potential crck shall remain tmerosed, che manimun spacing Sime should mot exceed 0.7Sd fr eral stimups and d for stimups inclined at 5°, where d i the effective depth ofthe section or 300 mun. whichever ales. Design Procedure for Shear Reinforcement (@) Determine the factored or uikimate design shear fore, Vi i) Compute nominal shear sess onthe section by dividing V, by bd (i) Determine the shear strength of concrete, and hence the shearessting capacity of the um-reinfored concrete seston, V. = hk Go) Compare, With Fu HE > Kaa EUesgD the cross-section of the beam such that % < Fenn 0) Compare Vy with ¥ (0 with &). IF US Vn 90 shear design is required. Provide nominal reinforcement in form of vertical Simups throaghout the Beam at the Spacing S. given by or aay where Ay isthe tata cross-sectional atea of step eps (vi) IF > V provide shear reinforcement fr sessing the design shear force Vs given by Va = Ve Ye c 32) Basie Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design ETM (i) Choose the dlameter ofthe sirup bar (generally 68.10 or 12 mm) and the type of sup. Determine the spacing of the siraps a follows For vertical sirraps ost, ud O87f, Aw os = a3) For beneap bars If the tesion ste is available for shea, bend one or more bats fom tension steel at AS" at distanced from the suppors. The shear force taken by ben-up bar i V, = Gy Ay sin acy 4 ¥y) asp where Ay isthe total ers-sectonal are of bent up bar Design sheur fore for te veral str is given by Wa= Ve ~ Vy Vyp= O87 dy Hn 39) where ‘Ay ® Total crosssectional area of stinup legs or beat-up bars within a distance 5, S, = Spocing of sirup or beat-up bas along the Kngth +b Broadth of section (fora flanged section, b= b,) {fy = Characteristic strength of steel sed for simaps > 415 MPa (= Angle between the inclined stiups andthe axis ofthe member and shall tot be Jess than 45" 4d = fective depth ofthe section (ii) Cheek wheter the spacing of stirups obtained in Step () or (1) amd (i sates the code design requirement: (@) 8, ¥ 075d (spacing governed by the depth of the beam) 0) 8, ¥ nf WO4D) Coased on the minimum shear reinforcement) (6) 8, £ 60 1am (auggested foe beter compaction of conc. (8) Find the distance from the suppor up to which the designed stirups are require. For the rest ofthe portion provide minimum shear reinforcement. Bxample 1.5 A reinforced concrete eam of rectangular cross-section of 300 mim width and 550 mim overall depth is reinforced with 6 bars of 20 mm ¢ HYSD steel of grade Fes13, laced a an effective cover of $0 mm. Out of 6 bars 3 burs have been bent up st 45°. Design the shear reinforcemcat if the beam is subjected to & uniformly disubuted faired lad of 100 kNim over a simply supported clr span of 7 m. The concrete mix usd is MO. HEB enipn of Reinforced Conerte Structures ‘Solution For te given cross-sectional dimensions and material prope, b= 500 mm, d= 550 ~ 50 = 50 mm, fy = 20 MPa end f, = 415 MPa, The maximum focored shcar force is calcul at a distance from the Fae of the suppor Ths, we 1006 300 kN ‘Ava of inclined bars AS x 20 mm @) = 942 mn? Shear resistance of inclined bars ent up atthe same crossetion is SI) Ay sin = O87 x 415 5c 942 5 in 48 240493 N = 240.49 KN Aves of tension reinforcement a te section of maximum shear (Le. the aoa of continuing bas Tren AGS x20 mm @) 2 982 mn? 0A, _ 100942 m= Td * 300% 500 0.628 per cent Shear swongth of M20 grade conrate for p, = 0.628 per cen, = 0524 MPa Shear resisting capacity ofthe un-infoced concrete section We ohd = 0524 3005500 = T8600 N= 78.6 KN Marimum permissible sear strength with sear reinforcement Son = 28 MPO [Nominal shear sires an the erosssecton, 1M, _ 30010" {a ~ 300% 500 Since F< 5 € fun the Seton i seceptable with shear reinforcement Design shear fore Vy = Vy ~ Vp = 300 — 786 = 221.4 KN Since Vay < Var its resisted by 3 inclined burs. However. 18:456 stipulate that half of the ‘design shea force must be resisted by the vertical surups. Provide 8 mm @ 2egged vertical stimaps with y= 100 ma 2.0MPa O81 Aod OSh, Spacing, 5, = 87 4155 100 x 500 0.5% 2014 x10" 16308 ram Baio Prineipies of Reinforced Concrete Design ERM Maximum spacing based onthe depth of the beam, s, 175 mm oe 300 mm stichever i smaller 15d = 0.75 x 500 ‘Therefore, provide 8 mm @ 2egged vericalstinups at 160 mm cle whic is ls satisfactory ‘om the placement pot of view. The fir slimup i wally plced at a distance $,/2 from ‘he suppoet to prevent any possible propagntion of shear erick 1.32. Design for Torsion ‘The torsion reinforcement consists of closely spaced closed stimups or hoops with good anchorage being provided by hooking the stirup bar ends around the longitudinal reinforcement, 'AS per the simplified approach recommended by 18:456, the total longindlnal ‘enforcement is termined for 4 ficous equivalon? bending moment. Similarly, the transverse reinforcements determined fo a itisous equivalent shear which is obtained Fm ‘actual shear and torsion. In the flanged secions the contibtion of anges is neglected, i, the rectangular web portion alone is considered quivalent shear: The equivalent shear Vi, is ealealted as follows ve=neu() a9 Factred shear force T= Factor torsion moment ‘Wilh ofthe Beam (= b, forthe Nanged section) ‘The equivalet nominal sheer sess is clcultd as, wet for beams of uniform eth = ac 4,14 tan bd where and Bare the effective depth and the angle between the top and bottom edges ofthe eam, respectively. The -ve sign shall be ase when the moment IM increases numersly in the stme decton asthe effective depth for beams of varying depths aan HEEB Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures ‘The value off shll not exceed the valve of fu olbervise cross-sectional dimensions should be revised. If < , minimum shear reinforcement shal be provided, which is given ty An 04 my a3) nd longitudinal enforcement for flere only shall be provided. IF exceeds x, both Tongitudal and transverse reitorcemens shall be provided as described herenaier. Longitudinal reinforcement: Longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided 10 resist equivalent bending moment Mf given by Maa Me My 439) where 1M, = Factoed bending moment atthe cross-section M,= Contribuion of torsion moment T, in te bending moment 1+DIb) 17 ‘where D and b are overall depth and breadth of the cross-section, respectively. “The bending equivalent M4, fr torsion induces tension on both faces of Beam along the length Therefore, if the numerical valu of as defined eater, is les than the numerical Value of moma! M,, the tension due 19M, adds to the tension due to My andthe stel for tou tension duc to M+ Mf, is provided on bending tension side ony. The tension effet of ‘Mon bending compression side being les than bending compression due tM, no addition see i required on bending compression side, ‘On the her hand, when #f,> My, the resolantfenie foree on bending tension side ‘emains hat due 10 M, + M, on bending compression side, tension due to M, being greater than bending compression di to My theres revallant tension due off, and longa reinforcement shill he provided on the Flexural compression face sls to resist an equivalent moment Ms = Mf~ M, taken as acting inthe sense opposite to the moment M, to take care reveal of moment 40) Transverse reinforcement: The crossscctioal orca Ay of tworegged cloned hoops oF simape encksing in the comers longitudinal bars is given by TS, __WS, BaWOSTA) * ESH0RTF) aay ‘But the transverse ste shall not be ess than rhs, (ON7h) aan Basic Principles of Reinforced Conerte Design EM where 'S.= Spacing of simup reinforcement y= Centretocenize distance between comer bars in the direction of width 4d, = Cente-o-cente distance between comer bars inthe direction of depth ‘b= Breadth of the member f= Characteristic strength of wansvere sel Detailing Requirements for Torsion (©) The longidinal tel shall be placed as close as practicable to the comers ofthe cross section. The spacing of longitudinal bars (¢ 10 mm ©) dstibued around the periphery (of closed stirups shall not exceed 300 rm. In all cases, there shall be at last one Tongitadinal bar in each comer ofthe sirup. In case the cross-sectional dimension of the member exceeds 450 mm, aditional longitudinal bars shall be provided along the two faces. Tho tal area of sch reinforcement shall not he Tess than 0.1 percent of the web area and shall be distributed equally on the two faces a a spacing nt exceeding 300mm or web width, whichever is less, (Gi The eansvere see for torsion shall be inthe form of rectangular closed stipe placed perpendicular to the axis ofthe member. The spacing of simups shall not exceed the Jeast ofr.) + 9;)4, and 300 mm. where x; and yy re the short and long dimensions ofthe simups, respectively, as shown in the Fig. 1.6) (ii) The torsion sel shall be provided atleast fora distance (d+ 5) beyond the point where its teoreclly required, were isthe width ofthe par of the crot-setion having closed stimaps resin tonion, ‘Beample 1.6 Design a recangular reinforced concrete beam section 0 camry @ factored ‘ending moment of 200 kN, factored shear force of 120 KN. and a Tacoved torsion moment ‘of 75 ENM. Concrete mix of grade M20 and HYSD see of grade Fed ae to be used ia Solution Foe the given materials, Jg= 20 MPa and f, = 415 MPa (My = 200 KN, Vz = 120 KN and 7, = 75 kN Consider the ease fg > 5: wherein both longiidinal and transverse reinforcements shall be ‘provided for resisting equivalent moment and equivalent shear free. respectively. Longitudinal reinforcement: Equivalent moment is given by Me = My + My shee m= 7,( 2) Conte at, Db = 20; hen see BXLD «035 aK 17 ‘etre TPT samme (2) Rescate of nam of Caste 1 Fig. 1.6. Dimensions ond reinforcement details of « rectangular section subjected to fle sheor and tonon. Since M, i ess than M,, no steel on the compression fae s required for equivalent moment of M, ~My My = My + M;= 200 + 13235 = 33235 kN ‘The design for lexure may result in cliher singly reinforeed balanced, undersenfored oe ovbly reinforced section. For a balanced section, int ‘To ensure the beam to be upderteinforced, liming p; to (4) x (0.00961) = Q0072 (ay 00075). IF x, be the depth of the actual neutral xis, then from the internal force equllciam condition, 0.362 bey O87h A, Kem "04794 and Pram) = 0.00961 087s, 03625 0362 fa JL bd ne d= 03608 (0362 x 20 « b x 03740 x dx (d ~ O16 x 03780 x d) = 2.286 bE ‘Therefore, 2.286 ad = 33285 x 10° Consider b = 0.54, therefore, pw 332352108 = Taoxos 4 = 662.50 mm Basie Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design EBB ‘Adopt b = 350 mm, d = 650 mm and D = 700 mm, with the ratio DYb = 700380 = 20. The ‘al i the same as coosdered caler and, hence, the section is satisfactory. Ars of steel requie, Ay © 0.0075 % 380 % 650 = 170625 ma? Provide 5-22 mm bars as tension reinforcement (Ay = 1900 mm!) and 2-12 mm @ bars a tp in compression zone as hanger bars. Side face reinforcements As the dept of the section i more than 450 mmm, side face reinforcement of 0.10 percent of te Web section is 19 be provided: eo tonal intoceat = 910,079 = 245m Provide 2 x 10 mm @ bars on each face. Transverse reinforcement: The sheer srength of concrete, depends on p. anim 0200835, ie. 0835 per cen From Tables 1 8 MPs. W115, 5 = 0583 MPS ad aol) Equivalen shear force. V, =. Equivalent nominal shear sess, 1, 462.86 010° tao i BBO 3.055 Moa Since f < fe < fom the scion is secepable with shear reinforcement Consider uansverse reinforcement consisting of 12 mm @ 2legged vertical sterups (Ay, = 226 mn’), the spacing of straps is given by OSTA Thay + VIOSH) ] = 28 se distance between corner bars in the direction of the width of the bear 390-25 - 25-22 = 278 mm e distance between comer bars in the diretion of the depth of the beam 660 = 25 - 6 = 619 mm, se 087 x 415% 226 _ {75 «10°78 6199] + [120% 1057125 619), 58.97 TEI _Design of Reinforced Concrete Sructeres Minimum reinforcement to be provided is given by Thus, os7fA, , Pan (= O8 percent) Therefor, x0) (uae a) (ar 885 mm*) ata clear cover of 40 mam over the els. ) = 08 et Provide 6 bars of 20 mm ® (A, Design of spiral tet Consider a bar diameter of 6 mm and pitch Diameter ofthe core, D, = 399 — 40 40 = 310 mm Diameter of the helix, Dy = 390 - 40 — 40 6 = 304 mam From Eq. (147), 11 Ma pean = 28.87 mm 390° = 3107 35 ) HED Design of Reinforot Concrete Structures However, 15:486 has imposed rections on the pitch as follows 25 mm 5 l39, 218 om 15 mm ** |310/6=51.67 mm Provide 6 mm @ spin at 28 mn cle pitch. 1.52 Column Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Uniaxial Bending ‘The teal eos-sctonal dimensions are generally fixe in advance during the stage of analysis for design forces. The crost-ectional dimensions are either based on architectural consideriions of on designer's judgement and experience. In onder to overcome lengthy ‘akultons, column design interaction diagrams may be used. The following procedue i recommended: (@) Consider the ares of longitodinal sel say, between and 2 percent of the gross ‘ronesectonal area of concrete. Wi Pf fy a al eawsctional dimensions, ing predetennied, check whether the columa is shoe or long. If there are no retstions onthe dimensions ofthe column, consider the eimentions ofthe clara such that i i a shor’ columa, Le ly/D € 12 and lyf < 12, I shor proceed as follows (i) Check te eccentricity we -(@)omm| CCompine the design paramters 1D, PylfgbD) a0 My fabD"). (iy For the given dD ratio, grade of sco, shape of the section and the ype of stabaton of eel, choose the appropriate column design interaction cue iv) For the computed values of P/fbD) and M,((fabD*) mack the pont som the curve selected in sep (i (1) Find the valu of pif comesponding to the pints pote in sep (i) (63) Caleulte the total area of reinforcement forthe vale of (pf) obtained in sep (8) ss follows POA) yf DY, a” Ta 100 (i) Distribute the tal ares of stecl as por the curve used. (vis) Determine wansvene steel and dex the sections suitably. Basie Principlos of Reinforced Conerete Design EE | Load and Biaxial Bending ‘Keeping in mind the following poins select sable tral section: 1.5.3 Column Subjected to Axi Mas. ™, 4 © exec, iw where d, and dy are effective depths in y+ and dictions, respectively. (i) From the point of view of god design practice, Per 2sr0 ‘The tal percentage of reinforcement can be determined by designing the columa section 5 vnianalyIoeded column for the moment, a= (ua M3, a9) 150 hus recommended the formula proposed by Breser forthe design of columns subjected to banal bending. The method is based on interaction surface forthe design lod sytem Py, May a08 Me, as) Gas) «(me where Mai ad May are the uniaxial moment capacities combining the given axial lod P, with bending moments about x and janes, eapectvey. “The value of ce depends onthe parameter PyIPux. For Py/Py values varying from 0.210 (08, cr vary nearly from 10 t0 20: to fe 02, 1 square inertace for E > 08, = 20 cirle interface wore Scot ax(2)-(3)£) assy OANA, + O73 Aw Ce = 0) ADA, + O6TfAy (0 < € < 05D) In pretical designs, r= 1.15 10 1.55 is generally satisfactory for rectangular sections ad 1.5 to 2.0 for square sections MBI Devign of Reinforced Concrete Structures ‘The following procedure can be adopted for the design of biaxilly loaded column (i) Predatermine or assign the tal cross-sectional dimensions (Gi) Chock thatthe events eg = (Ma/P) ane, = (Mg/P4) are no less than the comespondimg minimum design eccenices i) Compute Mx. and Min comesponding to P, such that they are significantly preter than Mand My: cterwise vse the tal section. iv) For the given section, determine Pe and hence a (0) Chock the adequacy of the section, redesign if necessary. 1.5.4 Slender Columns For the columns with slendemess ratios /,D and ef > 12. the aditional moments Ma, end ‘Ma, in appropriate directions shall be taken into account while designing the eohumn section eo [BBNis)] me [RBI] oo P,= Axial load on the member |= Erfectve lngihs in respect of major and minor axes, respectively De Depth a nght angles to the major axis ‘b= Wiath of the section “These adinal moments are to be reduced hy the factor K given by ae Pas where, = axial load to be supported on the compression member, Pag = OMIA, + 0.75 Ae = axial lod comesponding to the balanced stains condition, be <1 sy) Calculation of Puy: For a secon with steel dstbuted on all 285, Pu For rectangular section Aon ) [oe(Z])am as) Fe eek ction ran[a onl f]fao% ass 1 and canbe oto’ from Table 5" of wh pis the perenage oft el nthe ‘tam. ‘andanct of infired concee dig by MLL. Gai jagrams, Tmeraction curves for recingular column sections with reinforcement of grade FedI5 disibwted equaly on wo sides parallel to the axis of bending and placed coverto-Seth ratios d'1D of 0.04, 006, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18 and 0.20, are gives in ‘Appendix D. The tel ratios represented by he paramcter pf onthe design curves vary fr (000 to 0.24 at an interal of OO. The readers shoul refer othe special publication of BS, *SP:16—Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS'456" and reference 3) for more details In the parameter pl. the term p represents percentage of ttl tel with respect 10 BD Aiseipued symmeticaly on two faces oF on all the faces i case of reetangular sections, and with respect to DK 9 for erela sections. 1.6 SHEAR FORCE IN COLUMNS SUBJECTED TO MOMENTS. ‘The columns subjected to ail load and bending should be checked for shear In the absence of aia lad, shear along the eotie height of column is given by Mag + Mean ‘Storey eight weer, due to presence of comprosice, the shea strength of concrete is larger than tha in ‘ase of pure shesr.BS'8110 has recommended enhanced shear strength, which is smaller of the following: oof), coors ocean Zi), oyna at eo soam teal 19 Di sto en cry tld of 201, Feo, Sada sin ft met ec SSorat eine ecu cia oan Renae Sta ld RAD np ei Ge ca cr sa Solution From the problem stipulations, fg = 25 MPa, f,= 415 MPa, b= 300 mm, P= 2250 KN My, = 150 kNm and M,y= 100 kN Preliminary design: To predetermine trial scion, consider an average reinforcement ratio (of 25 percent at an axially loaded column, P= Ohad. + O5T5A, 2250 x 10° = 040 x 25 & O9TSA, + 067 x AIS x 0.0254, Therefore, Ay = 1347206 mm? WED _Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures ‘As one side of the setion is limited to 300 mm. oter side 49.07 ma For the column subjected to biaxial moments. considera bigger tal section of size 300 x 500 mn. The tal pereentage of sel can be obtained by designing the trial section for ecuivalent uniaxial bending moment. Mg = fi +H, = 50 + OF = 18028 KN sting about minor axis. Dimensionless load parameters: B__250«107 Fab ~ Wx 300% 500 = 0% Mag Fahd From the P-M curve coresponding to d'7D = 0.10 and FeAl, Pf aos Ia Therefore, p= 0185 x 25 = 4.625 percent Consider 300 x S00 mm section wih 4.5 per cent longitudinal reinforcement inifermly dstnbued along the four sides. Check for adequacy of the trial section: The moments due to minimum eccentricities ae less thin the applied moments, Uniavial moment capacity about the major ais, May . Beco De b= a0 am d= se nm = 4S e018 fe 2 wor sod R_ __ 80x10! Fab ~ Tx 300% 500 = 0 Refer wo the column interaction diagram of Fig. DC-12 corresponding to f, = 415, and {TD = 0.10. For PyiqbD) = 0.60 and pf, = 0.18, the dimensionless moment parameter i: MAeabD*) = 01S “Therefor, Magy = O15 fbD* = 0.15 25 x 300 x $00? = 281.25 ¥ 106 Nmm = 281.25 kN Basic Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design ETM Uniacial moment capacity about the minor axis; My «50 b= 500 om, D = 10 mm. = FH, = O67 and 7S = 060 Refer to the column interaction diagram of Fig. DC-13 conesponding tof, = 415 MPa and AND = 0:15. For P,Af.bD) © O60 and ply = 0.18, dimensionless moment parameter is M, Tab sous Therefore, M, O13fyhD* = 0.13 % 25 x 500 x 300" = 146.25 5 10° Nem = 146.25 KN The pore axial load. capacity ofthe eolumn is Pye= OMIA, + OIF Au 1487 25 X (0955 « 300 X S00) + 0.75 415 % (045 S00 > SOO) = 3701.76 « 10° N = 3701.76 kN For the ratio, the exponent For checking the adequacy of the trial section. substitute the above values inthe interaction (ais) "+ = 0876 < 10 The section is overdesigned with 4.5 percent sel Second triak: Decree the amount of steel to 4 per cen. equally distributed or four sides snd recheck the adequacy ofthe section with the parameter, pig = 425 = 0.16. Refer tote column interaction diggram of Fig. DC-12 coeesponding to f,= 415 MPa and 4410 = 0:10. The vale of M/fxbD* conesponding to Py UEybD) = 0.6 and pif = 0.16 5s 0.134. Therefore, Mag = 0134/80 14 25 » 300 x 500? x 104 = 251.25 KN WEBI. Desien of Reinforced Concrete Structures Similan, fom the column intrston di an d7D'~ 0, ‘Therefore, My = ONT EDD 17 25 x 500. 300 10% 131.63 kN P= O47 x 25 % (096 x 300 x 500) + 075 x 415 x (0. x 300 x 500) 496.7 10'N = 347627 kN For the rato, fe e068 ®. the exponent, (0647-02) 1 _ ys woenoa t= Therefore = 10050 > 1.0 A lade increase in see! wil make the sction adequate. Heace adopt column secon of sae 300% S00 mm. Longitudinal reinforcement 300 « 500 : A= ID A300 6) k sm isem een Chutenpeee Fig, 1.7. enfcement details ofthe column of Example 1.8, _ Basie Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design EE Adope 8 mm @ mild scl es atthe spacing which is east of the following 6 300 mm, (i) 16 (#16 % 28 = 400 ram). and (it) 300 ram Provide 4 bars of 28 mm and 8 bars of 25 mm (Ay = 6390 me) with § mm & bar fies a 300 mam che. The reinforcement details are shown in Fig. 1.7 1.7 LIMIT STATES OF SERVICEABILITY ‘The serviceability exteria equi the conto of deflections and crack wid under service loads. For convenience in design, and as an aerative tothe actual calculation of defection, the code recommends certain base valves of spar-oefecve depth (id) tos which ate expected lo satisfy the requirements of defection contol, ie. All < 1/250, For prismatic member of rectangular crsssetions and slabs of uniform thickness with spans up to 10m, the limiting or maximum (Id) ratios spciiod by the IS:436 ae at = Tac ig Mg 11.56) were for cantilever spans n (2)... = |20% simply suppor spans Modification factors my and my fr diferent wales ofp yam ae dstermined fom he Table 6.3%. However, for convenience, the ende perms calculation of approximate value of Je 3 follows: 26 for continuous spans Area of st usr ~ 030 ‘rea of wel provided 1.8 STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ‘On completion of the structural design the design ideas normally need to be communicated for construction at the ste, by tarslaig them into detailed stucural drawings. tn fat. an elaborate analysis becomes wortles if the computations ae not translated imo succesful “Fanlaneaalr of enone conte design by ML: Ganbhir WEIR Design of Reinforcud Concrete Structures In addon wo graphic delineation of strctre a drawing act 862 guide and defines the ‘order to perform certtin operations om the ite sna specified mane, The drawing azo serves asa record of some ofthe imponant assumptions made in the design. Enginenng cravings Prepared by the designer should specify grades of concrete and steel, live load. dimeasions reinforcement. lp lengths conercte cove, and all other information seeded for detailing the reinforcement, bulding the foams. fabicaing the tenforcemeat and placing the concrete 1.9. DETAILING FOR DUCTILITY For the enhanced ductility the provisions of 18:4326, 18:13920 and ACISI8 should be followed, Tutorial Problems 11 A rinforcad concrete simply supported beam of rectangular cros-sction caries & bunitrmly distributed service lod of 12.75 kN inclusive of seveigh over an ffctive span of 810 m From arctectural considerations the with of the beam has been fied at 300 mm, deermine the effective depth and area of tesion steel. The muerials used are M2O grade concrete und HYSD stot of grade Fe415 1.2. A simply supported reinfored conerete rectangular beam caries a sniformly stributed service lad of 1250 kNim inclusive ofits con weight and slo a service ‘concentrated load of 20°KN at the midpoint over an effective span of 6.5 m. Design a suiable section for the Nesural action taking: () d = 2b and (ip d= 2.8b. The materials used are M25 grade concrete and HYSD steal of grade Fo41S, 13 Design a reinforced concrete etangular beam section of size 300 x $80 mm oven contacted with conerete mix of glade M20 and steel of grade FetlS. The beam is Subjected w factored moments of: () 180 KNm and Gi 328 KN. The effective covers to reinforcement may be taken as SO mm. 1.4 simply supported reinforced conerew beam caries uniformly distnbuted losd of 20 KN inclusive of self-weight over an effective span of 85 m. The ern-sction of the Beam i etic to 250 ram wide and 600 mm deep upto the cente of the tension sel and the compression sie! placed at an effective caver of SO mm fom the op fof the hear. Determine: (i the ares of terion and compression reinforcements tobe provided, ifthe maerals used are MBO grade conrete and rnild steel reinforcement, nd (i) te area of rinorcoment ifthe ellcive depth ix reduced by 25 per cent” 15 A reinforced concrete flanged beam has flange of size 1000 x 10 mm. The beam isto support a uniformly distributed loo of 24 KNim inclusive of slf-weight over an effective span of 100 m Determine the area of Fell sel to be placed in the ib at 8 epth of 600 mm below the top of the Mange slab, The concrete mix wsed is of grade M0. Basie Principles of Reinforced Conerte Design EE 1.6 An isolated L-bear hasan effective widh of 750 mm and sab thickness of 100 am. ‘A-nb of size 300 x 300 mam projects below the Mange slab. Find the areas of steel t0 be provided at an effective cover of 40 mm ata section of maximum service bending ‘moment of 200 Nm. The materials sed are M20 grade concrete snd FoUIS ste] rinforement. 1.7 _A simply suposted rinfored concrete beam of clear span of 7.6 m his a erse-scton (of size 200 S00 mam effective depth. I reinforce wth 5 are of 16 mm @ on the tension side. The beam cartes a riformly disibued service load of 20 kNim including its osm weight. Determine: (i) the length over which vertical stimu se 0 bbe designed and their spacing and (i) spacing of sirups when 3 bar are bent up at the same section, ‘Design the uansverse or shear reinforcement fra reinforced concrete L-shaped beam with a lange width of 600 mm, a flange thickness of 110 mm and a web width of 300 mm. The beam is enfored with § bars of 25 mm ¢ a a fective depth of 400 ‘am. The beam supports 4 uniformly ditnbuted factored load of 30 KN over Simply supported clear span of 9 m. The conerete Used ts of grade M20 and sel is of grade F250. (int: Design i a a rectangular section of width equal to the width of the web). 19° A reinforced concrete beam section of size 300 x 400 mm etfective i subjected to a factored torsion of 6 LNm i ation to a factored moment and a factored sheae force of 40 KNm and 80 KN, respecuvely. Design the tonion reinforcement. the grads of ‘omerte ad steel are M20 and Fes. respectively. 110 A reinforced concrete cantilever beam of span 3.75 m has a section 300 mm wide and 1550 mm deep (effective) atthe face of the suppt The depth is reed unify to 250 mom (etecive) at the free end. The bear ip renfored om the tension face with 6 bars of 20 mm ® atte suppor. Two of these tension bars are curtaled at a distance of 125 m from the support, Design the shear reinforcement forthe beam when it caries uniformly dstnbuted service load of 60 KN. The materials sed are M20 tzid conerete and HYSD steel of grade FodI5, 1.11 Taboraory floor consists of « monolithic one-way slab system on beams speced 53.0 m centre to cent. The clear span of the beam i 10.0 m. The Poor sopports & ‘uniformly distributed serve load of 5 kNin’ The flor finish may be taken a 10.75 kNin?, Design and detail the sla, ad the edge spaniel Lear. The grades of ‘concrete and ste! to be used are M25 and Fess, respectively. Take b, = DSA. 1.12 Design braced reinforced concrete columns of rocangular, square and cela sections to suppor an axial load of 3800 KN. The unnopported length ofthe comm is 35m swith effective lengths of 3.0 and 2.75 m in the direction of the long and short dimensions of the section, respectively. The grades of concrete and sel used ee M25 tnd Fodt5, respectively. 413A 300 mm wide column of «reinforced concrete framed sractu’ i subjected to & factored load of 2500 KN and a factored moment of 200 kNm. Design a suitable section HELE Desien of Reinforced Concrete Structures, sing concrete mix of grade MBS and stel reinforcement of grade Fe4IS at an effective ver of $0 mm, A reinforced concrete barrel arch is subjected to factored moment of 1200 KN ‘wgth and factored normal tint of 7500 kN width, Design the arch section reinforced with HYSD Fesl5 sel Beat an effective cover of $0 mm, The eonerste mix to be ased is M30, LAS A enforced concrete column section of size 300 x 450 amis subjected to biaxial excentiealy applied load of 1800 KN. The eccenties ofthe load Tro the centroid ofthe section in the directions ofthe larger and smlle dimensions are 75 mam and $0 run, vespectivly. Determine the reinforcement required ata nominal cover of 40 mm lng the faces. The grades of concrete mis and wel are MIS and Fedl5, respectively. 1.16 Design and deta tied, noo-slender renfored concrete column to eaty a service axial Toad of £00 KN and a Service moment of 300 kN. Assume the total reinforcement rato between 2 and 3 per cent, The materials to eased ae: concrete of grade NS tnd HYSD steel of grade FeAl, 1LAT A short column is subjected oa factored axial la of 1600 KN and a factored moment ff 175 kNan. Consider thatthe gross renforerent ratio ies between 2.0 and 35 per cen, and the effective cover to the cen of logitadinl see) is 60 mm. The trades of corte and soo to bo used are M2S and Fedl5, respecuvely. Design and Seal the columa when: (i) the cross-sectional dimensions ae ot restrete, and (i) one side is ested 6 275 ram. Design and deal a sender reinforced concrete member of a rigid plane frame 10 suppor a factored ial oad of 2000 KN, and factored bending moments about minor xs of Mg) = 8D KN and M2 120 KNm at the top and bottem ends respective ‘The gras of concrete and sel to be wed are M30 and Fels, respectively A reinforced coneree slender braced circular column of 325-mm diameter his an ursuppored length of 75 m and effective length of 5.2 m. Design the colurm which bends in single curvature fo support a factored axial lood of 480 KN, and fotored moments of 40 KNm and 22 kN atthe tp and atom, respectively. The masters to be used are M25 grade concrete mix and FedS grade MSD stcl bars CHAPTER 2 Design of Staircases 2.1. INTRODUCTION A sacase provides 4 means of movement fom one Fvel to anater fn 2 stetue. I consists of amumber of steps aranged in series of flights with landings a sable ners, to provide comfont, ease and safety. Various components of the staiease are shown in Fig. 2.1. Thee is 1 variety of saicares uted in practice depending on sesietic and satura considerations. In buildings, the Tocation, form and type of starases is governed by architectural and structural considerations, which include easy acesibility, freedom of movement or creulation, como. proper illumination and venulatio, aesthetics and siucturl feasibility. 2.2 TYPES OF STAIRCASES 2.2.1 Geometrical Classification Some of the commonly used geometrical configurations ae shown in Fig. 2.2. These inclede ‘might stairs, quer un stair, dog-legged stars, open wel ais, lables air. spiral airs, boicidal stair and free wading sires 2.2.2. Structural Classification Depending upon the predominant free component and ts direction inthe tir slab while supporting graviy loads, te staweasos ean be grouped as (a) str With canuever steps, © WEER_design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Hor or | cara: —| Fig. 21 Components of 0 staircase. (©) stat sab spanning wansversely or horizontally between suinger beams or walls, () stair flab spanning longitudinally, ()slablessc stair with only risers and weads,() spiral Sairease, tnd () belcodal slab ard 3-D or fee sanding sue slab ‘The Fit four types are encountered more frequently in practice and have been discussed fn the hook: Fundamentals of reinforced concrete design by the autor. Inthe canlever type the sepe are aupponed only on one sie By the sidewall ora singer beam In case of slabs spanning horizontally. walls on bth sides or wall on one side und bean on the oer or bears fon both sides may suppor the slab. For stairs spanning longiteinally. the slab may be Supponed a the hotom and the top of the fight and remains unsuppored on the sides. These lypes of stuicases are described a follows: Stair slab spanning transversely: This calegory generally facludes slab projected or ‘anilevered from a spaniel beam or wal, sia dovbly cantilevered frm central spine beara and slab suppored between evo singer beams or walls. The design of this typeof stairs has ten discussed in the Reference (3). The slab supported on to sides by means of singer beams er masonry walls may be esigned as simply supported, but near the suppor reinforcement should be provided a the top to resist the nopetve moments that may ange cn account of possible pal fixity. It may ‘be noted that althoagh the sai slab spans uansvesly, the supporting spandcUspine/singet ‘eains span lngitainally along the incline of the sar framing into supporting columns. Spiral staircase generally consists of precast tps fined ona cast-insitycental column for ‘entice fom one level o another. The sabes stirs are not provided wit any wast lb (o) Sel sta (Fett are Fig. 2.2 Plans of more commonly used sti Stair slab spanning longitudinally: In tis case te Might slab is supported parallel 1 he "ser andthe slab bends longitudinally between the suppons. The slab arangement may either ‘be the waist slab type or the treadriser type. The slab thickness depends onthe efecive span, Which should be taken as the cente-tocente distance between the beam/vall supports However, such an arrangement can result in large slab thickness for relatively long span (8 m ‘or mor) requiring adiional intermediate tuppors to reduce mispan posiive moment Bu induce negative moment near the suppors.. 2.2.3. Effective Span In case of canlever steps, he effective span lay may be taken asthe horizonal projection of steps In ease of stars Spanning horizontally, the effective span may be taken a the hoizoetal MEDI. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures stance between cent to cet of the suppons. Each step in this cases designed as spanning hortzontlly and considered equivalent to 8 beam of rectangular cros-secion. Tn case of stair slabs spanning longitudinally, the effective span Lg can be taken asthe orizontal dance shown in Fig. 23. (0) In case the landing slabs are supported on edges perpendicular wo the ier or spam parle to the ser, the effective span fr the Might (spanning longitudinal isthe Ihonzontl distance equal othe going ofthe stars plus at each end either half the width of landing or one metre, whichever ie smaller, as shown in Fig. 230), PE st Landing — A |, eh spans G+ X(or tm) ay mei (2) Yaron sarang lange Lad | cna (Lanna suppres en no ees eerie thes para aria vey Landing aig a Lang t Lareing tantra on (Laan sppnedt on bears Fig. 2.3. Efectve span of fights spanning longitudinal with efferent support conditions. nat: Design of Staircoce TM (©) Where landing sib spans inthe same direction a8 the stirs, they shal be considered 1 sting topether to form single slab and the spn if messed as the cenre-t- cen horizontal distance ofthe supporting beams or walls, the goings as usual ‘measured borzontally a8 shown in Fig. 2.30) (©) Where the star slab i supported atthe top ane botiom risers by beams spanning Parallel to the risers, the span i measured asthe centre-o-cenre horizontal distance (of supporting beams as shown in Fig. 23%). Another case frequently encountered in residential and office buildings is that of the landings support on thee sides. This case has not been explicitly covered by the Code. The effective span for his typeof light may be measured asthe cnue-tocente horizontal distance ofthe landings. However. an economical design can be achieved by designing for a mi-span positive moment of wi forthe going and a negative moment of wE atthe joncton of Innding andthe going. Here, i the ditbuted gravity lod acting om the going and fs the length of the going It shold be noted tat the suppor conditions of the landing inuence the distibuton of moment in te fight slab and landing. Basic deals of reinforcement atthe Junction of landing and the Might are shown in Fig. 2 2.24 Geometric Parameters ‘The numberof steps ina Hight may vary from 3 0 12 depending upon the type of srctuze and purpose of stair. The rise ofa sep and the tead shouldbe so a o give maxim comfort to the users. Generally, for maximum comfor the nser R and tead T sheuld be Such that (1 + 28) = 600 and Tt = 40,000 to 42.000 where R and T are in rm. The range of width ‘ofthe staircase, the sizes of the riser and tread for different buildings are given in Toble 2. Table 24. Goomotic Parmar fr Stare for OMrent Aspcatons Tipe of bulng ee fom) Tread (nm Wao sas) Pubic bulanos 20-200, 7250-300 120-250 Fesidential buildings 180-220, 220-200 090-150 Balustrade or perp: Height © 600-1000 mn Thickness : 70-120 mm 225 Gravity Loads ‘The stair slabs ae normally designed to resist gravity load, which include dead and iv lads. Live load: The live loads are generally uniformly distabuted toads on the horizontal ‘projection of the Hight. The live load on sir depends on the type of building where the Saircase is located. As per IS:875 (Part I) the minimam value of uniformly distbuted Design of Reinforead Concrete Sructures (ceri nas Fig. 2.4. Basic detatng of fights spanning longitudinally with different support conditions. Design of Staircases EM ‘characteristic ive load onthe plan are of sis for residential and public buildings shoul! be taken (a) Places not lable to overcrowding (Residence, offices end hospitals) 3 kN? () Places lable to overcrowding (Public buildings) 3 kN? Subject o minimum of 1.3 KN concentrated loa atthe unsupported end of each structurally independent cantilever sep, a horizontal load of O75 kNim is comsdered as acting on the ‘balustrade or parapet or the service stats meant fr maintenance as for wacr tanks. The live load may be taken as 15 EN Dead load: The components of dea lod wo be considered are sleight of sar slab (ead slafoead-iserslab/waist slab); step (in case of waist slab type stirs) and finish, (a) Seifneighe of the woist slab. The dead weight per unit are of the waist slab is fist, Caleulited at right angles to the slope and then converted to the coresponding loud per unit heizantal area by mipyng it by the ao [( JR ve and tad of the sep, respectively ICD isthe total thickness ofthe waist slab in mm. then the weight of the lab wil be (0.025 % D) kNim* of the inlined area. The weight of the wait slab per unit horzoatel f= (0028 Dy [REF]? (©) Selsneight of steps: The dead weight due to steps isnot uniform. However. fr desi, the wejght due 1 each sep is convened ilo uniform load on the tread idly rr]; where Rand Feet he Weight of one sep, yx Rx 725: 2.587 KN where R and T are in metre. When consiered uniformly dstibuied on horizontal length 7: the weight éue to step may be expresed as 125 KN? (Dead weight due to finish: The dead weight due to finish is usualy token as 05-10 kN Distribution of gravity loads on stairs: in case the staicase takes aright angled tum, where ‘wo spans partly cross at sight angles, the load on the areas corn to any 0 such spans ray be taken at one hall in eich direction as shoven in Fig. 24(0). Inthe case where longitadially spanning Might o landing i embedded into the sie wall Fra distance not Tes than 110 mm, and are designed to span in the direction of the fight, «150 mm sep may be deducted from the loaded area snd the effective breadth ofthe section incensed by 75 mm for MEDI Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures design purposes, as shown in Fig. 2.40) In other words if the with ofthe fight is B in mam, then the lad may be considered to act over a reduced width of (8-150) mm and the effective ‘with resisting Plenure may be taken as (2 + 75) mm. 2.26 Depth of the Section ‘The depth ofthe sevon stl be taken at minimum thickness perpendicular othe sf of the 70 a (0) toca ase fcr emedind Rawat Fig. 2.5 Load distribution on various fights and on sta Design of Sairoases EM 2.3. GENERAL DESIGN FEATURES OF COMMONLY USED STAIR SLABS 2.3.1 Tread Slabs ‘The wea slabs are strcuraly independent unis and are designed simply as one-way slabs. 1 the tread slab for stair widths less than 2m i Simply supported, te thickness required is generally minimal. A slab thickness of 80 mm ‘i usually provided, with minimum reinforcement comprising at least 38 mm © burs. The distnbution bars may be of 6 mum & with 4 nominal spacing of 250 mm. _ we ot age pan 4) [reioraar SF tome LE Faun (a Sa catered om ¢ spaniel beam ea ote an 7 Dates ( 1m Lan ten 88 250m oo) (©) Sib doubly centlevred rom a cena spre bear Fig. 2.6 Detailing for altemate arrangements for independent tead slabs. In the case of cantilevered tread slabs, the slab thickness may be taken at last one-tenth ofthe effective cantilever span. Fo large spas, iti economical to taper the slab thickness 10 1 minimum value of 80 mm atthe fee end ax shown in Fig. 263) 2.32 Waist Slabs In he waist slab type staircase, the eps are usually weated as non-structural elements and it ‘i the wait slab whichis designed to resi the load on the sai. Some nominal enforcement is provided in the concrete steps mainly 10 protect the nosing from cracking. The gravity Goetcal) loads w may be resolved into two omhogonal components, i the component sy = # cos @ating normal to the wns slab athe component w, = sn B acting tangential HEIN Devign of Reinforce Concrete Stractures to the waist slab. The manaer in which these loud components are resisted by the wast slab depends on whether the slab spans taasversely or longitudinal ‘Waist slab spanning horizontally or transversely: I this cas, the normal lod component vip causes the wast slab to bend in wansverse planes normal othe sloping saface ofthe sib. 11's desirable to provide a bur inline with every pone where the step moet the wis slab, 2 the effective depth is las at this location, ifthe Step is comsdered wo behave integrally ith the walt slab. Waist slab spanning longitudinally: As in te case of beams the slab thickness may be taken as approximately 120 for simply supported end conditions and 1/26 for continuous end ‘sndtins. The normal load component w, causes Hexare i vertical planes coming the span. ‘The bending moments may be convenienly computed by considering the entire verical load w acting ow the projected horizontal span, her than considering the nommal load component ‘acting On the inlined span. The distributor bas are provided inthe transverse directions "n deualing of the longitudinal bars a the junction of the Might and landing slb rst tbe ensure tha the our bars i the waist sab shouldbe extended to the top ofthe landing slab atthe e-encant corer as shown in Fig. 2.4. Tis is wo prevent the bars in tension from breaking out at re-entant comers. 2.33. Tread-Riser Stairs In the wead-ser ype of anangement the slab is repeatedly folded, and behaves essentially ike 1 folde pate as shown in Fig. 27(). Sometimes, tis type of si is refered to a8 a slabless Ste, referring to the absence of a continuous waist lab A rigorous analysis of such 9 tractors is dificult and laborious. However, simple design methods are deseibed a follows read-rser slab spanning transversely: Slabs spanning ansvrsly are basically one-way, Slabs, designed for uniformly disbuted gravity lads. Tn this case i is asumed that each ‘wea iser nit, comprising the riser slab and one-half of each tead slab on either side ean be sssumed to behave independently as a beam with x Z-sction, Tis tread-ser unit behaves sent asa flanged beam, which is transversely lowed. The overall depth ofthe beam is piven by (+ D), where is the riser and D the thickness ofthe slab s shown in Fig. 2.70). 1 generally suffices to provide a nominal slab thickness of 100 mm. For convenience in calculations, the flange portions of the beam may be ignored andthe rectangular potion of the ‘ier sab alone may be considered twill be found tha the reinforcement required ix nomi ‘The design and detalng of canblever readiae slab has boon given in the Reference (3). The nominal distributor. generally 6 mm @ bars @ 200 ef, may be provided inthe form of ies for stirups, both in rer sin and tee slab, at shown the Fig. 2.7). The main bars ate ‘comeentite inthe rer slab portion, and may be located at the top or botiom. depending on ‘whether the sob is camlevered or simply suppoed. At every bead inthe ties whete there ae ‘no main bars. «nominal 8 ram bar should be provided. The clear cover to the main ars should be as required for namal slabs Design of Staircases id AGE atone abbpate: 8 ig. 2.7. Treadviser arrangement and detaing of units of sors spanning longitudinal. HEER_Design of Reinforeal Concrete Sructures Tread-rise slab spanning longitudinally: The overall behaviour of the inter-connected twead-rser units, inching calculation of bending momens, is similar to longitudinally spanning waist slabs. The bending momen are considered to cecur in the longitadinsl rection, inthe riser a well as the treads. Each tread slab is subjected to «bending moment ‘combined with a shear force, wheres each nr slab is subjected to «constant bending mement ‘combined with an axial farce (which may be compressive of tensile). Its assumed thatthe connection between thers slab aed te adjoining ead sib isa igi jin. For all practical Purposes, ts suffice to design both uead slabs and se las for flexure aloe, asthe shear fess in ead slabs and axis steses i ser slabs are relatively low. The sb thickaess D ray be kept the same for both esd and riser slabs, end may Be taken as about span/25 for Simply supported stairs and span/0 for continuous sis. "The wead-iser anangerent i superior wo the conventional wast slab typeof staircase due to aesthetic appeal, However, this aesthetic advantage ofthe readies stuase is lst the flab thickness exceeds the rser R. Therefore, iis deimble to work out & suppor scheme for the wead-iser staiase, which results in a relatively low effective span ofthe order of 328 to 3.95 m. ‘While the distibuirs, generally 8 mm © bars, are located transversely. The ideal rangement ofthe main ar in the form of closed loops in the tread as well a the kr slab serves to provide the required development length as shown in Fig. 2:7. Furhermoe, this rangement also provides reinforcement atop required to resist negative moments near the suppor which are likely to be parally restrained It also enhances the capacities. a well as Auetity ofthe slabs. In err to achieve an economical design the diameter andor spacing of bars i the teadcrier unis may be suitably varied along the span to conform to he bending moment diagram 2.34. Design of Slabless Tread-Riser Staircase Depending upon the suppor conditions he stir may bebave os astaically determinate system fo simply supposed ends or statically indeterminate system for estained ends, Le. the ends ccannected to gid conerete beams or continous thick Noor or landing slabs. The designs of| twead and riser ean be based on maximam bending moment inthe stat and dhe thicknesses of tweads and sisers are usually kept same since both are subjected tothe moments of same _magaitude. In the case of statically indeterminate system, the design moments may be computed by any of the own mths of analysis. However, moment area theorem can be conveniently ‘sed to obtain a simple solution. Te gravity Toad P on Fiser-tead units of the staircase may te considered to be eapeentraed athe niser(Nedal) pois, Le. concentrated fds of magnitude acca interval T, throughout the stir as shown in Fg. 28(). The load on the landing may also be replace by concenrated load ofthe stme magnitide a in the cate of steps acting st lmerval . For analysis, the statically indeterminate system may be considered as a simply supported sysiem subjected to a ceiee of concentted loads and fixed moments ss the redundancies, The extemal loads and indeemninate moments My and Mg ot two ends are 1) Smet prota nda momenta % = (enn err aga a snon ‘Tsneur pr moment Fie. 28 Ancbss of troodviser ype storcase ‘pplied separately as shown in Fig. 28(¢). For tho fixed ends, the coresponding rations are zero. That, with usual notation the compastily coaditons ean be expressed as! % to + Oy + Oy = 0 and 8, Ban + Oy + Bon = 0 en where Oyo and Gyo are rotations atthe ends A and B, respectively, duc wo extemal loads (a Os) snd (Bye, By) a2 the reations atthe ends A and B due to moments My and Mp. ER. Daigo ine! ares Sr rete Temes ya ae ego Spor teren Season siese evecare Be ee waaay eens ds mmtcay taal opt ey came Morpepcaras nase ha sen es ees TELE caeclyar cece ant nerd ge mee LOD PON Pre D 4-4 pr oe ab Eenn e CASE We he ni eel i ce oie (Sf) sm even en Aan ene io twee shox (ES) im ome Jove oy a om nk et i al i pe moments, My = My = M. Then en For slope compat This, My = Me w ey oT Design of Staircases IN Jee] 29 NF =DE ) + m2) Jonson tac +B }wo7 eo From computbilty condition, 226. = E80 ” meme (Bf NaW=DE on aR Tr, ‘In unsymmetrical and ther genera cases it is desirable to compte the design moment by wing ‘the procedure ulin eater rather than using the expressions developed Example 2.1. Design srsight sai fora residential building consisting of individual seps projecting 950 mm from the fce of the wal. The se and tread ofthe sais are 180 mm and 260 mm, respectively, The lve load may be taken as 3 kN The matenals of construction ‘ae M20 grade concrete and HYSD steel of grade FetlS Solution For M20 grade conerete and Fe 415 grade seo Jog= 20 MPa, fy = 415 MPs Mei = O1388/ybE and Pai = 0961 per cent “Thickness d ofthe stp from the defection consideration with the modification facto my= LA is given by: Effecive spam 950 6654 man 8° Tm Tk ‘Using 10 mam bars with 15 mm sominal cover, the overall thickness, D= 9698+ 15 + 2 = 11695 mm Des Reinforced Conerte Structures ‘Consider 120 mm thik steps. Sell-vcight of a step W,= O12 x 026 x 0.95 x 25 = 0741 KN 095 Dead fond moment M, = 0741 x 225 Live ad on ep = 30 x (026 095) = 0741 AN Fore design of caieer ep an equal isimam concerned lo of 1.3 KN a teen fs ons Te ong nant ca ene lod salt i er or fo 1) de 1 Une kn, Le. Wi = 074 x 0950) = 0352 KN Ci) te wt equilem Senile, (13% 095) = 1238 KN Tit main Gedag et wc apa coat he pa Mage = Mg++ Mi = 0382 4 1.235 = 1.587 kXm 382 kN Foctored moment, Myyuy LS X 1.587 = 2381 kNm veto! ese depth d = | 528810 [atin] =a sp 5 © with 1 nds oe srs (8) Provide 890 mm thick slab with effective depth d = 71 mm 16.60 mm < 120 men (ihe assumed value) Main tension reinforcement: Flesurl reinforcement parameter 46M, 4.62.38) 108 abi” 20% 26071 i (i OATFR] = 105.41 mm? Provide 3 ars of 8 mm @ (Ay = 150.78 mm) atthe top ina wid of 260 sum ofeach step. Distribution steel, t 04178 “Therefore, 20% 26071 0.12 « 950 « 90 2 Ag = 2X98 1026 mn? Provide 4 bars of 6 mam 10 ti the main stel, Development length, os7s, @ ay, 087415 x8 = SSS 37609 wm, Design of Swireases EE Provide @ bend atthe cad of the bar as showa in Fig. 2a) for spaniel beam supped. Enough anchorage is available. It should be realized thatthe cantilever steps iiroduce fovertuming and bending moments inthe wall and hence must be taken care of Bxample 2.2 Design the dog-lepaed reinforced concrete staircase shown in Fig. 29(a) for ‘= mulstorey building in which the sorey height (distance between Moors) 383.0 m. The Stoirall measures 28 m x 4.3 m (internal. The wih ofthe stairs is 1.25 m. Take the rise 8 150 mm and the tead as per arrangement. The staircase isnot abe to overcrowding. The ‘weight of finishes may be taken as 0.125 Nin of the finshed surface of the sep. The materials used ae M20 grade concrete and HYSD stel of grade FedIS, Solution For M20 grade coneree and Fetl5 grade ste, S220 MPa, f, = 415 MPa Masig = 0.1388 fab and Py = 0961 per cent ‘Adopt two Highs per storey height with 100 mm asthe disunce between fights, and fights and sidewalls. Therefore, [28-3 (10) z With R= 150 mm, numberof rises required = 3000/150 = 20 and. numberof treads per Hight = 10~ 1 = 9. Adope read T of 255 mm; hence Space oveupied by treads = 9% (0.255) = 2.295 m Width of sais 125 m ‘Therefore, Landing width = 43% ss shown in Fig. 2910) ‘The landing slab is supported on the walls onthe sides. Consider the landing slab to be spanning inthe direction perpendicular to that ofthe sai slab, The first light from the ground ‘as landing on one end ely zonal span of Mighs = 9 (0.255) + 05 = 2795 m “Te depth ofthe stair slab canbe estimated from deletion ctiteria, Consider sel of grade FotlS with p,= 00; the mesifeation factor if 12. Therefore, Etfective span x12 2795 16.46 mm Weld i ee SSE) at] a ae i 5 loupe Fig. 2.9, Design and detaiting of dogleqged stair of example 2.2. Design of Stairosee EM Overall depth with 10 mm © bars at 15 mm nominal cover D = 11646 + 15 + (102) = 13646 mm (Consider 180 ma thick sab with effective depth of 130 mam Loads and bending moments: Sele-weight ofthe waist slab w = 0.150% 1 x 25 L750 KN? (030 #28579 35) gin? 150 x ‘Weight ofthe waist sl on plan wy 85) Weight of ep ng = Q/210150 70285425) 575 kN? Weigh offi w = 0150 + 0255404 190 in? Tas de ond Wy = wy + my 6:25 kN? Since the stam, ae oot liable to overcrowding the live load may be taken as 3 KNMn?, i, y= 30 RNn?, Thos, Tota design fad at service sate, w = wy 4 y= Consider 11m width of waist sab, w = 9.425 kim. Then Factor load, w, = 1.5 x 9425 = 14.138 EN ‘The lod of steps isnot acting on the landing. However, for practical purposes, assume the load fn the landing o be same a6 on the flight, ie, for design, a uniform value of load on ene span is considered. Consider the fight span to be simply supponed. The maximum beading 1425 Nin? Ma = TE IDX OS 04) ey For the required effective depth ete Mana 1 Mi 0.13887 be? = 13.81 > tot = 7053 mm ef aco O.T348 20% 1000, pt 10 © me amen 15 Ta nel eh, D506 154 32 9059 am hc, med ph f 10 tay fr he vers WDD esign of Reinforced Concrote Structures Aebfrcment () Lover GH. With d+ 130mm fifo pet, 46M, Oat saeissrs0! Box 1000x108 Terie 204100130). FTA = 109.7! Provide 10 mm © bars @ 250 mm ele (Ay = 3140 mn? or 6 bars in Might width of 125 m) Secondary or distribution steel 0.12% 1000 150 Ag = 91221000150 59 a? Sc fm 6h = (108 ) 503 27 mm 150 Provide 8 mm @ bars @ 250 mm ele (Ay = 200 mn’) 258 Maximum fatord shear forse V, = 14.138 x 2795 = 19.76 kN 19.7610" [Nominal shear sess, x, = $BIS™ IE 0.152 MPa ‘This value is very small and hence the tir sla is safe in shea. Development lengh, Ly = 470 ‘Av the suppor, Mas +h ey Consider by = 8 @, then 438110) +802 4709, i0, © 5 1791 mm 1976 Hence 10 mm @ bars provided are sasaetry. ‘From the crossing point the bas should extend up wo a distance of 47.0 10 = 470.12, say. ‘500 mim. The renforcement details are shown in Fig. 290) Design of Staircases i) Upper Right. Te effective span of the upper Aight is 2.795 + 0.5 (= 3295 m) andthe Toad on its the same as on te lower flight. Hence, maximum bending moment: Mame = 1135 x 22257 4 a7 aN a [pat 16 a O-13R8 x 20» 1000, (Overall depth requir, Hence provide thick slab with d = 120 om. ‘The flexural reinforcement paramcter, om, Lace 162 19.187 10 _ 5 ay 20x 1000 1307 ‘Therefore, “1000 361] = 459.65 mm en ( geet) Provide 10 mm @ bars @ 175 mm ele (Ay = 448.8 mn?) as main reinforcement and Te sh wl esate a sha nd. The wncemet dele soa ‘The slab willbe safe in shear and’bond, The reinforcement deals are shown in Fig. 292). Example 2.3 Design the open-vell stircase with the general arangement shoven in Fig. 210() fora public building whieh likely be overromded. The rs and ead 0 be ‘provided are 150 mm and 250 mm, respectively. The dead weight of finishes may be taken 850.1875 kN of the finshed surface ofthe step. The mateals used are M2O grade coneree and HYSD stel of grade FetlS. Solution For the given geometry of stars and material propeties, R= 150 mm, T = 250 mm. fg = 20 MPa, fy = 415 MPa, 1388 fll and Pig = 0961 por cont Effective spansi Consider the landing sl to be spanning inthe se direction asthe ight Slabs. Effective horizontal spans ae Flight y= 2254125 = 350 m Fight kus 125+ 1.04 125 = 350m Flight I, yoy= 125 + 225 = 3.50 m M, a é 7 3 e " E ® | ae Fy ro i ic : * W g 1 : tan oh 93-220] pan ratengezarr on ratengsoreen (asec tape (© Paocnet ne tp Fig. 210 Design ond detailing of open well staircase of example 2.3. Design of Staircases KEM Loads: Waist sib thickness can be estimated from deflection enteia. Consider 0.0 per cent Fel grade steel with my = 1.2, Therefore 10 ssa + 15+ 2 Consider waist elab of thickness of 175 man SelE-weight of the waist slab wig = (O75 x 1.0.x 25) = 4375 Nin? Self weight ofthe waist slab on pln,» 5.102 kN Weigh of one step Tread [yeusxaznoan| 20a Weight of sep Wy = 0.25 + 0.1510,0.1875) ‘Weight of finishes. eM 0.300 kN? Toaal dead lad, j= my + ey + my 1277 kN Consider & 1 m wide sip of fights, wy = 7277 kim Since the stair is lable to overerowding, lve load. w= 5.00 KN Toual gravy load, w= wy + m= 7277 +500 = 12277 kNim Factored load, w= 1 x 12277 = 18616 kN Bending moments: The landings oft fights cross cach other at ight angles. and, as such, ‘oe-half of the tol Toad om the landing is taken in each direction. (0) Por fights F and Ry = 3018 KN, and Ry = 22.77 4N ‘The distance of point of zero shear (maximum bending moment) from the support A: 30.18 isis me = 166m ‘Maximum beading moment, Mona = G08) x (68) H8AN6) x (L6H! = 24729 1m HM 2 Brae Sn ke he imi gon i ee (9.208 41.25) (0.625 + 05) + (18.416) «057, z For computing the effective depth of wat lab, Thickness of stair slab . ‘Width of fights ond landing Ay, Ris Vy + Reactions at the lower support Mar, Moy. Ma +Moments a he lower support haying moment vectors parle 1,» nd Ha Vp + Reactions at the upper support wyand Loads on fights and lending, respectively. per anit length of horizontal jection a, a Inetinations of lower and upper fights with horizon Properties ofthe setion of staircase slab 1k: Second moment of area of effective section of stair about horizontal axis = BDZ 4, + Second moment of area of effecive section of staie about vertical axis = L'DM2 J: Polar second moment of area of effective section of staircase slab kp? WEDB_Design of Reinfovenl Concrete Sructures Ts IE 1200 x (100)? = 10 « 108 mm ty px aoo x20? = 144% 10° ant - 1 (las -(8le] 175, i ratio of moduli of eastcity £7G to be 2.35 for concrete. Then, aoa (mma B73" oxi Behera }=r0 stex(22) scout Boa (ee) ‘The redundants acing at supports ae directly compued by the aplicstion of the pancple of least work and equations of equilibrium to the whole staircase. The energy due to direct ‘compression or fension in the pune ofthe ight is neglected Port I: Statieal considerations: Consider te equilibrium of the sir as a whole, EF, 0, RR ” AV, + 06 + 1.78) « wy # 120 w Vy + 10316 Consider the pot 0 located atthe level of landing sla, vertically below D, and the mi point of support, 0 be the origin of x, = sjsem of aes. Therefore, EM,= 0, My + (47S + L525), H.28¥; ~ 1529 % = (1829 % 1.78) x (128 + 089) ~ 243 « 12) x B06 + 06) = 6.05; 2 Ma = -4.0H, ~ L28v, + 23737 EM,=0, My L2Y, + QATS + 1525, + (1829 178 x 12 + 243 & 12) x 060 = Design of Staircases EM “ My = 12¥)~ 408, ~ 50.16 EM, = 0, My = 1.204 1.288, ‘Thus, tbe moments and reaction at both the suppocs are expressed in tems of HR, and Vi, ‘These unknown quanites are taken tobe the redundant, which can conveniently be ealealted by enerny apprsch ‘Port Ii: Brergy calculations: Since the wcsin energy in the landing is independent of unknowns and hence need not be computed. Total stn emery, se ts Ue [see °F Mow ine (ort ote sa Ks , se nin an = (2) oy an = Vo Mroa= 0 Myon ® Rzs 608 @ = Ry 5 608 & ‘Thus, sess resukants in both the members are expressed in tems of unknown reactions Ri ‘Hand Vj, Since no deflection or rotation occurs atthe suppor A, from Castiglano’s Theorem, au, uae an * au am, je henna ae | Mateciacmat parte (2) sete fm) gg f 00 (pve fi 80m) verter Esmee @90rm oe ran 2, ——____} (00a of foramen nhac sag te Fig, 2.15 esion forces on the fleestantng stor and detain ofthe slab of example 2.6. Design of Staircases ET ‘The torsion moment is small. The nominal torsion shear stress, as per ACIBIB, is given by 3x0.38% 10" 34038 510" 9.092 MPa 185110" «1200 te OT “Tis ses i es than he shear strength of pun concrete r= 036 MPa Design for shear: For checking the adequacy of slab section in shear due to Vy and Ry ‘components of reactions, consider V, = = 56.72 KN which i ecal Nominal shear suess 1, = SE72210" 0501 MPa < fy (© 3.1 MPa) 1130100 For p= ge 8 MPa> hence safe, However, nominal tanionishear reinforcement shall be provided in the form of closed siups with spacing 901 exceeding the smullest ofthe following: 6) G+ 9 = (1100 + 604 = 290 mm i) 300 mm Provide nominal see inthe form of closed stirups of 8 mm © bar atte spacing of 290 mm ‘le. The reinforcement from fight slabs is cared imo landing slab. The reinfereement details tre shown in Fig. 2150). 242 Horse Shoe Staircase ‘The horseshoe sircse beam is architecturally equally fascinating and useful as helical ‘beam but simple to const. For ilastation consider the Beam to be fiaed atthe ends. This ‘space struc is statically indeterminate tothe sath degree. However, fr symmetrical louding ‘Considered all but two of the redundant actions vanish at mi-point. The nonzero redundant factions are: My the bending moment acting in vertical plane and Vy the horizontal shear in ‘ada direcon, denotd by X; and X;, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2-16. Inthe following treatment the influence coefficients are computed by direct integration, For analysis the rotcons shown in te figure are used on ib PW dtd = =) 1 est lng ot ag wroteon tl eng, pec pe ite fos aa fs f+ Ia deel i fon cared pron or ding a, B+ Ras of cement wes « Hem +8) Fy Rad fen of eyo a on tg «3 ©: Agu psin of eso decision o Inclination of lower and upper fights with hrizomal. of Reinforced Concrete Structures Ae oe nent Fig. 2.16. Symbols used inthe onaysis and design of horse shoe sticase “Moments and forces produced by unit values of XX, and the uniformly loads wand wy ae shown in Fig. 2.1. The vals are listed inthe Table 2.2 Table 22 Moment and Forces Produced ty Unt Values of rdant Aton Member Daw X,= 1 Die lX=1 Due t Astibued bad w ie Me Maso Mg = Reon & Maso Incined mombsr (over fg) M)=0 Mg=-xtane Myton 0 Mg= Reena M2008 8 Ma= Rese where pM rene TEER Design of Reinforced Concrete Struct “The final moments and forces at any point ae (©) Horizontal ring beam Veriat moment M, =X, cos © = wAiAl~ cos 0) es Lateral moment, = 1k sin es) ‘Torsion moment Mi = Xsin @- soni (Kosa °) 210) Radial horizontal shear fre V, = Xe coe & Vet she fore ~ who ew Tint, a-ha (etn member tem ayeene 784 )-[ ) ==, e080 + Xo sing +( Reg 28 seemoune naan (eB) ay My =Xysin + XR, cose o Vi =Nysin8+(Feos 0+ wy xe0s8) ste eo a el ah ue on pn tye tin te cect a es Maal Hine re Manbloe fi ey fe Mi Miki) Ja a er Nea here E and G are the moduli of lasticiy of conerete i bending, and shea, respectively. and fy ace second moment of area of effective section of stair slab about horizontal axis and ‘cis normal to the slope, ie, = BD'/I2 and = BPDII2, respectively Ji polar second moment ‘of area of effective section of staircase slab = ED? see 1_(o8y/0)f, om" eda a-20] aw Design of Staircases EB ‘The modalit E and G are related by the expression: E £ o-geg oo Betw Consider 1 = 0.175, ie. rato of moduli of elasticity £1G w be 235 for conrete. Various Aeriblty coefficients are computed as follows: sos |e at) (Bi) Bahan) seo) aus i (2s Mab Mala Ma ae so fegent ese ss) i cone. 216) a *) ats) a (e} sll (Elser) oy Design of Staircases Ea Ap, and Ap) can be evaluated. Knowing these coefficients, following compatibility equations are established: GX, + b2X> + 4g, = 0 OX, + OnX> + A = 0 Solution to these equations will provide the values of X, and X which can be used for computing the design values. (2.20) Example 2.7 Design the horse shoe staircase with the general arrangement shown in Fig. 2.18 for an office building with floor height of 3.85 m. The stairs are not likely to be overcrowded. The width of stairs is 1.20 m with rise and tread of 160 and 250 mm, respectively. The weight of finishes may be taken 0.20 kN/m*. The materials to be used in construction are: M25 grade concrete and HYSD steel of grade Fe415 under moderate exposure: conditions. Solution For M25 concrete and HYSD steel of grade Fe415, f= 25 MPa, f, = 415 MPa My jim = 0.1388f4bd? and pyjim =1.201 per cent The inclination of flight with horizontal, 6 = tan“!(1.92/2.75) = 34.92°. Loads: Basically the horse shoe staircase is a cantilever structure. A trial thickness of waist slab of 300 mm at fixed ends reducing to 150 mm at its junction with horizontal curved landing is considered. For analysis consider average thickness of waist slab of 225 mm with thickness of landing slab as 150 mm. (i) Load per metre length of landing Weight of landing slab in plan, w, = (0.15 x 1.225) = 4.50 kKN/m Weight of finishes, wy= 0.2 x 1.0 x 1.2 = 0.24 kN/m Live load, w, = 3.0 x 1.2 = 3.60 kKN/m Total load, w = w, + wy + Wy = 8.34 kN/m Factored load on landing, w,; = 1.5 w= 1.5 x 8.34 = 12.51 kN/fm Radii of landing, R, = 1.7 m and &,= 0.5 m. Therefore, R= Landing load factor, F = Ww, (x Ry2) = 12.51 x x 1.21/2 = 23.78 KN (Vetta ens neers 1025mm¢ [Bam pes @ 220 refs) rr (0 Rectorcamert di tne super on tt Fig. 2.18 Detling ofthe hose-shoe staicase of example 2.7. of Staircases (i) Load per metre length of flight Weight of wast sab in plan w, = (0.225 x 12% 25) sec 9 = 823 KN Weigh due to steps ny = [(12) ¥ 0.16 x 0.250 % 1.2 x 250.250 = 2.40 KN Weight of finishes w= 0.2 1.0 x 12 0.24 kN Live lod wy = 3.0.x 12 23.60 kN Tonal load w = Wy + me mp + my 1447 kN Factored wl. on fight, egy = LS w= 15 x 1447 = 2171 kim ‘Thickness of waist slab at distance x fom its junction with landing: A= de t where dj = 150 mm and d= 300 mm Tova factored weight of wast sab weet [Hosea siaeaaineesad) «sas ‘Acting a distance, from the fixed suppor, [sous 030/278 1 [B9u4930225) nam 3 Computation of design forces: Ratio of sites cowficients ae: Curved portion 1 a 3378 5 104 mt FRX 12% (0.150)= 3375 % 10 5% 0.150% (1.2)? = 21600» 1074 CESS] -GSy] -o7 0.3071 x 1.20 x (0.150)? = 12.438%104 m* ,, (1238x104 3.375% 107 ) = 8 1 ae Gr, 1, (12438%10") FH, ~ 235 *\21600%107) ~ HDD design of Reinforced Conarete Structures i) IneinedFortion. For simplifying the calultions the waist slab is considered to be of ‘niform section of thickness of 225 mum (average thickness) 11391 104 mt 1 . fx12xons' 5% 0.225 (1.20) = 32400 x 104 mt CS -eS] - Y= 0294 « 1.20 (0225) = 40.18 x 10° mt 1 Therefore, G) 1, ( 40.48% 10~ = hp {SOSA | = 150 z (Pie) bor alt (gue 801810) «9953 soa) Fei eins Fos e019) 21, ctv Aye dycc u,b 680 feat et an=s899 0st sf a pu 2 [na com ef feoss] ‘The values of redundant ae: ‘The landing and flight moments (kN) ae (0) Horizontal ring beam ‘Vertical moment Ma, Lateral moment My 40 cos @ ~ wiRPUL ~ 08 14ST R, sin ® ‘Torsion moment M, 7.4039 = fi Feo ~aind Design of Stoireases MI Radial horizontal shear force Viz. = 74.57 cos @ ‘Vertical sear free Vy Torus Va (i) Inctined member: Final moments (Nin) and shear fores (KN) a any pot are: -A8-9-E) Mip =7405in 0+ T47R, 08 0 Mip =-7455% tan ® ay --taoano ensin indo )(n-28) Mip = 74.57 cos 8+ (F sin 8 + win 8) Vjp = TAS7 sin 8 + (eos 8 + w, x 6088) v5 =0 ‘The variations of moments slong ight and landing are shown in Fig. 2.18(0) The critical quantity determining the desig of sarease ic usually the negative vertical moment M, a the fixed ends, ie, atx = L in Eq. 212). Design of stair slabs: Design moments sce: Plexural moment Mj, = ~30994 Nim (waist slab) Flexural moment My, = -62.05 kNm (landing) ‘Torsion moment Ty = Mg, = 48.52 kNen (waist slab) (0) Mats slab, Taekness trom fexural considerations: ‘Mya = 0.1388 X25 « 1200 x d 230994 10%, Le, dy = 2722 mem Provide overall hickness D = 300 ram with effective depth of 265 mm. Thus, atthe support bx D = 1200 x 300, Mg, 308.94 KNm, T,= 48:52 kNm Equivalent design moment is given by Mag = Mag + Mus (5-8 Mye= 30086 4 35.68 = 345.62 kNm ‘Main Congitudinal reinforcement along the flight, «(a - where, WBL_Desien of Reinforced Concrete Structures For M,= M562 kNm, b = 1200 mm, d = 265 mm, = 489387 mm? For M, = 8203 kNm, b =150 mm. d = 1150 mm, Ay = 20157 mm! Provide 10-25 mm @ bars (Ay = 4908 mm’) a op and 10 ~ 16 mm @ bars (A= 2011 man?) ‘at bottom of flight slab longitudinally. Also provide 3 ~ 12 mm @ bars (Ay = 339.00 mm") fom each vertical face Transverse rebforcement Vee TAST x O57 4 2578 x O82 + 2171 x 275 x 082 ‘Shear strength of concrete: 1908 100 row A = AS08100 1543 per cen From Tables 14 and 15, % = 0789 MPa and fing = 3:1 MPa Bguivalent shear fore V, (0.6% 48.52) 12 sro [ = 7469 Equivalent nominal shear stress, ve ba (174.69510°) 1200265) 0.549 MPa Since > fe < fom the section is safe i shear However, nomial steel of $m @ bars in the form Of cked sirup is provided atthe spacing the least of the following: (y= shorter dimension of stimaps = 220 mm Gy CAI) _ homer + Longer dimension of stierup) + 100 + 220) (100220) 5 330 mm (68) 0.784 = 225 me (9) 300 mm Provide nomial see! of 8 mm @ bar stirs atthe spac ‘ets are shown sn Fig. 218). of 220 mm ee, The reinforcement (i Landing slob. Design forces are: Flexural moment My, = 1832 KNm Flexural moment Mf, 82.08 kN Torsion moment T, = Mj, = 4852 kNm Shear force V, = 62.38 x O57 + 2878 x 082 Design of Swireases (NY [At the junction with landing, thickness from flexural considerations, Muy = 0.1388 x 25 « 1200 x d= 18.32 « 108, tend ‘Overall avaiable thickness D = 150 mm with effective depth of 120 mm. Thus, tthe junction swith landing, bx D =1200 x 150 mm, My, Equivalent design moment is given by Mae = Mae + Mas 2) (8) My 1832 + 32.11 = 5043 EN Reinforcement on compression fae for reversal of moment is ako required for the moment 6633 en 1832 kN, T= 4852 kN S2A1KNm > Mf, Mya © 4852 — 3011 = 1641 bm Moin (ongitudina) reinforcement along the flight For My= $0.43 kNm, b = 1200 mm, d= 120 mm, Ay 138599 mm? ‘Thus, 7-16 mm @ bars (Ay,= 1407 awe!) axe required at tp. The requisite sumber cof baton bars from waist slab of fight are arid in tthe top of landing slab and the balance 316 mm @ bars ae cared on 10 the bouom face of landing sla Also provide 3512 mm @ bars (4, = 33800 mm) on each verial face of landing. Transverse reinforcement: "The perceniae of ste, 1004, n= 1a 1407 x10 OTH 100 = 0.977 per cent From Tables 14 and 1.5, = 0637 MPa and mua = 3.1 MP HDD. Design of Reinforend Concrete Structures Equivalent nomial shear stress: 019.73 x10) (200% 120) Since % < Fe < Tapas the Section is acceptable with shear reinforcement ‘Consider iansverereinforement consisting of 10 mim @ legged links (A, ‘Minimum reinforcement to be provided is given by 053 MPa Ag» Coe EID > ORT, O87f An SS tb 0.87 «415% 157 (3 — 01637) x 1200 ~ 4478 mm “The spacing shall not excoed the smallest of following (2) x)= Shoner dimension of ssirups = 110 mam 49) Shorter + Longer dimensions of sirup aty on 4 100-4110 4 (6) 0754 = 90 mm (@) 300 mm Provide 10 mm bar links atthe spacing of 90 mm efe near he junction. Increase the spacing 10 300 mm near the Fixed suppor. 3025 mm, Tutorial Problems 24 Explain the basic difference in structural behaviour between stir slabs spanning transversely and those spaning longitudinally 22 Explein the Cadal recommendations for the effective span of the sat slabe with Afferent sapport conditions ofthe landings. Design of Stairs TS) 23° Sketch the reinforcement detils of longa bars in longitudinally spanning waist Slab eye stars ar the junction of the fight and () lower landing sab, i) upper landing sua, 2A Design a cantilever staircase consisting of independent steps cantlevering out of the wall. The width of sepsis LO m with rise and tead of 175 mm and 250 mm, respectively, The sarease isto support a superimposed load of 3.0 KN subject 19 ‘minimum equivelent concerted load of 1.3 KN at the end ofthe steps, Use M20 trade concrete and HYSD steel of grade FediS a reinforcement 25° Design and details dog-legaed staircase located in stir hall measuring 2.75 4.50 m fora public building. Tee storey or floor-t-lor height is 3.30 m. The service live load on srs is 4.0 kN with the weight of finishes of 0.5 kNAm. Adopt riser end twead of 180 mm and 250 mm, respectively. The grades of concrete and steel tobe used are M20 and Fed, regecvey. 26 A dog-lepged waist slab ype saieate isto be provided for an office bling, sith 1 floortofloor height of 3.3 m, the flight and landing widths are spulated to be 125 ‘The sss are 1 be supported on 230 mm thick masonry wall a the edges of the landing, parle 1 the risers. Design the sarease, whichis Table wo overcrowding, thing canrete of grade M20 and HYYSD tur of grade Fes 2.7 Repeat problem 2.6, consiserng each of the landings to be supported only cn two edges perpendicular to the risers 28 Repeat problem 2:7, considering a uead-iser type of suitcase, instead of a wast slab ‘ype 29 Design a fight between landing to landing of a wead-iser type of staircase, with 10 sis, each 150 mm, and with tread of 270 mm. The upper and lower landings are 1200 ‘um wide each supped oa 230 mm thick masonry wall atthe edges, parallel tthe ‘iter. The stars habe tobe overroided. The materi o be wed for construction are M20 grade concrete and HYSD bars of grade Fe 415. 210 Design a single fight straight stirs in a residential building for the movement fom the ground to the roof ata height of 3.3 m. The stirs ae bul i the wall with @ bearing of 120 mm along te fight and support superimpoeed load of 3.0 EN. The ‘weight of finishes is 0.30 kN of finished sep surface. The ite and read of the step ae 175 mm and 250 ram, respectively. The width of the str is 00 m. The materials of constuction are M20 grade concrete and FeAl5 grade ste 21 Redesign the sas ight of Problem 2.10 when the stairs ae supported on wall on oe Side end singer beam on the oer. The horizontal span ofthe sais is 135 m. The rmateals to be used are M20 grade concrete and mild steel reinforcement. Hint: Treat the stair as 9 one-vay slab of effective span of L45 m (21.35 + 0.10) HDD Design of Reinforced Conerate Structures = (U2) (Effective depth of waist sib + Average thickness of steps) = (U2) (Effective depth of waist slab + RI JR +71 212 Design a dogeegged stair for a mukisorey building having a wait hall of size 2:75 45 m The storey height, .c, the vertical dance between Noors is 3.30 m. “The rise has been predetermined to be 150 mm and the mead is as per arangement ‘The landings span longitudinally and have 200 mm bearings on the wal. The waist slabs have 150 mm horizontal gp (i plan) between fights. Te eair isto camy superimposed loud of 3 KNin®. The weight of fishes is 0.15 EN’ ofthe finshed step surface, The materials are M2O grade concrete and mild steel reinforcement. CHAPTER 3 Design of Slabs 3.1 INTRODUCTION {In enforced concrete constriction, the slab isan extensively used structural clement forming floors and roofs ofthe buildings. A concrete sla isthe plane element having the depth D inch ‘small than it span and wideh may be suppored by reinforced concrete beams, by masonry walls or dieely by columns. It usually cartes uniformly disbuted gravity loads acting ‘normal to its surface and transfer the same to the supports by flexure, shear and torsion. Slabs ‘reclassified aconding to the system of supports a: (0) ommay sata, () twonay slabs, (6) flat slabs supponed diectiy on columns without beams, (@) velar and nooetangular slabs, and (©) eid or wae slabs Some of these slab systems ae illustrated in Fig. 3.1. The slabs of types (2) and (2) will be discussed in Chapter 4. Typically non-rectngular slabs are shown in Pig. 3.17 ‘Slabs supported only on two opposite sides by rigid suppor as shown in Fig 3.2(a) cary load by flexure inthe direction perpendicular t the suppons. The plane surface of & predominanty uniformly losed slab deforms ito a cylindric surface in which curvature end ence bending moment develops ony in oe direction. Sach slabs ae called ene-may slabs snd ‘estetally act ax sallow beats with large width. The slabs supported on all fou sides also ‘eave as one-way slabs ifthe ratio of longer to shorter spans is greater than two as shown in Fig, 320) . Design of Slabs B09] Moment diagram (supported on two opposite edges) (a) One-way slab action Lz 2h, (c) Two-way slab action SS Moment diagram: | over short strip (b) Predominantly one-way slab action Fig. 3.2 One-way and two-way slab actions. EDD _Design of Reinforcad Concrete Structures “he slabs shown in Fig. 3.16) which are supponed diretly on clams without beams or Binders are called flat slabs. In such slabs, args moments and shear forces are induced inthe Vicinity of the columns. Therefore, the slabs ae thickened in the region surtounding the ‘column and the column ate flared a the top, as asad in Fig. 3.te(), 0 reduce sess ‘ve to shear force and neyaive bending moter, these arangemeats are refered to a dep ‘panels and column heads, respectively. When the spans of sla are not large and loads ae not excessive both the panel drop and column bead may be omitted. Such sab is calle the fat plate as shown in Fig. 3. Lei, A lt sla having recess formed (by removable or filer blocks) ‘om the soffit so that it comprises a series of ribs in two directions i called wae slab. The Slabs suppoced on a seis of intersecting long rigid beams called slab-grid is shown in Fig. 3.10. 3.2 GENERAL CODAL REQUIREMENTS Following design requirements are generally considered forthe slabs 32.1 Serviceability Requirements Deflection control criterion: The slabs are designed for serviceability requirements of TERT 26) x Modieation Taco? Maitication fast my = mp me El Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Since there is no compression steel at mid-span, my, = 1.0 and as the slab is to be designed as an under-reinforced section, i.¢., p;< P,jim. Consider p, = 0.5 per cent and f, = 0.58 x 415 = 240.7 MPa. The modification factor mg is 1.2, thus my = 1.2. Therefore, 3600 d= 3x2 = 130.43 mm. Consider 10 mm ©® bars for reinforcement, the overall depth: D= 130.43 + clear cover + (Diameter of bar/2) = 130.43 + 15 + (10/2) = 150.43 mm Consider 150 mm thick slab with d = 130 mm. Design for moment: Loads Dead load of slab w, = 0.15 x 1.0 x 25 = 3.75 kN/m Load due to partition w, = 1.35 kN/m Load due to finishes wy = 0.65 kKN/m Total dead load wg = w, + Wy + wy = 5.75 kN/m Live load w; = 3,00 kN/m Factored dead load w,g = YX wy = 15% 5.75 = 8.625 kN/m Factored live load w,) = y X w= 15 x 3.00 = 4,500 kN/m The maximum values of factored bending moments occur in the end span: Waal. Wal? 12 10 My said = = 8:625%3.6" | 4.5 x 3.67 ~ 12 10 = 9.32 + 5.83 = 15.12 kNm _ 8.625 x3 i0 11.18 + 6.48 = 17.66 kNm Thus, M,, for calculation of thickness is 17.66 kNm. Consider that the thickness of the slab is proportioned to the moment near its balanced value: 0.1388 fubd® = My 0.1388 x 20 x 1000d? = 17.66 x 10° or d = 79.99 mm Design of Slabs Fea Consider 10 mm ®@ bars at 15 mm clear cover. Then, the overall depth D = 79.99 + 15 + (10/2) = 99.99 mm. However, from the serviceability limit state criterion of deflection the depth adopted is 150 mm. Reinforcement, -(44 JI fe ith) “fybd yor ml ae = 402.27 mm? 2x 415 (ease) Adopt 10 mm ® bars at 195 mm cle (A,, = 402.56 mm?): 100 x 402.56 = 000x130 = 0.31 per cent Modification factor for p, = 0.31 per cent is 1.3. The depth of the section required from the serviceability limit state criterion of deflection: _ Effective span ~ 0.5(26 + 20) x Modification factor 3600 = xa = 120.4 mm < 130 mm (provided) Therefore, the slab is safe in deflection. Distribution steel, 0.12bD _ 0.12 x 1000 x 150 100 100 Provide 8 mm © bars at 270 mm c/c (< 5d or 450 mm); Ay = 186.15 mm’, Ag = = 180 mm? Curtailment of positive steel: Alternate bars shall be curtailed at distances not more than 0.157 and 0.25! from discontinuous and continuous edges, respectively. The development length, _ O87 f,0 — O8TX 41S X@ _ For the development length criteria, (a) At simply supported end, (i) Length beyond cut of point = 0.15 x 3600 — 0.50 x 230 + 160 = 585 mm > Ly (= 470 mm) (ii) Length of curtailed bar from the mid-span = 0.501 - 0.15! = 0.35! = 0.35 x 3600 1260 mm > Ly | 122 | Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (b) At interior support, (i) 0.25 x 3600 - 0.50 x 300 + 150 = 900 mm > L, (= 470 mm) (ii) 0.50 x 3600 - 0.25 x 3600 = 900 mm > Ly Curtailment of negative steel: The length of the bars extending from the discontinuous and continuous edges shall not be Jess than Ly. Length of bars from centre of end support = 0.10/ or Ly i.e., 470 mm Length of bar from centre of interior support = 0.15! or Ly ie, 540 mm Check for shear: Maximum factored shear force: V, = 0.66w,) + Wys) = 0.6(8.625 + 4.5)3.6 = 28.35 kN Nominal shear stress: z= Ma 28.3510" "bd 1000 x 130 For M20 grade concrete with p, = 0.31 per cent, T. = 0.389 MPa. For solid slab permissible shear strength, T. =1.3 x 0.389 = 0.506 MPa. Since t, > 7,. no shear reinforcement is required. = 0.218 MPa. Check for development length: (i) The minimum length of the bar to be embedded in the support = L,/3 Las 0 3 = 47x 3 160 mm ba 3 For 10 mm @® bars, For 8 mm © bars, = 47x = 125 mm t2| 00 Consider that the reinforcing bars are embedded up to the total width of the support with a clear side cover of 25 mm. Thus, the length of the bar embedded into the support is: = Width of the support — Clear side cover of 25 mm = 230 — 25 = 205 mm, more than the minimum length required. (ii) At the simple supports, M, Ly # 13( 4] +L, And at points of inflection: M, Ly 4 ( ss) thy At the simply supported end, M,,,, the moment of resistance of the section at the support may be taken as half the span moment as alternate bars have been bent up, i.e., M,,, =0.50 x (15.12) = 7.56 kNm V, =(0.40 x 8.625 x 3.6) + (0.45 x 4.5 x 3.6) = 19.71 kN Design of Slabs JER) L, = the anchorage length beyond the centre of support which should not exceed d or 12, whichever is more. Consider, L, = 8 (for 90° bend). Thus, for Ly F (L3 x My /V¥,) + Ly ie. 47> F 1.3(7.56 10°V(19.71 x 10°) + 8 @ or d F 12.79 Since, Pyrovicea (= 10 mm) ¥ 12.79 mm, the diameter of bars is satisfactory. The preceding condition of development length will also be satisfied at the points of inflection since the value of M,,, remains the same as half of the span moment and V, has a smaller value. The reinforcement details are shown in Fig. 3.8. Figure 3.8(a) illustrates an arrangement with bent-up bars, and Fig. 3.8(b) an arrangement with straight bars. However, former arrangement is preferable. Distrowton bars 7 “i frunkaom two bars) £ OSA. Ay (a+b) 10 mm @ 195 cle 034 0.15), a {e+ a) Sl tAy (8) An arrangement with bent-up bars 0.31, Distribution bars at top {minimum two bars) 4 150 mm 25mm + (min.) Ay 10 mm @ 195 cic 0.48) 8mm @ 270 cle = 3600 (b) An arrangement with straight bars Fig. 3.8 Detailing a one-way continuous slab. El Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Alternatively, if a slab of lesser thickness, e.g. 130 mm instead of 150 mm with 10 mm ® bars at 160 mm c/c (Ay = 491 mm or p, = 0.446) is adopted, the effective depth d of the slab reduces to 110 mm which is safe (> 89.82 mm) with respect to the limit state of collapse in flexure. However, this depth is unsafe (< 117.06 mm) with respect to the serviceability limit state of deflection. Hence deflection check is required. The short- and long-term deflections can be computed as follows: (a) Short-term deflection: The constants required for the computation of deflection, E,= 5000/F, = 5000/20 = 2.236 x 10! MPa E, 2x 10° E. 2.236104 fr= 0.7/4 = 0.7J20 = 3.13 MPa Gross moment of inertia, bD* 130° I= F> = l000x <5 = 1.83 x 10° mm* Let x be the depth of the neutral axis in the cracked section; take moment of effective areas about the neutral axis: tx(3) = mAfd — x) 1000s( +) = 8.94 x 491 x (110 - x) x? + 8.779x — 965.7 = 0 Therefore, x = 26.99 mm d- (3) = 110 - (2422) = 101.00 mm Therefore, moment of inertia of the cracked section, bx" > lee + + mA,(d - xP (26.99) 3 3.6801 x 107 mm 1000 x + 8.94 x 491 x (110 — 26.99)* Design of Siabs Ea Cracking moment Ferls y M, = (1.83 x 108) (1230/2) Maximum moment at the midspan in the service state: = 3.13x = 8.812 x 10° Nmm 6 a= Ma = D12X1O 9.08 x 10° Nmm 1 15 baru fi (ela)e-aes)] 1 [ee 4 101.00 (,_ 26.99) 10.08 x 10° 110 “THO Next, = (3.6801 x 10’) x{a-{ _ 3.6801 x 107 “0.5943 Thus, [cp < leq < /, and hence is satisfactory. Total load on the slab strip W = (5.75 + 3.00) x 3.6 = 31.5 kN. Also, 5-3 (¥e +384 | Els _ 5x (31.5 x 10°) x (3600)' 384 x (2.236 x 10°) x (6.1927 x 10") = 6.1927 x 10’ mm* = 13.82 mm (b) Long-term defiection: (i) Deflection due to shrinkage: 8, = kaWed? Here, Be 0.086 for a member continuous at one end. In this case, = 0.446, p, = 0 and hence p,—- p, = 0.446 Ves = Shrinkage curvature = ky £1 where y= 0.72 x PEP) <0 P, Ea Design of Reinforced Conerete Structures 0.446 = 072 x = 0.481 0.446 €., = Ultimate shrinkage strain in concrete = 0.0003 Therefore, 0.481 x 0.0003 Yes = yg = LL x 10% Hence, 6, = 0.086 x (1.11 x 10%) x (3600)? = 1.24 mm. (ii) Deflection due to creep: Assuming that the permanent load is 60 per cent of the total service load, i.c., W, = 0.6 x 31.5 = 18.9 KN Consider the creep coefficient, @ = 1.6. Then E, _ 2.236 x10" Fe = TG" 1s16 = 8.6 x 10? N/mm? Total short-term plus long-term creep deflection due to permanent load is: 5 wie Sno 384 * Ele 5 x 18.9 x 10°) x (3600)° = = 21.56 mm 384 x (8.6 & 10°) x 6.1927 x 107 i. = 0.68, = 8.292 mm Therefore, Op = 21.56 — 8.292 = 13.268 mm Total long-term deflection: 6 = 6, + 6. + Oy = 13.82 + 1.24 + 13.268 = 28.328 mm Compare these values with the permissible deflection; Span = 3.6 x 10° 250 250 14.4 mm < 28.328 mm Hence the calculated deflection is much higher than the permissible value. Deflection permitted after the erection of partitions and the application of finishes _ Effective span _ 3600 ~ 350 ~ 350 1. Permissible final deflection = wv = 10.29 mm or 20 mm, whichever is less. ’ Design of Slabs [ER Consider that half the total shrinkage occurs within the first 28 days; then deflection occurring after 28 days would be 6, = 0.5 x (1.24) + 13.268 = 13.888 mm > 10.29 mm Thus, none of the serviceability requirements for the deflection is satisfied; hence the section should be revised. 3.4 TWO-WAY SLABS As explained earlier, in two-way slabs the load is carried by flexure in two directions; hence, these slabs carry more load and exhibit smaller deflection compared to one-way slabs. Thus, an improved structural efficiency is obtained. Such slabs having the ratio of longer to shorter spans less than 2, and supported on four or three or two adjacent edges, are difficult to analyze by classical theory using differential equations. Therefore, analysis is generally cartied out by using approximate theory which provides a satisfactory solution for design purposes. The approximate methods are based on experimental investigations into the behaviour of slabs under imposed loads. The two-way slabs can be simply supported or restrained to different degrees at the edges. The simply supported slabs deflect into a form of saucer, if the comers are not held down or restrained as shown in the Fig. 3.2(b), and the corners are twisted and lift upward from the support, while in restrained slabs the corners are held down and prevented from lifting upward. However, it must be realized that the largest moment in the slab occurs where curvature is sharpest, Le., at mid span of short strip for symmetrical end conditions. The long and narrow slabs deflect in the form of bath tub. The long central strip is essentially flat and consequently without moment except near its ends as shown in Fig. 3.2(b). Only the short strips have significant curvature and hence the moment over most of its length. In a restrained slab, the deflection and moments are reduced and it can support more load. However, corner reinforcement is necessary for resisting the torsion induced due to edge restraints, This situation may arise when a slab is supported on the edges by beams constructed monolithically with the slab or when the slab is supported on the edges by walls with superstructure walls over the edges. The edge beams shall also be designed for torsion. When there is continuity in the slab, the comers are held down by means of continuity effect; hence no provision for torsion is required for a continuous slab on all the four edges. 3.4.1 Methods of Analysis Elastic analysis: An approximate but practical analysis has been proposed by Rankine- Grashoff. The method visualizes a two-way uniformly loaded and simply supported rectangular slab as consisting of two orthogonal intersecting sets of parallel strips (beams with unit width), one in each of the two directions. These intersecting strips transfer the load to the respective pair of edge supports. The fractions of load transferred to the supports by any two typical intersecting strips are such that the deflection of two strips at the common point is the same. Figure 3.9(a) shows Design of Slabs [ERY The corresponding moments in the strips are: wR if rt 2 M,= [ 7 }-LA = Ne =a,wie (3.7) we) fifo > M,= (“#)- Eres Jee (3.8) " — where (3.9) = —— and OF ger) It should be noted that the maximum moment in short direction is 7 times the moment in the longer direction. Thus, for the case where |, > 2/,. for all practical purposes it may be assumed that all the loads are carried in the shorter direction even for the slabs supported on four sides. The distribution steel provided along the longer span takes care of moment generated in that direction. IS:456 has adopted these moment coefficients for the analysis of simply supported rectangular slabs carrying a uniformly distributed load with comers free to lift. The values are given in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Moment Coefficients for Simply Supported Two-way Slabs Ith, 1.0 141 1.2 13 14 15 1.75 2.0 25 3.00 Oy 0.062 0.074 0.084 0.093 0.099 0104 0113 0.118 0.122 0.124 Gy 0.062 0.061 0.059 0.055 0.051 0.046 0.037 0.029 0.020 0.014 Notes: 1. Intermediate values of a, and a, may be interpolated. 2. At least 50 per cent of tension reinforcement provided at the midspan should be extended into the supports. The remaining 50 per cent should extend within 0.10l, or 0.10ly of the support, as appropriate. 3. The shear stresses will be checked as per one-way slab. 4. For two-way slabs, the shorter of the two spans should be used for calculating the span to effective depth ratio which controls the serviceability requirement for deflection. If the intersecting parallel strips in the two directions are analyzed as a grid system, it is seen that the strips are twisted and result in twisting moment near the comers. Consequently the load of slab is carried not only by bending in two directions but also by twisting. Thus, the twisting moments relieve a portion of bending moment. For this reason bending moments in an elastic slab are smaller than that computed by Egs. (3.7) and (3.8) derived for the sets of unconnected El Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures strips. Thus, the analysis considering discrete strips free of interaction from the rest of the slab results in conservative estimate of design bending moments. For the slab with comers held down Marcus has modified the Rankine-Grashoff coefficients by multiplying them with correction factors. The moments obtained by using Marcus's corrections vary within 2 per cent of those obtained by rigorous elastic theory. Thus, the modified values of moments taking torsion effects into account are: Mz = C, M, and My = Cy My where the correction factors C, and C, for simply supported slabs are given by 5 or C,=C, =|1-= G.10) | a+r) | The reduction in moments due to corners being held down is about 42 per cent for a simply supported square slab and 9 per cent for a simply supported one-way slab. The corresponding values for fixed edge square and one-way slabs are 14 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively. Codal analysis of restrained rectangular slabs: The results based on the elastic analysis do not reflect the behaviour of slabs near collapse. The bending moments coefficients recommended by IS:456 are based on yield line theory discussed in Chapter 5. The values of moment coefficients for nine standard configurations of slab panels depending on the number of discontinuous edges (zero, one, two, three or four) and degree of restraint at the edges (ie., fixed suppor, simple support and continuous support) given in Table 3.6. have been adopted from CP:1 10-1972. The coefficients are based on the assumption that the negative moment at a continuous support is approximately 1.33 times the positive span moment. The procedure recommended by the code is applicable to the slabs restrained on all the sides with comers prevented from lifting and adequate provision being made for torsion. The beneficial effect of comer restraints with provision of corner reinforcement is the reduction of deflections and curvatures in the middle region of the slab. It may be noted that the sum of negative and positive moment coefficients is approximately one-third higher than the corresponding value based on Marcus theory. For illustration consider the case of a square slab restrained on all the sides. The yield lines divide the square slab into four identical parts. Consider element El, the external done by the load on this part is: Internal work done over the reinforcement in the middle strip is Wj, = 0.75 (m + km) L. From work equation, W,= W, wi * jaa +H Gu) With k = 1,33 as adopted by the code the positive span moment m = 0.02384 (= 0,024) wl? and mk = 0.0317 (= 0.032) wl? as given in the table. Design of Slabs Ea 3.4.2 General Expressions for Moment Coefficients Positive moment coefficients a,", a,': It may be noted that the short span positive moment coefficient, @," increases considerably as 7,/I, increases from 1.0 to 2.0. However, the code recommends a constant value of a for all aspect ratios 1,/l,. The values of a7, have been obtained from the formula: + _ 244 2ny +1503 a = 1000 (3.12) where ny represents the number of discontinuous edges. Corresponding to ny = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, the values of obtained are 0.0240, 0.0275, 0.0340, 0.0435 and 0.0560, respectively, as against the code specified values of 0.024, 0.028, 0.035, 0.043 and 0.056. The values of a,* may be obtained in terms of a,* and aspect ratio, r = 1, /1, from yield line analysis as follows: (3.13) 3 a +] (3) 1 J2es (Cy + Cr (Cy tp) where C has values of 1.00 and 1.5275 for the discontinuous and continuous edges, respectively and the subscripts x and y denote short and long edges, respectively while the additional subscripts 1 and 2 represent the two edges in either direction. Thus, for example, for the slab panel of Type 3 (one long edge discontinuous): Cy + Cyq = 1.0000 + 1.5275 = 2.5275 and Cy + Cyy = 1.5275 + 1.5275 = 3.055 For this type of panel, ny = 1; hence, o,* = 0.028. The moment coefficient a,” may be obtained, from Eqn. 3.13 as: _ () 1 — {2 x 0,028(3.055)/r 3 (2.5275)° = 0.1043 x [I - (0.7229/r)] For illustration consider r = 1.0, 1.75 and 2.0, the values of span moments a," are 0.0289, 0.061 and 0.066, respectively, as compared to the values of 0.028, 0.059 and 0.065 given in Table 3.6. Similarly, the values of af and a} can be obtained for different values of r = (#,/1,) in the range 1.0 to 2.0 and given set of boundary conditions. For the value of (1,/l,) exceeding 2.0, the Code recommends that the slab should be treated as one-way slab; the provision of the secondary reinforcement in the long span direction is expected to take care of the nominal bending moments that may arise in this direction.

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